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:whistling:Every fall, same ol', same ol', people asking where to get roe . . . people flaming other people for just killing fish, scooping the roe & then throwin' the fish 'in the bushes.' Many places where charters run out of have facilities provided to clean their fish. There is an endless supply of roe from fish cleaned by anglers (that they have no use for) dumped in the garbage pails, to be taken to landfill sites! Check and find out where there are well known charter s & weigh-in stations . . . . find out what time the boats are coming in from their excursions . . . . be there when the catch is being cleaned . . . . presto neato . . . . all the roe you're gonna use for the next 5 years . . .. . FREE . . . . for the taking. I've often picked up my roe supply from these places . . . . I highly doubt I'm breaking any laws, or rules . . . . and I don't have to be bothered cleaning a salmon and taking it home to cook!


:santa: P. S.

Make sure ya got a BIG net . . . . don't expect a fellow angler to buy one for you to use, eh? I've had just one too many broken on me to provide a free one for others any more!!

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:rolleyes:Strangely enough, I've fished a lot with roe, sometimes close to bottom, and as much as several feet off bottom, in areas LOADED with carp, (Credit, Ganny, Bowmanville, Rouge) and have NEVER have caught a carp, or even seen one caught on a roe bag. So much for the (undeserved) accusations that carp feed off other fishes roe?


NOW watch 'em (carp detractors) come outta the woodwork, claiming to have caught LOTSA carp on trout & salmon roe! :angel:

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There is one law you have to be wary of..and it is a bit of a technicality. Possession laws for fish include roe. So you cannot possess more roe than would come from that number of fish. So if the salmon limit is five, you cannot possess more than the roe from five fish. Would anyone ever ticket you for it? I would fall off my chair if it happened, but they do use this portion of the law when they find poachers with fresh roe removed from OOS fish. (ie They find a guy along a river bed with fresh rainbow trout roe , but the fish has been released/disposed of when trout are OOS).

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Not really free when it costs you a half tank of gas to get to the cleaning station LOL.


As for carp not biting on roe? I will agree with salmon roe not being the best but I have seen dozens of carp caught in the late spring on trout roe. One poor sap caught 4 in a row on roe. He was fit to be tied.

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As for carp not biting on roe? I will agree with salmon roe not being the best but I have seen dozens of carp caught in the late spring on trout roe. One poor sap caught 4 in a row on roe. He was fit to be tied.


What he said, oddly enough I've caught pickeral, catfish, even largies floating skein & sacs in the fall, but not carp. Now in late spring when carp make a run up tribs just after the bows, THEN I've caught scads of carp on roe. Only in rivers though, never around the harbours.

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