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I would like to meet everyone for a pop on Saturday around 2:00 .. is there only one bar??? Is there a better place to meet?? Ive never been there, so I dont know the lay of the land.


Where would the best place to meet be??

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There were two places selling beer there that I noticed. Only by one of the pickles deli's and the other by the fish and chip place. Niether being great for a group to meet but the one by the deli being the better of the two. Now as for directions to either, I can't remember as the layout of the show is all over the place. So get a map and you'll find them.

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TJ, as Mike said, there aren't really any nice places in the Direct Energy building to have a g2g, and basically the entire Exhibition Grounds are isolated from the rest of the city.


Your south of the Gardner Expressway with nothing on either side of you anywhere, so you may want to think of a better meeting someplace away from there and further up into the city.

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For reference, here's the floor plan. The concessions aren't labelled.


The only bar I noticed was in the extreme southwest corner of the main hall. Little doorway in the south wall with a white sign that said "Bar." Looked more like a storage room than refreshments, but there were some people sitting around on awkward furnishings. Not a relaxing place to get acquainted.


There are little bits and pieces of food concessions spaced out along the south wall of the main hall, but nothing with seating to speak of.


The hallway east of the WFN stage (marked as booth # 5101) has Pizza Pizza and I think maybe fish and chips. Wasn't paying much attention to menu as I hoofed through. Just remember it being crowded, noisy, and not heavy on the seating.


IIRC, Pickles Deli is the thick rectangle with the southwest corner cut off, directly northeast of the WFN stage. Prominent color signs at the entrances on either side. Wasn't there during this show, but used it as a hallway once or twice during the boat show. Really crowded. Smelled nice, but I wouldn't stop there just for myself.


There's another teeny little cafe type deal scabbed onto the east end of the women's washrooms west of the WFN stage, but it's not big enough for anything.


One thing that struck me about this show was the lack of seating. No place for old folks to take a breather, or wait for someone. Odd.


I'm no use for suggesting an offsite g2g venue, since I stick to the freeways as much as possible to get there/back. If the group can't figure out a 2pm venue, Jeff & I would be up for grabbing dinner somewhere offsite later in the evening. We definitely won't be leaving the show until after Italo Labignan's 6pm seminar, could stick around til closing if that's helpful.

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Bathurst and King...Wheat Sheaf....been around forever and there is nothing you guys could do in there to suprise anyone!! I'm sure there are some that are closer. There are some bars in the area east of Dufferin south of King west of stratchen but not sure which ones are there..

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The Bar at the Fish N Chips is right beside the WFN Presentation Stage - easy to find - it's the hall that connects to the other bldg.


Have Fun OFNers.




David aka Superdad

Edited by superdad
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