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Canada Puts Brakes on Electric Vehicles (NF)


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Guest Johnny Bass
Oil companies buying inventions to replace gas powered cars.......


I say no way........ Huge rumor and myth


Why would someone bright enough to invent a better way to fuel the world sell it to the oil companies?




They would market and sell there own idea and become the next Bill Gates!!!


Totally non-sense thinking oil companies buy up idea's and hold them. Thats media for ya making up crap to get viewers to watch and believe.


It falls into the same myth as theres a cure for cancer and aids but the pharmaceutical companies buy them up to maintain there profits.




That would be like the messenger boy paying off alexander bell so he could keep his job!


Bottom line is.......... As of today there is not a cut in stone better alternative to oil.


Plain and Simple :)



Yes and the Mafia is a myth also and doesn't exist. :rolleyes:



I think its called making them an offer they cant refuse.lol

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Mafia and oil company?


Thats like comparing Boxing to painting.


The oil company could never make someone a offer they cant refuse!


(Im sure as you read you will say........"well if they offered me 5million dollars i sell it" But thats the reason YOU WONT BE THE INVENTOR :)


Can they offer 20 years of billions and billions of dollars and a place in history to buy a patent that is the perfect alternative to oil?




Being a inventor myself and holding a patent i insure you this would never happen.


And besides all patents are available to the public......... Oil company or a mafia cant stop these idea's from being public for any amount of money.


Please link me to the alternative to a gas powered engine............ Id love to read the patent application myself :)

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Guest lundboy

Oil companies buying inventions to replace gas powered cars.......


I say no way........ Huge rumor and myth


Why would someone bright enough to invent a better way to fuel the world sell it to the oil companies?




They would market and sell there own idea and become the next Bill Gates!!!


Totally non-sense thinking oil companies buy up idea's and hold them. Thats media for ya making up crap to get viewers to watch and believe.


It falls into the same myth as theres a cure for cancer and aids but the pharmaceutical companies buy them up to maintain there profits.




That would be like the messenger boy paying off alexander bell so he could keep his job!


Bottom line is.......... As of today there is not a cut in stone better alternative to oil.


Plain and Simple :)


You are a model citizen. And you act like you are immune to what's coming.



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No not a model citizen but rather have some inventions smarts.


Call a patent lawyer and tell him you have a alternative to oil. :)


suppose you believe the UFO's are making circles in farm fields to right?


Why would you say???? "And you act like you are immune to what's coming"


Because i dont believe there has been a better alternative to oil yet?


Grow up.


If the oil company owns this so called better alternative............Then they own it.........So why dont they start selling it einstein?


Sounds to me like you have watched one to many season of the soprano's

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Guest lundboy


No not a model citizen but rather have some inventions smarts.


Call a patent lawyer and tell him you have a alternative to oil. :)


suppose you believe the UFO's are making circles in farm fields to right?


Good diversion. But people like you someday will realize that what you think you know is only what you are supposed to know. Enjoy it now... you are in for a rude awakening.


This oil thing and food, and water and a lot of other "things" are coming to a head... and we are all going to suffer including you. It won't make any difference how much money you have, or high up you think you are, nothing will help you.


You probably are too "invention smart" to look at any of the info or links I have posted previously on this forum. So happy Hummering.

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Ok Ok Ok Ok



The alternative to oil is a be secret........ Its in the tiny box buried 87.549 miles in the ground right?


The president couldnt even keep a BJ a secret ............. But the oil companies are hiding the flux capacitor for sure eh ......

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Guest lundboy


No not a model citizen but rather have some inventions smarts.


Call a patent lawyer and tell him you have a alternative to oil. :)


suppose you believe the UFO's are making circles in farm fields to right?


Why would you say???? "And you act like you are immune to what's coming"


Because i dont believe there has been a better alternative to oil yet?


Grow up.


If the oil company owns this so called better alternative............Then they own it.........So why dont they start selling it einstein?


Sounds to me like you have watched one to many season of the soprano's


I'm not Einstein, I just study history, and a lot of government documentation and memoirs etc. of the elite. It's all there in black and white for anyone that wants to see it. The whole plan, even time frames. Just because you refuse to look at it or see each step being implemented on a daily basis, is not my problem. The oil situation is well documented and planned, and it's going to happen whether you believe it or not... it's already in play.


Maybe you can use your "invention smarts" to create a "flux capacitor" and jam it in your hummer. That way you can deal with the "big oil" when they come hunting for you.

