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Belle River MCI Kids fishing Derby


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Well yet another great event went down in the books and this years had the most kids yet 240 kids came out and had fun it sure was a great event.


I must say that mother nature was on our side this year unlike years past she gave us a great morning with a cool breeze from the lake that made it every enjoyable for everyone.


Thank you to all our sponsors that always help out for these events.


Here are some pics from the day


The line up was very long heading right out of the park first thing 7:30 we got the registration started








Our friends from the MNR came out to help us and talk with everyone also hand out fishing licences to the kids



Mo Musky as always was the big hit for the kids




Fishing went until 10am then we had to tally all the fish that were entered that took some time as there was alot of fish caught by the kids this year but we did get the Door prizes going shortly after 10:30 as planned but alot of people were done and ready shortly after 10.








and around 10:45 we got to the winners here are a couple of them






Thank you to all our members for supporting this event and helping out with out our members we would not be able to do these events and Cody for being Mo Musky.

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I would love to take credit for this event but it has been going on longer then I have been a member of the Belle River Chapter I must say that this group we have is great with every member doing there part if its getting things ready for the event day or helping out measuring fish (that is the best job as you get to see the smiles first hand) all our members have done a great job thanks to them all.






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it was amazing. to see so many put volunteer hours, and monies to promote family fun fishing. we need more of this. . the belle river chapter has been tireless in this fashion. from donations to food banks, goodfellows, kids fishing derbies they have shown what sportsmen and women can do.. with donations and monies raised from club functions its all put back.hats off to all involved. if anyone gets the chance to be involved in this type of deal please do. you WILL fo home feeling good.

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