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Playoff pool ( NF )


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Stuck drafting for my playoff pool on monday.

I have won it the last 2 years in a row, last year I took Spezza first and Heatley 3rd.

Watching the Sens destroy the Leafs but cant buy into them beacuse of there horribly inconsistent year.

Do I go ot on a limb and do it agin or take the safe match up of Montreal Boston.

Fortune favours the bold.....maybe no one else will pick the Sens.

All teams have to lose in the final before they win.

AQny opinions??



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Stuck drafting for my playoff pool on monday.

I have won it the last 2 years in a row, last year I took Spezza first and Heatley 3rd.

Watching the Sens destroy the Leafs but cant buy into them beacuse of there horribly inconsistent year.

Do I go ot on a limb and do it agin or take the safe match up of Montreal Boston.

Fortune favours the bold.....maybe no one else will pick the Sens.

All teams have to lose in the final before they win.

AQny opinions??




Im a pretty big Sens fan, but I cant honestly say that I would pick them in a fantasy pool with the way that they are have been going. If I had to pick Id go for Pittsburgh or Washington.

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Is it just a first round win ur lookin for,


as good as Pitts. is i think any team that meets washington (if they're in the playoffs) could be in for an upset,

if they doon't play washington i think pitts. and detroit are ur best bet.


but as a habs fan i would pick them, if scoring comes into affect i'd pick 1st Montreal 2nd Detroit 3rd SJ 4th Pitts.


I don't think the sens would be a terrible pick even after how poor they've been playing



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anyone else think the Leafs should be embarrased after last nights display ? No class in Toronto when you cheer a dirty hit on a good player.Just proved to me the mentality in Toronto.Who cares about winning all that matters is hurting stars.Nice move on Tuckers part as well saying he was going to take out Heatley's knee.Enjoy the golf course SCRUBS !!!

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If its for 1st round only, go with DET.


For the whole playoffs.....then it gets interesting.


East: Pits vs Ottawa/NJ (yes, Ottawa will turn it up a notch and make it as long as fisher & alfredsson come back)

West: Det vs Ana/SJ/Cgy


The west is a war, so its a toss up as to who will prevail.


Sorry, but WSH has 1 player....not going to take you far in the post-season.

I love Alex dont get me wrong, but you need more than 1 player to win the Cup.

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If you think Bell's hit on Alfredsson was dirty, you haven't played much. It was clean - brutal, but clean. Alfie needs to keep his head up. When Stevens' KO'd Lindros with a similar hit, everyone went on about how great it was... Poor little alfie... Tucker wasn't going after the murderer's knee... No worries though, they will be teeing off together at deerhurst in two weeks. Sens are going no where this year - they still may not even get into the playoffs...


As for the pool - One word: THORTON.

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Oh and my picks:


MTL/NJ vs Pit/NJ. (Jersey always has a shot with Brodeur - Habs are the real deal and Pit might just be grown up enough - and smart enough to give conklin the job - to get there)


DET vs SJ/ANA. (Anaheim started slow. If they played the entire season the way they have the second half, they might be ahead of DET. SJ is incredible, DET is incredible, but these guys will all beat up on each other) Can't believe Vancouver fell asleep.


MTL wins they cup, just because they are Canadian.... Anyone coming out of the west has to be a favorite IMO, but they will be hurting and MTL's speed will prevail.

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I highly doubt that Heatley dragged him into the car with him that night.

Just as much his fault.


Plus...Heatley will suffer enough for the rest of his life, having that in the back of his mind.




Ana is the team to watch in the West.

As much as I would like to see a Canadian team make the cup finals this year it wont be MTL....they arent tough enough for the playoff style of play.

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I highly doubt that Heatley dragged him into the car with him that night.

Just as much his fault.


Plus...Heatley will suffer enough for the rest of his life, having that in the back of his mind.




Ana is the team to watch in the West.

As much as I would like to see a Canadian team make the cup finals this year it wont be MTL....they arent tough enough for the playoff style of play.


Very true re Heatley...


MTL gets through relatively unscathed to the finals - that could be the difference maker IMO.

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No class in Toronto when you cheer a dirty hit on a good player


I was at the game last night and when they replayed the hit and the leaf nation starting celebrating, I felt shame for them.

I love the physical nature of the game, but to cheer they way they did after the replay of what was at best a questionable hit from a marginal player was disgusting.

The crowd last night was a pretty hockey ignorant bunch....I could not count the number of times that people were coming and going from their seats while the play was on. I'm not a sabres fan, but you don't see that at the sabre games.

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MTL gets through relatively unscathed to the finals - that could be the difference maker IMO.

That is very true. If they dont get beat up too much, and depending who they get in RD 1, they could have a shot at moving on.

But I think that PITs speed/skill out matches theirs.

