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First time ice fishing.


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Me and a friend are going out to Long Point Bay for our first Ice fishing experience, I think we have everything we need and are ready for the cold. We have Rods, a sled for our supplies and to sit on, an auger, an ice scoop, and various tackel. I'd be interested in any last minute tips or advice.

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If yer walkin any distance, I recommend packing yer heavy footwear on the sleigh, and using another pair of boots fer the walk out. That way you will not sweat up yer good heavy boots and socks, save those fer the long inactive standing around.

Yer toes will thank-you.

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Be prepared to work up a sweat while walking, and avoid it. If you are wearing a cotton undershirt, don't, as it will get damp right away and make sure you stay clammy and chilly all day, until you warm up again on the walk home. A light fleece shirt is better underlayer.


Pay attention to your core temp, and start removing layers as you warm up, starting with your hood, jacket zipper, hat, and so on. Sweating in this weather will guarantee that you will get cold when you rest.


Your furnace needs food and water, so bring some, even if it is just chocolate and jerky. Gatorade won't freeze as quickly as water. And, make sure that you have a coupla layers on yer noggin, that is the main determinant whether your feet freeze. Or not.

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You can rent a hut in St. Williams. I think there are at least 2 rental places there and you can also buy minnows there. This will save you the walk out, I'm pretty sure they give you a ride to and from your hut included in your rental fee. Someone told me today they are charging around $35 per person.

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Watch out for those polar bears!!! Make sure you bring pepper spray, and if you're licensed, a gun would be a good idea. An extra pair of underwear if you can't shoot straight helps too, although it's probably too late!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:





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