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Spring 2009 - MIA


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Finaly got out today for few hours in Cooks bay . Nothing more than a couple of pesky perch hits to show for it .


This spring was a complete bust as far as fishing goes .managed two trips( Gbay and Simcoe Pike openers) with no fish for me !


Rest of the time taken up with work and putting a new roof on the house.My Wifes health was not the best ( better now) which also kept me close home.


Todays fun started when I tried the free launch at the end of hwy 89 ..bad idea .. barely got out . Followed by a one hour wait for Cooks Marina to open and unlock thier launch.Finished up with one of my LED tail lights not working on the trailer.


flat water and hot sun gave up before noon.


here hoping Bass opener is better.



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The free launch at the end of 89 can be fun.


I launch there all the time in my volkswagon golf + 14 tinny, and have never come close to getting stuck. But I've seen guys backing empy trailers in to pick up their boats, and they get stuck on the way into the water (even in 4 wheel drive). They couldn't even get the trailer in far enought to pull the boat out.


You really have to watch it their. It's super soft this year for some reason. Wasn't like that last fall when I started using the launch.


I've been skunked every time out for pike this year on Simcoe. Can't figure em out.

Edited by F to the Is-H
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Been using that ramo for about 6 years ,water is real high for this time of the year which means I have to put all 4 wheels in the water , not such a great idea when launching a 17 footer with a mini van !

Not a bad ramp when conditions are better



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At the beginning of the year when the water level was real high, I could launch and still have my front tires on the asphalt!


No worries about spinning out then.


It's a little different with a 14' tinner though.

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