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A Prayer.


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I've seen stuff like this on the board before. At this time I'm asking for a prayer to let my friend go fast and peacefulll. Big, Tough, but it's time!!!! Loved his fishing and he dumped my boat up in the Wiarton area a couple of years ago. :lol: :lol: One of many memories we shared over the 50yrs that I've known that Fat bugger and I wasn't done with him yet but crap happens. He still owes me money!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:


I Laugh Between the Tears.


God Bless You Brad.

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I've seen stuff like this on the board before. At this time I'm asking for a prayer to let my friend go fast and peacefulll. Big, Tough, but it's time!!!! Loved his fishing and he dumped my boat up in the Wiarton area a couple of years ago. :lol: :lol: One of many memories we shared over the 50yrs that I've known that Fat bugger and I wasn't done with him yet but crap happens. He still owes me money!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:


I Laugh Between the Tears.


God Bless You Brad.


Been there. Done that. Not the dying part - the support, and the grieving part. Dunno which is harder, but I guess one day we'll all get to find out. In the meantime tell Brad that yer coming to collect - somehow, and that he should save a place for you in the boat. I kinda suspect that the dying folk sometimes like a little down to earth (or just plain fun) talk that doesn't directly involve dying and sad stuff. They have enuf of that on their minds as is. So find a nice balance that includes the dying part obliquely with BSing him that it won't happen, cuz it will, and he knows it, and distracting him from that inevitable event coming to pass.


I went thru this recently with my best friend. It sucked - for both of us - but I guess it sucked more for him. Some of us (his friends) were able to laugh at his funeral about the stuff we had said to him, and that he had said to us. I still laff sometimes at things that were said, and that makes me feel better. I hope it makes him feel better, cuz that means he's watching, and that's good. :D


One regret I'll die with is not having the chance to talk this over with our oldest boy before he died. His death came without warning (car accident) and I'll never get over the things I wish we'd said. For those who missed it, that's advice to parents who don't talk enuf to their kids. We were on great terms, and I think very close, but I still wish I hadn't taken him so for granted. The same goes for good friends. Cherish your family and your friends while they're with us cuz they may be gone too fast.


I hope we all get to come back for a critique of how our family & friends handled our passing, and we can all show them somehow that we appreciated the way they handled it, or not. I like the idea of raining fire and brimstone on those who screwed it up. I guess we'll never know what's what till we're the one being buried, but I ain't takin' no chances.


End of sermon. ;)

Give Brad a thumbs up for me. It never hurts.



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It hurts,theres no dought about it. I carried alot of pain for my lose, never let it go until a few months ago. Remember the good and bad times,but always remember Brad,just dont dwell on the past. It will eat you up.Been there,almost cost me.


Prayers for your friend and you.

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Thanx Guys!!!! Just got back from the hospital and that MF is still with us. He's almost as tough as my Dad and my Uncle Danny (Infantrty, 3 stints on the front lines). They were bad boys, but before I go on and on about things, I need sleep. I haven't slept in a couple of days.


God Bless You All!!!!!!

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