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Great Lures That Caught You Squat Last Season?


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The lure that caught me absolutely squat last year would be the Little Cleo!.....Yes, I know, amazing as it sounds.....The worlds most vesatile lure in my opinion (There is, I believe, a cleo color pattern and size available for any given possible situation;ie: jigging, casting, trolling). But, will I say that the Cleo is a un-productive bait?......Only a fool could say so! Do I own probably almost every color pattern and size? Yes!...............I will continue to fish with this spoon, based on fellow angler's sucess rates, and will someday catch a fish on a Cleo!

Try throwing a small gulp grub on the end...yellow and get rid of the treble.

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CLofchik remember the thread early last June where you raved about the Spro Crank25 Shad? I subsequently bought 6 of them and have yet to catch a fish on one of 'em. :D

Not giving up on them yet though


Bwhaa haa haaa

Feel the awesomeness, it just radiates from this lure :D




you look in my "x-rap bin" in my tackle box and you'll see the beating these have taken from fish. the only time ive ever seen x-raps get mangled like i see in your pictures is when you slap it on the water when you get cabbage on it or you do a lunatic cast onto some rocks really hard. doesnt seen used but abused. you guys must be doing it wrong or something...


I've landed walleye, pike and bass on them like no other rapala i've used. I usually am ANTI-Rapala, but for bass and pike they seemed to be magnets when worked properly in the water. I havent done anything spectacualr with them for Walleye but they do work well I know that.


As for the paint stripping I havent had one problem with this.


One mans opinion :)


Okay to be clear, I tore that one apart myself just to show the internal rust buildup if (when) you do get water inside. What killed it was a tiny pinhole on top where a 5lb. pike chunked the crappy finish. It was fish #3 on this particular lure and it was done after that. Even drum are killing these things for me because the cheapo body flexes so much it separates and let's water in, which rusts the cheap rattles, which kills the lure.



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It's probably important to keep in mind that not all lures are going to behave the same even though they are the exact same model. Some just have that extra bit of movement or something unique that gives them that performance edge. I remember reading once that some pros get large number of lures to try from their sponsors and test them to find just the right ones - even though they may all be the same model. I don't know if that's true, but I don't doubt it.


Anyway, this isn't quite the same, but for me it was my Len Thompson Canadian Flag spoon. I used it for several hours on Canada Day last year trying to land a pike or walleye. Unfortunately, I got hung up on a deadhead and my lure is now in a watery grave. Was rather disappointed. However, I will not give up! I will purchase another this year and give it a whirl on Canada Day 2010!!! Hopefully I can find one.


As for the Storm, I haven't used many of the plastics yet. I bought a ton of them when they were like $1 a bag. I have used the Kickin'Minnow with success, but haven't even really tried the swim shads much.

Edited by adempsey
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Could try carrying nail polish or super glue and if you notice any teeth holes- coat them to prevent leakage. X Raps have been great for Pike in the Muskokas. Smithwick Rogues outperform all others when I troll for Walleye at dusk! I agree though- the Storm swimbaits look great- but have produced nothing for me!

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