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From Italy with Envy


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I got back last Sunday from my companies annual trip to Italy and France. We go every year to the Merlo Factory in the Cueneo Valley in North Western Italy (Merlo makes construction equipment). We had an incredible time, the plant is very impresive, over 128 000 square meters, right in the heart of the Italian Alps.


This year we had 11 contractors from Ontario, 3 from Alberta and 13 from Quebec, representing, Masonry, Glazing, Demolition, REcycling, Excavation, Concrete Forming, General Contractors and Linesmen.


When we went out to dinner, we never knew how much of each course to eat, one meal was 11 courses, needless to say I need to hit the tread mill. On a similar note, my liver is duee back any day from the Betty Ford Clinic, with a lifetime warranty, void if I return next year to Italy.


We toured a local winery while we were there. The last 3 days we headed to Nice, France, how strange to see palm trees in the middle of February. We visited Monte Carlo, Monnaco (The tour bus guy took us on the F1 Track, 3.3 km in less then 60 seconds).


We went to a small village where Pink FLoyd had a recording studio, and we also saw Sadham Huiesens(sp?) yatch. It is parked in the Port of Niece, if anyone has an extra 80 Million Euro's it is for sale by the US Government. Something tells me this will not be turning up at a government auction any time soon.


Anyways enjoy the pictures.

























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Love those pics for foreign lands ... appreciate you putting them up.

If ya got any more .... well you know.

All I saw when I was in France was a bus ride from Calais, a couple days in Paris, and another bus ride on over to Switzerland. Loved Switzerland so much, I took my wife and spent a couple weeks over there.


Thanks 4Reel.

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