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Pigeon Sunday night Bassin'


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So I finally got out... unfortunately it was a Sunday night after a beautiful weekend... don't get me wrong just getting out was amazing. I was giddy like a school girl. I have been dying to try out some rubber frogs across the lilypads for the first time.


We hit the water at about 5:30 and went up the river to the lily pad areas.... so excited to see that first hit.... not my boat... so I am usually not the first to get the hits.. back of the boat blues.. but oh well... still great fun... put on the rubber Yum buzzfrog and put it on my baitcaster hoping that I wouldn't get a million bird's nests... wind and all... but the frogs were heavy and I could cast them a mile... woo hoo... my fishing partner was using big grubs but couldn't cast them nearly as far as I could... so for once I was getting some unfished territory first... yee haw!!


It proved to work out for me... shortly after hitting the pads.... I got a great surface hit on the frog.... he bulldogged me into the weeds but when I pulled him in I got this beaut!!




We got a couple of little one's as well but the action wasn't great... as we assumed... we were sure that it had been hard fished all weekend long but I managed to get this one that was even bigger...




we got a couple more 1.5-2 pounders but nothing too great... but still great just getting out... we headed in around 9:00 went into Lindsay for some Timmie's and then home... great night on the water even if the action wasn't all that great... two good fish to show for it and a great time had by all... oh yeah and the important part... I outfished my brother-in-law.... gotta savour that... doesn't happen too often... if at all... woo hoo me!!


one final pick from Omemee from last week of my daughter... who now casts on her own and holds her own fish.... gotta get her to put her own worms on now... hahaha... this is what fishing is all about!!!



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Had to read your report again...thought you were bragging about outfishing your cute little daughter.....LOL. She'll be outfishing you soon...you just wait and see.....haha. :lol:


Great report!! I have so much to learn about bass it's not even funny.


Congrats to your little one on her rock bass...ounce per ounce they fight like kings!!

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Guest Johnny Bass

Those are some very respectable bass! Good to see the little one enjoying some quality time with her dad. Thanks for sharing.

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Thanks for the great replies!!! It was bass heaven... I bet Thursday would kill though!!! Thanks for the comments about my daughter... it is awesome to see how their faces light up when they catch anything... now the boy(2 yrs old)... that's another story... just not ready to be out there yet.... a bit of a nightmare really :(

ccmt... next time you are out on Scugog... hook a big grub weedless or a rubber frog weedless and coast along 10-15 ft. out from the edge of the pads and cast right on the pads and bring it back along the top and hold on!!!!... the hardest part is to not pull before you feel the fish!!! still mastering that... hahaha


I will definitely have to try to just use grubs with her.... try to save the grossness of the worms!!!

Edited by bullybass
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...the hardest part is to not pull before you feel the fish!!! still mastering that... hahaha


I've fished buzz frogs/toads pretty consistently over the last 2 summers and I've learned that it really helps with the hookset if you keep your rod tip high, like at a 10 or 11 o'clock position. With the rod tip that high you really cant get a good strong hookset. So that forces you to drop the rod to load up for a good swing which gives you those few seconds to make sure the fish has it and gives the fish time to take it in. It takes some getting used to because most other topwater lures/presentations(spooks, poppers, buzzbaits) are fished rod tip down or alittle above horivontal. Anyway great report and those are some nice bass. Nothing beats watching them blast those buzz frogs/toads.

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Those are some nice largies there. Have to try the weedless frogs around lily pads thing it looks productive.

As others said your daughter looks like a sweetiepie!

Nice post,


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