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Sure the oil situation is all planned.....


Not once did i say its ok or right?


Im saying there's no other alternative at this time !!! (IE. There not buying patents to secure there oil plan)


Now go sharpen some hooks..........


my heads getting cold..........i gota poke it back in the sand :)

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ahhhhhh sand warmed up head......


Just to make things clear.........


As being on a inventors side............Id love to see the team that does and WILL introduce the alternative to oil as it will be a huge turning point for man kind. I believe it will be one of the biggest break throughs for our planet and all the live on it :)


IMO though.......we will be far in adaption to high oil prices before this break though happens.



You also cant understand government documentation and memoirs you read as you cant even keep on subject to my post!!!

Ive made a point that there's no alternative to oil and your suggesting im immune and such.


Keep reading buddy..........im sure you will get it some day.

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Guest lundboy
ahhhhhh sand warmed up head......


Just to make things clear.........


As being on a inventors side............Id love to see the team that does and WILL introduce the alternative to oil as it will be a huge turning point for man kind. I believe it will be one of the biggest break throughs for our planet and all the live on it :)


IMO though.......we will be far in adaption to high oil prices before this break though happens.



You also cant understand government documentation and memoirs you read as you cant even keep on subject to my post!!!

Ive made a point that there's no alternative to oil and your suggesting im immune and such.


Keep reading buddy..........im sure you will get it some day.


Even if you think I "cant understand government documentation and memoirs" because I "cant even keep on subject to my post", I am farther ahead than you because YOU WILL NEVER DARE TO RESEARCH ONE PIECE OF DOCUMENTARY EVIDENCE.


What you don't get is that I am on topic. The fact that you brag about driving a hummer around in a thread about electric cars and gas usage reduction says a lot about your state of mind. JohnnyBass mentioned that the oil companies would suck up and hide any real breakthroughs, which they have, many times in the past and continue to do so to this day. What I'm suggesting is that you are too much in denial (no, make that cognitive dissonance) to understand that it has happened, is happening and that the oil "debate" if you want to call it that, is part of a distraction to get everyone polarized so they take their eye off the ball. So maybe... someday... when you are standing in line to get half a loaf of stale bread and a litre of water, with 1500 others because of plans made many years ago, and because you like to drive a hummer today, you may think back to this thread and you WILL GET IT.


Until then, you can try to ridicule me all you want, because I really do "get it", but it's time to move on for me because sometimes it's not worth arguing.



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Guest Johnny Bass
Mafia and oil company?


Thats like comparing Boxing to painting.


The oil company could never make someone a offer they cant refuse!


(Im sure as you read you will say........"well if they offered me 5million dollars i sell it" But thats the reason YOU WONT BE THE INVENTOR :)


Can they offer 20 years of billions and billions of dollars and a place in history to buy a patent that is the perfect alternative to oil?




Being a inventor myself and holding a patent i insure you this would never happen.


And besides all patents are available to the public......... Oil company or a mafia cant stop these idea's from being public for any amount of money.


Please link me to the alternative to a gas powered engine............ Id love to read the patent application myself :)


You have a lot to learn about Corporate America and Europe.....


Your invention is small potatoes and profits in comparison to the oil business. If you made enough money, they would come a knockin.....


The Ultra rich not only control and manipulate every aspect of the economy? They control all aspects of the Media and information. Its not uncommon for Media's to ignore or bury news that goes against their interests.


Its also not uncommon for the mob to make witnesses and evidence disappear.....Doesn't mean a murder wasn't committed.


I read articles on alternative energy run vehicles all the time. Here is one. Honda is also working on it.



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Even if you think I "cant understand government documentation and memoirs" because I "cant even keep on subject to my post", I am farther ahead than you because YOU WILL NEVER DARE TO RESEARCH ONE PIECE OF DOCUMENTARY EVIDENCE.


What you don't get is that I am on topic. The fact that you brag about driving a hummer around in a thread about electric cars and gas usage reduction says a lot about your state of mind. JohnnyBass mentioned that the oil companies would suck up and hide any real breakthroughs, which they have, many times in the past and continue to do so to this day. What I'm suggesting is that you are too much in denial (no, make that cognitive dissonance) to understand that it has happened, is happening and that the oil "debate" if you want to call it that, is part of a distraction to get everyone polarized so they take their eye off the ball. So maybe... someday... when you are standing in line to get half a loaf of stale bread and a litre of water, with 1500 others because of plans made many years ago, and because you like to drive a hummer today, you may think back to this thread and you WILL GET IT.


