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I feel the same about the paintball. Its fun, but you have to have the respect for guns first.


My kids have been around guns since birth. At 4 yrs old, both my kids were shooting the .410, and .22. My son loves it.....he's only 5 now. My daughter not so much......I have to bribe her to get her out........but once she starts shooting, I can't get her to leave! :)


This year, they'll both be joining me in the duck blind for a real hunting situation. They're both very excited about that.


I was brought up in a manner similar to what TG wrote. Always guns in the house, and I would never think of touching them unless supervised. Had a .410 of my own when I turned 10. Lots of grouse and rabbits fell to that old girl! Those were the days!


Great post Dave, thanks!


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I wont let my son go paintballing but I'll let my son shoot a 22.




cause in paintballing, youre teaching and rewarding kids to shoot OTHER PEOPLE, your gun is a weapon.


target shooting and hunting, you teach your kid to not point a firearm at people and to eat what you kill, your gun is a tool.


my sons only 8 months old, so I guess I still got a few more years


right on man :thumbsup_anim:


my future kids will own paintball guns after they respect firearms. also, they will not turn out to be liberals or they will be disowned :rolleyes::whistling:


it is 100% safe to keep firearms in your house if you store them properly. accidents happen when adults are careless and leave their firearms in their closet or under the bed with no trigger lock and accesible ammo.

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Hey Dave, I have a neat video of some guy shooting the 50 and the round coming back at him and taking off his hearing protection. Not sure if you have seen it but PM me your e-mail and I'll send t along if you want.


And I agree, I've always been around firearms as a kid and was taught respect for them in the day when they wren't safely stored, and I'll do the same for my little guy when he gets a little older.

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A paintball "gun" is only refered to as a "gun" by the people who see it as one. Not everyone sees it as a war game, where you are mock shooting to kill... but as a game of "tag". To the athletes that play, it is referred to as your "marker".


just expressing the other side of the story. :)

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Trust me a paintball marker, is nothing like the real thing, my dauighter and I play paintball PLAY We are regulars at SGT SPLATTERS and I know the owner quite well, he is a friend and another handgun shooter....


There are rules when you play paintball and there are ruleswhen you shoot handguns, Paintball will take out a eye hand guns will KILL YOU,


I have only been shooting for a year and Now the investment is huge, I am just lucky that my daughter has a interest in it..


Shoot safe, shoot smart amd respect is always the key to any shooting sports. paintball or real


jsut my 2 cents worth



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Why would someone want to teach his child shoot a handgun? How much is a handgun having to do with hunting?

Don't mention it's for self defense because handgun proliferation is going anywhere but a safe & peaceful environment.


I served in the army for a while and I am gun trained -although never been a good shooter- but after that, I never wanted to touch a gun again.


Please leave the handguns to professionals of sort, and let them kids be kids! There are so many other hobbies around...


My 2c.

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No One said that handgun shooting is a hunting sport, But thats like saying that leave the fishing to PRO fisherman, and leave driving to the pro drivers, Handgun shooting, is a legit sport, I compete in EPSIC shooting, my family is around guns, long and hand, so exposing them to the safe and healthy part of shooting is far better that some kid finding grandpa's rifle and playing around killing his cousin by accident


The problem with guns especially handguns, there are alot of uneducated people out there, and all they see is some kid shooting up a school, or someone killing some poor bystander when they try to kill each other.. the legit shooter is always safe and educated on his or her firearm


Just my 2 cents worth



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Guest gbfisher

DMASSE...........Don't waist your time on the :spam::oops::wallbash:


Some people can comprehend the way things are and the good which comes from sharing what you enjoy with your kids.


Keep up your rights!!!!

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