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8th Anniversary of 9/11/01


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Please remember that today is the 8th anniversary of 9/11. Please remember and pray for the families of those civilians and police and firefighters who perished. Also please pray for those rescue workers who were at the scene and are experiencing a host of ailments and are being forgotten about by their governments (municipal,state, and federal!!!) and are still battling illness. For them, 9/11 is still ongoing. Reflect for a moment on your life and ask yourself, if I were in one of those people in the towers and I were to perish now, where would I be going?? Pause and be greatful for the family and friends that you are blessed with. Rest in peace brothers, fyrguyry

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Ive been revisiting this all day during my workday, just looking at pictures, reading up on the events and experiences and the like........just remembering and shaking my head at what a day that truly was. It still hits me as surreal when looking back on it. With the exception of the loss of my mom, (nothing will ever shake me like that) this comes in as the second most rattling day in my lifetime to date. I couldnt even imagine being one of the many that were in that city that day.


I have an uncanny remembrance of the guy at his desk next to me at work, with ihs headphones on, and saying......hmmmm, i guess an airplane just hit one of the world trade centers. It took a while, but it went from just me and him going, wow, no kidding...... must have been a little cesna, let me know what happened (he had the news on his headphones) Before we knew it, the entire building was in the cafeteria watching NY City in a cloud of panic and basically just looking at each other like , what is going on here. You could sense the uneasiness in everyone, not saying much, but everyone with a look of fear and anger and confusion about them.

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I am sorry as well for the lost of lives on this sad day- but- everyone needs to try and understand that there are many UN ANSWERED questions from that day. I know some of you will think I am a nut job but I dont care- please judge me ONLY AFTER looking and doing there own research-


9/11 was an inside job- plain and simple. I will start by saying this: We all watched on tv, the events that unfolded. We saw 3 buildings fall unto their own footprint. That is called a Gravitational demo. Which means that all 4 support beams ( or weight loads) had to have broke at the same time. So a little math: 3 buildings= 12 beams or sides. 2 planes. Now I will link some very important things to consider.










That should be enough for now. And AGAIN everyone ONLY judge after you have looked at these links ... Thanxs for your time and I do think deeply that the only thing we can do for the victims is to find the real terrorists of that day.

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The Only thing the victims need is JUSTICE ---




I am sorry to turn this into something that it shouldnt but BILL do your own research then comment. <


RESEARCH nano-Thermite -- it is public knowledge that we have found more then 2 tons of nano-Thermite in the rubble. Sorry to say that no man from a third world country living in a cave with no electricity can make that. It is only made in a USA military LAB


Bill, please before this gets way out of hand- PLEASE look at this




If you can give me a better answer - I will listen...... can you

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Guest ThisPlaceSucks

9/11 was really messed up and i still get all nauseous when i see those images.


i think it's also worth mentioning that a lot of innocent iraqi/afghani civilians have been killed in the conflicts since 9/11.

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Let's not go there. I believe that the thread was started to honour the folks who lost their lives or were maimed that awful day. Start another thread or go to another site for this kind of stuff. It will never matter where the hit came from. All that will matter and does matter is that a whole lot of innocent folks died.

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Thank you Roy,


you are so right. I myself LOST someone on that day. I very dear close friend of mine. He was working in Tower 2. I miss him dearly, and I still talk with his family. I find it to be an insult to the families that we still have not charged anyone for this crime. I am truly sorry for the lives lost, and we as human beings should only trying to figure out WHY this happened. I am sorry to come off as a nut- but I morn my friend very year and for the last 8 years I can only believe the nuts. All the families of this day that lost someone just want to live knowing that there is JUSTICE.


Let me ask: Hotrod, and Bill, and even the DR--- how would you feel if you lost someone that was very close to you, and you know the killer or killers were walking free?


Roy, and all members of this great site- I am sorry to vent. I did not want to offend anyone. I am sorry for MY lost.

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Oh yes, I remember.


I can still close my eyes and re-play in my mind the TV footage of innocent people jumping from the upper floors with smoke and flame at their backs.


Conspiracy theorists anger me. I see their delusions as disrespectful.

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