Until then, you can try to ridicule me all you want, because I really do "get it", but it's time to move on for me because sometimes it's not worth arguing.





Never bragged once dummy about driving a hummer............... so rant somewhere else.

Second........why would a country colaspe its own economy with high oil prices to make a short quick buck....????????


Duhhh........ if they had a alternative you would see it!


Keep reading in the fog.

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You have a lot to learn about Corporate America and Europe.....


Your invention is small potatoes and profits in comparison to the oil business. If you made enough money, they would come a knockin.....


The Ultra rich not only control and manipulate every aspect of the economy? They control all aspects of the Media and information. Its not uncommon for Media's to ignore or bury news that goes against their interests.


Its also not uncommon for the mob to make witnesses and evidence disappear.....Doesn't mean a murder wasn't committed.


I read articles on alternative energy run vehicles all the time. Here is one. Honda is also working on it.





There is my point!!!!!!


A alternative in the works!!!


hmmmmmmmmm Why didnt the oil company buy this idea and hide it ????????


pick a angle and stick with it..........quit jumping side to side....

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Guest Johnny Bass
There is my point!!!!!!


A alternative in the works!!!


hmmmmmmmmm Why didnt the oil company buy this idea and hide it ????????


pick a angle and stick with it..........quit jumping side to side....


These are not small fish in a pond. This is the second largest auto maker in the world.The oil companies have been receiving a lot of heat due to global warming and pollution. And some of those ultra rich not connected to the oil industry have jumped aboard the "go green" wagon.


The jeanie is out of the bottle. You can thank the political warriors on the Internet. Information is no longer as easy to control and contain.


I'm on one side and that is the side of the people.

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Dont get me wrong.........im totally on the people's side.


Oil companies are putting the wood to us.


Like i posted before.......... I cant wait to see the team the can replace oil energy!


Im just dont like to believe in invention failures due to the belief that oil companies are hiding alternatives.


IMO its a myth developed by the media :)

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Guest Johnny Bass
Dont get me wrong.........im totally on the people's side.


Oil companies are putting the wood to us.


Like i posted before.......... I cant wait to see the team the can replace oil energy!


Im just dont like to believe in invention failures due to the belief that oil companies are hiding alternatives.


IMO its a myth developed by the media :)


If you look at the technology being developed by the Military and NASA? You will find it very easy to believe.


The Oil Companies and the Medias are on the same side. Profits......Anyone with money to burn is invested in the energy sector....They mix in a little truth with the lies.......Don't believe everything you hear because big oil companies spend billions of dollars on scientists and medias to pump out mis-information.


Alternatives have been around for awhile. They just haven't received the proper attention.

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Guest lundboy
Never bragged once dummy about driving a hummer............... so rant somewhere else.

Second........why would a country colaspe its own economy with high oil prices to make a short quick buck....????????


Duhhh........ if they had a alternative you would see it!


Keep reading in the fog.


QUOTE(Clamp-It @ Jun 22 2008, 12:30 PM) post_snapback.gif

Oh, and what about the Hummers!!

How many can justify driving one of those military issue vehicles?


I can :thumbsup_anim:


Two kids..........boat..........170lbs mastiff...............and offroad club!


Works great for my needs!


This post has been edited by MoiraRiverMan: Jun 22 2008, 07:25 PM



From the above, it looks like you could at least "justify" owning one if you don't already.


Look around you. Economies are collapsing as you try to come to terms with what is happening. You think that the oil prices are propping up the Canadian dollar, when in actual fact both the CDN and US dollars are dropping at the same rate against the Euro and the pound. This in fact is one major reason why gas prices are so high in Canada and the US (oil is bought and sold in US dollars). It's also part of a plan to merge the three North American currencies and economies into one. Which without any backup research or undertanding you will deny of course. I truly do pity people that can't or won't see the manipulation and agenda in play. It truly is so big, and so well planned that you will probably never know what is in the works. If you think for one minute that alternative energy sources will be allowed into general use or mass produced, well more power to you. Here are two links, read if you prefer or watch or don't do either. Use them, understand what the presenter is saying. Believe it or don't believe it... It's up to you educate yourself.





Get your last word in, be happy knowing you did. "Dummys" like me are growing in number everyday. Calling me names is one sure sign of not being in control.


Dummy signing out.

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A guy in a K-mart suit talking to 25 people about his conspiracy theory......




