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Our little one wanted to know where we fish in the evenings, since we normally don't bring her, but since it's summer holidays we decided to keep her up later than normal and brought her along. She HATES mosquitoes, so on went the long pants and bug jacket despite the hot and humid temps.


We set her up with a slip float, small hook and worms and she was off to the races. It didn't take her long...she pretty much caught a fish every 5 minutes her line was in the water. We put the gobies in a bucket to be disposed of at the end of the evening.


After catching a bunch of these guys.....



She went on to put a multi species clinic on for us including this perch....



Then on to Rockbass



Then Bass



Some of the Gobies were pretty big too!!



Bly and I were throwing larger baits out there in search of some more smallies or anything else of size, but in the end, our little one kicked our butts!


Anyhow, she had a great evening out. We left at around 9pm and drove off in search of some ice cream.


mmmm, ice cream.


For you two to be outfished, well let's just say, I never thought I would hear that. Cuddos to her catching all the fish. It's fun catching a smorgasborg. It's even more fun when you're just plain and simply catching, no matter the size. Hense the reason to go out again.


That's a huge goby, I think. I've never seen a real one.


That is great, your little tike likes fishing to and a bonus she caught more, in a couple years she will be catching more and larger ones than you lol. Must me the great training she got from her parents! Great report Ccmt hope there will be many more!


Kudos to the little one for kicking your butt by outfishing you :thumbsup_anim:


First time seeing a goby also.....

Great report and pics!

Thanks for sharing


  Greencoachdog said:
Great report and pics!!! :Gonefishing::thumbsup_anim:


Have y'all tried Gobie imitation cranks or plastics in those waters? It looks like there's enough of them in there to make it worth a try.





Great stuff cliff, first the young 'un gets a prize and the fishing derby, now kickin' dads butt, not long before she has her own TV show......she'd be better than the muppets we get now on TV fishing shows!!

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