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Hi all,


It has been a while since my last post. Lets say I had been dealing with expected events in life

until just now.


Since things didnt turn out the way I wanted/planned them to be no matter how hard I have tried, I have decided to buy myself a very FIRST CUSTOM rod.


Wonder what blanks you guys would recommend and the price range and other helpful stuff I should know

before talking to any builders




Ooops, I meant 'unexpected' events in life


Below is what I think


- Float rod

- 15-feet at least (I think 17' is too long for places I usually fish at

- 3 pieces (I guess this is a no brainer)

- Weight, as light as possible

- Action & Backbone (I tend to like stiffer rod)

- SiC guides (this is top of the line, right? does it really make any difference?)

- Large top guide for winter

- Fixed reel seat (another no brainer, haha)


- Money to spend .... uhm ... would 1000 enough or need more?

  Okuma-Sheffield said:
What blanks are recommended and where can I put my hands on them to have 'touch-and-feel' experience?


Well I'm partial to Loomis. As for hands on, well that depends, where are you located?


From what I can find, CTS and Raven are the only ones to have float blanks to 15’ readily available on the market. If you can find one, House of Hardy also made them to 15’ but I’ll wager that you probably might not like the action much if you’re used to the newer float rods with faster tapers. Talon at one time made them to 17’ but I’ve only seen 1 around 12 years ago.


15’ Loomis IMX blanks (If you can find one) were chop-shopped by various individuals from other rods (I have no clue which) to get them that length – At least that’s what their old rep told me. One of my friends found a butt extension in his rod when he went to rebuild the handle.LOL The GLX currently do not come in blank form unless you strip it down and do a rebuild.


As Spiel mentioned, I’d definitely get in touch with a few rod builders like:

John Collina (JC tackle - Caledonia)

Tom Cheng (AngSpec - Concord)

George Cheng (AngSpec – Scarborough)

Billy (Wilsons – Toronto)

Randy (Natural Sports – Kitchener)

Phil Ptak (Not sure if he’s still building but I can get you his contact info if you need – Buffalo, NY)


I’ve built 2 15’ rods in the past for my friends (Raven IM9, House of Hardy) and in terms of cost (flor grade cork, Fuji SIC, rosewood reel seat + butt, blank, labour), they were in the neighbourhood of $670 - $790 (not including tax).

  Okuma-Sheffield said:
Wow, stripping down a GLX and to rebuild ... sounds VERY EXPENSIVE!


No clue how much it would be to strip down a GLX. At least there's no hook keeper to get in the way.LOL


I'm guessing You would probably void the warranty by doing so which in retrospect, may cost you more in the long run should you break it.

  Spiel said:
Sage spey blank 10150-4 TCX 15'0" 4pc. 6 1/2 oz $463.00/American


If he built it, it would be the most powerful float rod in the history of man-kind :worthy:


It may possess a power so great that mere mortals like us cannot contemplate on how to handle it.


I was in Angling Speialties (kennedy rd location) the other day and he had a G-loomis already made up but I am not sure of the price.

  Spiel said:
Sage spey blank 10150-4 TCX 15'0" 4pc. 6 1/2 oz $463.00/American



That a ten wheight Chris? Seems kinda heavy for a noodle rod..


Like Mike said.. As mere mortals, we would tremble before the might of this powerful thunderbolt of a shtick!!



  Highdrifter said:
That a ten wheight Chris? Seems kinda heavy for a noodle rod..


Like Mike said.. As mere mortals, we would tremble before the might of this powerful thunderbolt of a shtick!!




There’s nothing in this world that could safely contain the power of that rod. If you stuck it in a nuclear reactor core, you could power the cities of Toronto, Pickering, Mississauga, Oakville and Hamilton for 1000 years just from its awesomeness.


In the wrong hands it’s a weapon of mass destruction bent on annoying anglers within 1km downstream of you while you make mega long-distance drifts and hooksets.


Far too much power for only 1 man to control


for 15's You are down to the IM9 (not sure if offered in a blank but I know they used to be).....or JC's CTS.....I would choose the CTS, no contest.

John is a very good builder and the 15ft is his signiture rod. If seen it dressed and undressed :asshat: and it's a good med nd big water rod. WAY more power than the GLX. The cost will be well under $1000 with hardloys and the fit will be unbelieable. Titanium SICs are he best of he best and will get you closer to that $1000 but will never snap off or crack the inserts...tuff as nails.


Side note on the new Kingpin:

The Kingpin is not yet offered in a blank or a 15fter......the blanks will be out in the late fall of 09, the 15fter....still working on getting them to see the market potetial. The 13fter is $350 and the 11'6" is $295........2pc, Fuji solid titanium guides (not coated) with sic inserts - 7's to the tip for ice up, line rated 4-8, IM8 matt green grafite with green wraps, no seats just rings and both have a 20.5 inch handle.


The 11'6" is lightening fast, with the long handle this is the ideal med and small water rod with torquing power to spare, crisp snap up that float and place it in the tightest of cover. The 13 has a more traditional action througout but the backbone underload was unbelieveable......I have yet to fish them but I'm hoping to get them out Sunday for a trial run.



  MJL said:
In the wrong hands it’s a weapon of mass destruction bent on annoying anglers within 1km downstream of you while you make mega long-distance drifts and hooksets.


:D :D :D :D :D

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