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Posted (edited)

Week 4 - Extreme Angler TV- Tonite on WFN , and saturday/sunday this weekend;


Team X member Mark Kulik puts on a clinic hunting down and catching big black slab sized crappies with the swimming grub technique, Bobby-D is on his home waters catching tasty-sized Detroit River walleyes in spring and K-Dawg hit`s the jackpot with giant largemouth bass hiding in lilypads...the hooksets never stop!



Edited by K-K-DAWG

Too bad I don't get that channel. I'd like to see them on the Detroit River. Can't wait to spring so I can get out there.


Does anyone know if OLN went off the air or did they change their name? I'm looking to change my cable providers so that I can get some better outdoor shows.

Posted (edited)

thanks for the info karl,your show rocks bud,i try to never miss it WTG....go get em :Gonefishing::thumbsup_anim: oh ya and zib yes OLN is alive and well ,its got some great shows but if you are gonna up-grade make sure you get a package with WFN,its awsome and here in ontario its only i think $3.99 a month...cheers

Edited by fishindevil

Thanks Fishindevil,



Unfortunately I don't have the option of getting WFN here in Michigan. My choices are The Outdoor Channel & Versus (which I believe is OLN's new name). In order to get those channels I have to get a higher end digital cable package that comes with movie channels that I could care less about. I get my raise in a couple of months so I'll be upgrading my cable service then. My son will be happy because then he can watch the Red Wings on Versus.

  Zib said:
Too bad I don't get that channel. I'd like to see them on the Detroit River. Can't wait to spring so I can get out there.


Does anyone know if OLN went off the air or did they change their name? I'm looking to change my cable providers so that I can get some better outdoor shows.

You need to see Extreme Angler. K-Dawg sets the hook so hard I swear he's going to pull the fish in half. I've always wondered how many small bass have flown over the boat :lol: . Don't expect to go right to sleep after watching this show. Maybe there should be a disclaimer at the beginning of the show- WARNING- watching this may cause quickness of breath,increased blood pressure,heart palpatations,insomnia,also may cause increased expectations which may lead to depression, nausea or vomitting. Watch at your own risk.


I went to WFN's website & they offer free On-Demand video of all there shows after they have aired. Hopefully they have tonight's show on there later on.

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