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A Very Interesting Read About Cancer (Definitely NF)


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Solo, thanks for that interesting read... I have a slightly more negative view of the medical world, it is simply a profit oriented profession. There is no money in selling baking soda to sick people! There is no money and therefore no motivation to cure the common cold as pharmaceutical companies make BILLIONS selling us symptom relief. Sorry folks, I'm far too cynical to believe that there is any real desire to cure this disease or many of the others.

There is certainly the profit part. No one will ever spend the money and time to research anything if there isn't at least some profit somewhere.

But I won't say the medical world would be "worry" about curing a disease. There will always be more diseases showing up.... people will die of one problem or another, sadly. There have been alot of diseases been cured if you haven't noticed.


As for the common cold, well first it's a virus, which is always tougher to deal with; second, it's sorta cured in the sense that most of the times we know how to treat it; and most importantly the common cold virus is so easy to be contacted and it mutates so much so often every year that it's practically impossible to have a "full cure".


If the medical profession wasn't profit oriented, then you wouldn't have doctors pushing drugs on patients, after they just got back from a weeks free stay in the Caribbean for a new product release "seminar"!


Unfortunately that goes both ways. There are as many cases, perhaps even more, that the patients request the doctors for such and such "new" drugs.... after the patients watching about them on tv, internet etc.

It's easy to blame the doctors, but in reality the doctors are in the mercy of the drug companies & government. Docs have to work, it's a job. How would they have the time and means to research about the new drugs? There is no way basically, other than getting the only available info from the drug companies in those "seminars". You can't really expect each doctor to run a 5 years field-trial on each new drugs out there in his/her own home, before using it for patients, can you?

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As a cancer survivor I guess I have more faith in our medical establishment. Those who have lost family members to cancer are more likely to be sceptical. I doubt, very much, the claims by this report. They do not cite references or studies to back the claims made.

Lets assume that cancer, like the common cold, is not seriously researched for cure because of treatment profits. Let's then wonder why the cure rate has dramatically increased as more research is done. If a simple cure, or any cure, exists for all or most cancers it would be welcome by the medical establishment all over Europe and Canada because of the social medicine/single payer systems we use. Cancer treatment is expensive..any government,entity or person to come out with a cheap and effective cure for cancer would receive rewards beyond their wildest dreams. The best example was the realization that most cervical cancers were caused by the HPV virus. A simple innoculation reduces your chances of getting this cancer by 90%. The profit of the innoculation is far less than the profit of the treatment, yet modern medicine went ahead with this.

We've cured many other diseases ahead of cancer for one simple reason...most diseases have a singular cause and presentation. Cancer does not. From genetics to injury, the range of possible causes, types and manifestations are greater than any other type of malady.

A single cure is unlikely but as we move ahead we have cures for many types already, like the type I had. we have found the gene that causes certain breast cancers, diets that increase your likelihood of staying cancer free and chemicals and environemnts that increase your chances of getting it.

We have made significant progress and more is made each day. Had this doctor been able to show in controlled studies that his claims were true, he would have won the Nobel Prize. Had there even been a shred of truth to it, more research groups would have attempted to reproduce his results. Lots of research is done outside the grasp of the drug companies.

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Rick, while I agree with most of what you said, I just can't get past this thought...

There is no way for any group, government, corporations or private individuals, to patent baking soda! The stock holders and board of directors of any pharmaceutical company would simply no allow all their research money to go down the drain, with no returns.

In my own mind, this is at the same level of thinking as the guy who built an internal combustion engine that runs on water. Could it be true, maybe, but we will NEVER find out.

Sorry if I'm coming off cynical, but after spending the number of years I have on this planet, I have come to the realization that nothing is as it seems and at the end of the day, the all mighty buck is the 1st, 2nd and 3rd consideration before any others.

Yes I have had that fliipin disease affect those near and dear to me, and it's something that is always at the fore front of my mind. ( I lost my sister to breast cancer at 40. Her two daughters, my nieces have both been tested and both carry the defective gene. They are checked semi-annually and so far so good, but they at both getting close to thirty years of age and the trigger for the gene could go off at any time. Yes we are worried.)

So after watching what my sister went through, the experimental treatment that did nothing but answer some doctors questions, I believe that I have a right to be cynical. We are not treating machines here, we are treating people. Oh, but that's another topic!


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I completely agree with Rick here. The reason there is no simple cure for cancer is due to the fact there are multiple types, and causes. And don't forget cancer is not an invading agent such as a virus, or bacteria. It can't be specifically targeted the way those illnesses can. In it's simplest sense cancer is when you own body cells multiply out of control and don't function properly. It's very hard to eliminate these bad cells while not harming the good, healthy ones. Simply it's very hard to poison, kill, or remove cancerous cells from say your lung, while leaving the rest intact and functioning.


Personally i do believe in "natural medicines". Changes in diet and exercise, ect. have been proven to have significant, positive impacts on people. I think research into alternative medicines should continue and be tested, but this guy doesn't convince me. On his website he does have a few references, about 25, concerning conventional cancer treatments. However a quick search for articles on a journal search engine shows there are thousands of articles. Why only include the few he's chosen? Because they prove his point while the other likely don't. It would be fantastic if this were true but... And i do believe that conventional treatments have come a long ways over the years.


I agree money is always a driving issue but i don't believe that's the reason we haven't found cures. Thousands of university groups conduct research worldwide completely independant of drug companies. They are completely free to publish any results they find, and so if in fact they had isolated a cause and cure it would be known. And for some types it is, like the cervical - hpv link.

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I am sorry you feel that way Joe.My father was in the medical field and my wife writes and edits medical journals and publications.I can tell you without a doubt that doctors care more for their patients than money.If they can cure you they will.They spend a long time in school and continuing education even after they go into practice.I have some doubts about doctors that do boob jobs and face lifts,they are prolly in it for the money.Oncologists,radiologists,pediatricians are not glamorous and dont bring in the big bux like the elective surgery guys,I believe these people really want to help people.

If the baking soda treatment worked it would be great.It doesn't..if it did there would be field trials with documentaion by more than one doctor.There would be a publication of the trials and a peer review.Then there would be an paper presented to the general medical community.Doctors really do want to cure patients and if this was a plausable cure they would be all over it.I am sure that more than one doctors wife has died of breast cancer.Do you think that if this procedure was as wildly successful as it is said that the doctor would have his wife die before trying it?


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