That would be a damn good series though. Two young goalies battling head to head.



questionable hit from a marginal player

TOTALLY agree.

I have played a lot of hockey (AAA, Jr.C, Jr. A, OHL equivalent in Europe), and even though that wasnt a "dirty" hit, thats the type of hit that is frowned upon in hockey. He totally blind-sided him, and it was a direct shot to the head. Especially being the second-last game to Ottawa before the playoffs, and the game is meaningless for the Leafs.

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One must remember the history between these two teams when you consider fan reaction. Hard to forget a few years ago when Antropov's knee was intentionally torn to shreds among others... Bell's hit was clean. It was a hell of a hit. What do you expect to happen? Bell pull up because Alfie's not paying attention? Nothing wrong cheering a good hit - Heck, I think it might be the hit of the year... It's unfortunate that it was alfredsson though... If it was Neil, I doubt anyone would care.


As far as watching a game at the ACC, that's always the way it is, too many suits. The real fans are in the nose bleeds...

Edited by Puckhead
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IMO there should be a level of respect amongst players.

I for one, would never lay a hit of that magnitude against a player whos team is starting playoffs in a week, and mine was already eliminated.


Also, found it funny that he "couldnt" fight and was wearing a cage. Actually...not funny...gutless.

If your able to compete at the NHL level, then you better be ready to answer the bell (no pun intended) when it rings.

If you are going to lay a hit like that (clean or not), then you better be ready to defend yourself.

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IMO there should be a level of respect amongst players.

I for one, would never lay a hit of that magnitude against a player whos team is starting playoffs in a week, and mine was already eliminated.


Also, found it funny that he "couldnt" fight and was wearing a cage. Actually...not funny...gutless.

If your able to compete at the NHL level, then you better be ready to answer the bell (no pun intended) when it rings.

If you are going to lay a hit like that (clean or not), then you better be ready to defend yourself.



That's the only thing that bugs me about the hit to be honest... Make a hit like that and you better be prepared to go. No different than when you play rec hockey and the guys with the full masks recklessly swing their sticks around...


I disagree though that there should be certain players treated differently than others. It doesn't matter if you are in last place in the last game of the year playing the best team that has ever played. You play hard. When you look at the hit from the other angle - not the one that TSN showed all night - he got Alfredsson with his shoulder and his arm (with his arm in tight) and hit alfredsson in his upper chest and face. He finished throwing his elbow up but Alfredsson was already going down so it didn't look like that made contact. from what I saw. If it did, he would have been tossed. You're either going to pull up or you are going to finish the check. It's debatable as to whether he should have pulled up. Alfie has to take some blame for that hit. You can't be admiring your pass and not being aware of what's around you, especially in a game against your arch rivals. The hit was also early, when the game was a battle. If it happened in the third period, I wouldn't have liked it either.

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Hmmm, i didnt see the hit last night but you tubed it. Looked clean to me. I think alfredson was his own worst enemy on that one......looked like a situation where He ran into Bell alot harder than Bell ran into him. Alfie had the momentum, Bell just stopped his momentum. It wasnt like Bell ran him, bell was coasting and never changed direction and daniel came in his direction so he stiffened up his shoulder and brick walled him. I dunno, any hit like that where a helmet goes flying and its a star laying on the ice is going to be questioned, i thought it was on teh side of a good hit. Im not a leafs fan so i dont know Bells reputation.

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I totally agree that Alfredsson cooked his own goose on that hit, and that it wasnt a dirty hit at all.

I just think that being the meaningless game it was for the leafs, there was no need to purposely crank a guy like that.

But being a marginal player, he obviously doesnt have the respect that he should towards a team that is entering the playoffs.


I didnt mean for it to sound like special treatment for a certain player, because no I dont agree with that at all. I meant it on a team basis. The leafs know they arent going anywhere, so there is no need to play like that against a team that is going into the playoffs. If you want to hurt Ottawa, then beat them on the score board. Thats hitting them where it hurts. Especially with Ottawa being on the brink of elimination.


Maybe jail will teach Bell some respect. :lol:

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Puckhead you must be a leafs fan with your asinine comments. Heatley's accident was controversial but it has been overcome by him, the league and Snyder's family. You sound like the stereotypical leafs fan though with the "My team sucks and has sucked for the last 50 years but I still cheer for them in hopes of them finishing 9th (2006), getting a lousy draft pick, signing players to stupid contracts* and sinking the team even further only to finish 9th(2007) again and repeat the process**". * Kubina, McCabe, Tucker. ** Blake. Ok I know Blake has leukemia but enough being a hero, if you can't play worth a crap, take a seat and let some of the younger guys develop. But, Puckhead, I can see how cheering a losing team for your entire life must take its toll. I'm not a huge Sens fan but nothing p*sses me off more than Leafs fans and their deranged thoughts on hockey. Bell's hit was a little late and clearly to the head and it is pretty easy for a player to run around the ice hitting everybody with a cage on.The leafs will never make it anywhere until they get rid of 90% of the team because you can't win with just one good defenseman and one 1st line scorer with the rest of the team suitable for a 4th line role on any NHL squad. The whole team has hid behind Sundin's bald head and sickly skin with yellow stains around his mouth. It's time for Sundin to take a lesser role and let some of the younger guys play, who knows they might actually develop some skills if they get the ice time.


