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Centre Island Report (No Pics)


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I decided to check out the island for some April/Spring Monsters but the water level was a foot higher everywhere. No fish was seen anywhere. However I did chum my usual spots ;)


But the Fares for the Ferry across the island has changed from $6.00 to $6.50 and the Spring Schedule takes effect April 18th.



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Edited by dsn
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i'm sure after a long winter all the fish miss you ... just taking them alittle while to find your offerings :D


man they raised it again? maybe you should tell them how often you go on the ferry and get a discount lol

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Thanx for the heads up. Chumming... that's a good idea! Do you find that the fish will stay longer in an area that you've baited?


From what I have found in the past is that... once the carp find the food they will hang around longer. I was telling an OFC'er that last year I chummed a place before the carp started to appear. And once they started to appear they were around the chumming location already. I chummed the hole 2 more times early in the season (April) and even tried to get one to hit but because of the massive weedbed my rig wouldn't sink to the bottom. So I didn't connect with any fish but they were feeding right on bottom. I could see them with their tails up.


The fish hung around through out the entire summer months (May, June, July, August) even after I stopped chumming the spot. They just hung around. I ran into another guy who was fishing and he said to me "The carp all seem to hang around this one area. I Don't know why?" :D


I just looked at him and smiled and said thats strange and walked away. :lol:


So yeah it does work!!



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