Plus he relies upon politicians for his information about how much oil is Alaska! He is old enough to be wrong and not pay the consequences. If you have more than 10 years left to live, you better do more research than he obviously has done.


The problem with oil is not how much is in the ground. The problem is how much you can produce each year, relative to the population, and the demand level of that population. Once world production peaks, then it will fall at some rate. Educated estimates are this decline rate will be 3.5%. This means that production would half in 20 years after peak. Do you honestly think the world economy could stand to be cut in half in 20 years without horrible consequences? And remember that the US imports 60% of what it uses so in might only take 10 years after peak for the US to nearly totally lose these imports.


Oil exploration has been going great guns for many years, and discoveries reached a peak several decades ago. The oil companies are not sitting on their thumbs not looking for oil. And you can't produce what you don't discover. Well after well, field after field, and nation after nation have all followed the same gaussian (bell) curve of production. Most former oil exporting nations have become oil importing nations as they follow their own national production curve; the USA was a major exporter of oil until the 1970's when production began to fall and it became necessary to import, and USA imports 60% of what they use.


Is there oil to be discovered? Absolutely, yes. Would drilling in Alaska (where Congress currently prohibits drilling) add to production? Yes. Would this keep US oil production in total from falling? Probably not, but if it did bring up total production it would be a temporary drop in the bucket. And remember that new fields follow a gaussian curve so do not instantaneously produce at peak. It might take 20 years for these fields to be ramped up to the maximum. And don't forget that demand is on the increase and so is population.


Given that it is you who are responsible for your well being, do you really want to base your plans for the future on the conspiracy theories of this man? I prefer to look at this with as much science as possible, and the evidence seems to me to be clear.

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Guest lundboy

Like I said, it is up to you to educate yourself.


If you think that I base all of my opinions on one guy's "conspiracy theory" you would be wrong. There are a ton of FOIA (freedom of information act) and declassified documents that are now public that indicate just how far these oil companies, governments and ruling class have gone to "limit" refining and to cap off oil. The climate change agendas, the eco agendas, all started and funded by elite foundations (Ford, Rockefeller, Warberg, Rand) fulfilling long term goals. Oil limiting, false scarcity, carbon credits and taxes all part of the same game. The Club of Rome stated in the 70s that Global warming would be the enemy of choice when searching for a new enemy (which in turn was humanity itself):


"In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill ... All these dangers are caused by human intervention and it is only through changed attitudes and behaviour that they can be overcome. The real enemy, then, is humanity itself." - in The First Global Revolution, pp.104-105 by Alexander King, founder of the Club of Rome and Bertrand Schneider, secretary of the Club of Rome


The Club of Rome is a huge global think tank, often used by the world powers to develop global agendas, and are behind UN agenda 21 (another piece of work against humanity).


The reason I pointed out that particular Lindsay Williams' links is because he is telling you what he witnessed in Alaska, and the reasons why the big oil intentionally cuts off the oil. Not as a sole source of information, but one in which you may glean the extent of what is happening. You would have to dig a lot deeper, way deeper to get the whole picture. Way back to ancient Egypt and Babylon.


I can only point you to research what others have discovered, a lot of it 100% verifiable. I can't make you understand it or want to dig deeper. And I personally certainly can't explain it to you in any forum, you must research it yourself because it is so big and so incredible, so intricate and scripted that you would not believe any of it without taking the baby steps required to get the to meat of it. The shock factor alone makes it too hard for most to pursue the extent and history of it.


Here's another link. I hope you have the open mindedness to consider that there may be more going on than the cliche "conspiracy theories" that you have been conditioned to impose as a reason to dismiss something that doesn't express itself in pure scientific terms. This is a "reader's digest" version of what I'm trying to get out to everyone. Alan Watt has the proof, the original documents. He and many others are collecting them up before they are totally shoved down the memory hole.


Again read or don't it's up to you. I'm glad that you at least took the time to read Lindsay William's document.



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I know I posted the article, but I can't say whether I support electric cars or not. I like the idea of giving the gas companies some competition in hopes of lowering gas prices, however our country is already having electricity production problems. Electric cars would only worsen that and likely raise hydro prices. It seems kinda lose/lose to me either way.


The worst part is, a viable solution has probably been discovered and patented - the powers that be are just keeping it quiet.


Can you imagine everybody coming home and plugging in their electric vehicle?

How much hydro power would that require, and could they supply it?

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