As for my picks. The East is funny. They all have their ups and downs. NJ can win if they can manage to score goals. Pitts can win if Fleury or Conky plays well. I don't see Montreal going far, to many soft players for the playoffs, but you never know. Rangers, Boston, Philly, Carolina are streaky. Sens haven't seemed to find themselves aside from the beating they laid on the leafs last night. Washington could be the dark horse if they get in, but they don't have much playoff experience with their top scorers, Ovie, Semin, Backstrom are good but they still need to prove themselves in the playoffs.


The west is a bit easier. Sharks, Wings and Ducks are favored. I would pick the Sharks to come out on top of that one. I wouldn't count out Calgary either. Nash will have their hands full with Detroit. Min is a tough read, they have good defense. It remains to be seen what Colorado can do with a healthy squad, assuming it will be healthy come playoffs. Would have been nice to see Edmonton get in, they would have had some good momentum riding into the playoffs.


Final picks, Pitts out of the east and SJ out of the west with SJ winning because Nabakov will beat Fleury in a goaltending dual and the Sharks defense is better than Pitts.

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i'm not saying washington is great or even good, but IF they make the playoffs they have a good chance of being an "upset" team for the first round, no matter who they play, (especially montreal)


I call Montreal :D and SJ for the long haul


Detroit is too hard to read as they're division is so weak


With the news in sensville i wouldn't take the chance on them


Godd Luck

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Puckhead you must be a leafs fan with your asinine comments. Heatley's accident was controversial but it has been overcome by him, the league and Snyder's family. You sound like the stereotypical leafs fan though with the "My team sucks and has sucked for the last 50 years but I still cheer for them in hopes of them finishing 9th (2006), getting a lousy draft pick, signing players to stupid contracts* and sinking the team even further only to finish 9th(2007) again and repeat the process**". * Kubina, McCabe, Tucker. ** Blake. Ok I know Blake has leukemia but enough being a hero, if you can't play worth a crap, take a seat and let some of the younger guys develop. But, Puckhead, I can see how cheering a losing team for your entire life must take its toll. I'm not a huge Sens fan but nothing p*sses me off more than Leafs fans and their deranged thoughts on hockey. Bell's hit was a little late and clearly to the head and it is pretty easy for a player to run around the ice hitting everybody with a cage on.The leafs will never make it anywhere until they get rid of 90% of the team because you can't win with just one good defenseman and one 1st line scorer with the rest of the team suitable for a 4th line role on any NHL squad. The whole team has hid behind Sundin's bald head and sickly skin with yellow stains around his mouth. It's time for Sundin to take a lesser role and let some of the younger guys play, who knows they might actually develop some skills if they get the ice time.


Woah !! Do you feel better now getting all that off your chest?

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Aside from the comments based towards PuckHead, I do have to agree with him about the Leafs.

They rely on Sundin way too much. As good of a player as he is, he is WAY past his prime, and they need some new (young) talent to step up.


What they need to do:


1) Get rid of that useless twit Bryan McCabe. Talk about the biggest waste of money in the NHL. Not to mention the biggest panzy in the league as well.

2) Use their draft picks for once, instead of trading them away for goalies.

3) Choose a goalie, and get rid of the other to free up room for a young goalie to come up (Pogge), and free up salary cap space to sign someone decent up front.

4) Get rid of Kubina, unless you think taking 248 penalties per game is a good idea.

5) Sign some GOOD UFA's this summer. They missed out last year for Briere.

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anyone else think the Leafs should be embarrased after last nights display ? No class in Toronto when you cheer a dirty hit on a good player.Just proved to me the mentality in Toronto.Who cares about winning all that matters is hurting stars.Nice move on Tuckers part as well saying he was going to take out Heatley's knee.Enjoy the golf course SCRUBS !!!



Unfortunately there are players that skate around looking for the opportunity to KO a unsuspecting player and this is nothing new and until the league bans head shots it will continue.

And for the Ottawa fans please don`t scream too loud you have a guy on your team that is one of the worst offenders in the league who loves to run around and deliver the same type of hits and I seem to recall he KO`d a Boston player last week with the same type of hit and his cheap shot on Drury last year, of course I am talking about that punk Chris Neil.

Edited by lookinforwalleye
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