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I'm pleased to report that Buck and I had an uneventful trip south.

We arrived back around the 28th of October, but it has taken until now to get our cable Internet connection reinstalled.

It's the busy time down here with flocks of snowbirds arriving every day.

So far we have spent a lot of time shopping to restock the pantry in our winter place and cleaning up the yard etc.

This coming week we will hit the water.

Hopefully we will have pictures as well as a story for you soon...grin.

The weather has been quite warm...in the low 90's everyday. The forecast is for temps. in the high to mid 80's next week.

In the dry heat of the desert it doesn't make much difference...What really matters is the overnight lows. They are still in the mid- fifties...

This makes it very pleasant to sit out with a cocktail in the evening.

By-the-way 24's of bottled beer are $9.98 at the grocery store this week and 750 bottles of CC were $9.98 last week...

Gas is about $2.50 a gallon, so that's .65.8 cents a liter? The exchange rate is about 10% so say $0.73 a liter Canadian.


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The weather has been quite warm...in the low 90's everyday. The forecast is for temps. in the high to mid 80's next week.


So has Buck had his warm weather buzz cut yet? I wanna see pics of that. I just can't believe you give him a mohawk every winter.



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You gotta love that dry heat. 90 is indeed very tolerable down there. My warmest day was 112 in Laughlin and I wasn't even sweating. I chuckle in the summer everytime the news up here says tomorrow's high will be 75 but the humid x will make it feel like 90. I'd take the dry Arizona 90 over the humid southern ontario 75 anyday. And the way things cool down in the evening...man I love that too.


Retirement is just around the corner for us, so Debbe and I are starting to look into snow bird options ourselves. If you got the time to PM me some of the details about your area it would be most appreciated.


Enjoy your season in the sun

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I don't buzz cut Buck's coat.

The temperature down here is dropping slightly, week by week.

Bucks winter coat will fall out as fast as it comes in.

This means a lot of brushing, but he enjoys it and I don't find it a chore.


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