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Perfect finale of ice season


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Am I glad we went fishing with Brian today.

Took a bit of arm twisting and convincing we'll catch fish but he finally agreed.

A bit of late start as I somehow overslept until Brian was at my driveway :worthy:

Straight up to Simcoe and on the ice...Jackson's point was bad at the shoreline but Sibbalds PP was very good...quick drive and we were fishing...or trying to ...until we hear "Help meeeeeee" "Help meeee"...hmmmm took a while to figure out which direction was the call for help coming from and we've determined it was from a guy near a hut about 600-700 meters away...drove to him to see what is going on...old retired guy with one leg only functioning properly (the other was prosthesis)...on an ATV ...but the ATV's front was in the water...the guy told me he tried to get close to the door of his hut, but apparently the hut got moved/turned by the wind and he went into his own hole....while trying to figure out how to get him out(he didn't have rope or anything to pull him out) another guy (walking) came by and went to the front of the machine...and bammm...he went in up to above his knee with one leg...got him out quickly...looks like there was big hidden/snow covered hole waiting to take in anyone and anything that gets too close...told the old guy to get away from his hut so he doesn't end up been the next victim sinking considering his prosthesis it'd have been hard to get him out...luckily enough an Argo was passing by and he noticed me waving at him and stopped by to help...he had a rope so it took us only a minute to get the ATV out of the hole (it was still in gear)...

Anyhow...all this ended relatively well, so back to fishing...what fishing...no fish on the MarCum...so we start moving...once...twice....bammm found them near a Slovenian group of three very nice guys who were having great time ... lots of loughs were had between us...and then the fishing really started...lost track but must have got close to 20 whities hooked, half that much to the ice and released...and many more bumps.....the Slovenians did great as well...great couple hours by all for sure...we've decided to drive around the lake looking for lakers...couldn't find any even though we've searched for them far and wide...up to White Shoal, back to BBP, then to Long Shoal...more than 40 km drive on the lake but no lakers...oh well...next season....whities action was pretty good and satisfying so we were heading back to the park when the CO starts waving at us to stop...what the.....h wants to check fish, licenses etc. special attention to one of our small whities making sure it is not herring....went a bit far searchin entire truck for hidden fish...but after didn't find any problems got quite friendly and we've had a good chat...he didn't get any violators today...good...back to the park and back home...what a nice day, great weather, nice company and no problems on the ice...what more can one wish for.

Thanks for the company Brian and get ready for the boat season....those Salmon are looking for us ha ha ha :Gonefishing:

Tech. data: 75 fow, Williams half/half and Meegs got all fish...

Here is what we took home:

Sorry for the cell phone picture but I've decided not to take the camera with me today as when I do I don't catch fish ha ha ha, it worked





Ice Fisherman

Edited by icefisherman
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Great report Emile.Nice fo you to lend a helping hand to someone in need may have been 30 whities had you not been distracted.


Sounds like an agressive dude from the MNR.Unfortunately someone else may have been caught this way so you had to pay for the bad asses.


I sure would not like someone going through my vehicle.


If they want to be that agressive its high time to look at folks over filling the white buckets on the piers where is the MNR for that :dunno:

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Wow, couldn't ask for better weather!!! Had a great time Emil and I'll see you Sunday. Hey, let's skip the basement work and take the boat out!!


Some more pic's from today...


Early morning long shadows



Emil's first of the day. It was small but they kept getting bigger!



Saw lots of this today!!


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