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Back to the Deep Blue again today


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Hate checking here daily and not seeing any reports so here is one from today:


Well after deciding in the last minute for Lake O. and against Lake Simcoe I think it was wise decision.


Started late as my son for the first time ever changed his mind in the last moment and refused coming with me


So there I go alone...started fishing close to 9am in 240 fow...and moving deep...I was getting fish every 15 min....7-10 Lbs each...not bad ...fog was thicker than cheese....couldn't see the fish when fighting it behind the boat...what did people do before the GPS age?!?


Got 4-5 in a raw and it died...kept moving deep and even deeper...got to 370.....NADA...hmmmm.....turned around...got to about 345 and man oh man....fire storm started... and only good size ones too....mid teens ...lost a huge one...must have been close to 20 Lbs after it went 5 times under the boat finally got my line into the prop ;D


Lost track of how many times I had to replace that particular lure this season...JB Fishing Depot here I come again tomorrow for bunch more.... :-[ :'(


Amazing fight from all fish today though...unbelievable how those fish fight at this time of the year....waoooooooooooooo.....larger fish in the summer don’t fight as good...TONS of fun for sure today....


Lake was almost like a mirror at the end and small chop earlier - perfect conditions ...just the fog...couldn’t see the sun all morning....


Had to leave by Noon in the midst of all the action...


Final score....I think ....12 hooked....just one (the big one) lost....kept 4 for the BBQ and let the rest go....hope to fight them again when they get bigger


Tech data:


3 mph, 240 to 370 fow, 55-60 feet down, Michael Jackson and Green/Black NK 28. Only run two rods as I was alone but still got plenty of action. All Kings today...after getting tons of bows during the season couldn't find a single bow today


Such fun in November....can't beat it....who knows may even try again next week.


By the way....if others are launching there - most docks are taken out at Port Credit. The worst ones are still there...


Few shots from the day:







Ice Fisherman

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Good work out there, great week to be on the water.


I was out last sat from Port C, only out for a couple hours as it was very rough and cold. water temps are way down.

Managed a nice scrappy bow in 75fow and that was it.


weather is looking rough from here on out maybe its finaly over????

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Nice lake ontario fishing trip/report !!!!...glad to see the fish came out to play today !!,it sure sounded nice out there today,with no wind....and im sure those will be very tasty on the BBQ,i still want to try the pickering nuke,before the freeze up,as the browns should be in there stacked pretty good,oh well still a few trips to quinte to do yet,thanks for the tech data,its good to know you wernt fishing too deep,and that the fish are still up top feeding,this late in the season....cheers :thumbsup_anim::Gonefishing:

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