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lake scugog


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as do I about you

so, you look at the big picture in everything in life or just fishing

1) I try to yes, thank you


so I take it you don't fish because fishing for sport is cure and unnecessary

2) No I fish for sport so there will be fish in the future for our children in there big picture


you will not have children, because the world is getting over populated

3) I just had my first child and he is quite a picture


you don't drive a car because if you look at the big picture you would be killing the world using oil products

4) I bought a new car that is better on gas to help the big picture


you clearly only use solar power and wind power because everything else is killing the planet

5) No I try to shut off a light or two, turn down the heat and turn up the air, for the big picture


or is it just fishing where you have great insight and can clearly see the big picture and all else in the world should think the way you do........give me a break

6) No I am an alchoholic and I knew I was going to die if I did not quit, so I seen the big picture and got help, I dont want anyone to think like I do, I would feel sorry for them lol


people that think everyone else should have the same valves as them sure are full of themselves

7) Keep what ever values you have but please let a fish or two go so my son will be able to see the big picture


if they are within the law leave them the hell alone...they even made a law to protect their right to fish

8) That I will not even get into because in due time there will be no picture

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I hope you got my point


that one persons values (big picture) will always be different from the next persons values


..most people who believe in P3TA, really believe that they see the big picture and that we are dead wrong fishing.it is cure it is in humane. it is wrong....

and they will tell you to see the big picture..their values..their big picture...


so I believe that we must leave our values in our pocket when talking about this stuff and deal with the law.....and that we can use against people ....


we can try to educate...

and it would be great if we could get more people to follow our values about fishing


but pushing you own values onto others is just like pushing your religion onto others...

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I hope you got my point

1) Yes I do


that one persons values (big picture) will always be different from the next persons values

2) Very true and understood


..most people who believe in P3TA, really believe that they see the big picture and that we are dead wrong fishing.it is cure it is in humane. it is wrong....

and they will tell you to see the big picture..their values..their big picture...

3) Again very true and agreed


so I believe that we must leave our values in our pocket when talking about this stuff and deal with the law.....and that we can use against people ....

4) My values are my values but one thing I take with allot of pride is being able to think what I want and speak what I want


we can try to educate...

and it would be great if we could get more people to follow our values about fishing

5) Could not agree with you more


but pushing you own values onto others is just like pushing your religion onto others...

6) I would never try to push my values onto anyone, I will however state my values when I feel the need


I thank you for sharing your values, it seems that you got a bit mad at me for not sharing your values though, see what I meen. We both have our thoughts and both are right in our minds I beleive in everything you are saying except speaking my values :-)

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Speaking of offensive I myself find this post very offensive, it is for sure the job of the fisherman to look at the bigger picture and tell me you dont throw fish back in because you want to catch more later, well then you just looked at the bigger picture


Firm beleiver in yes follow the rules and helpenforce them, there is alot more anglers out there then there is law


As for grouping people I will not get into that, I dont see the point of keeping everything you catch, that's all I have to say on that subject


well it was you telling me that you found what I said offencive... why. for not sharing your values ..lets not twist things

.....it was I that said lets respect peoples values



people read anything they want into posts

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Correct I did say it was offensive, I did not say you were wrong or you should not state what you think, I simply said I found it offensive and I found it offensive because


"it is not the fishermans job to look a the bigger picture

it is their job to read the rules and follow them"


So that quote seems to indicate we should all be followers and not try to contribute to better fishing, you can quote me on that


Nothing has been twisted maybe I did push the comment on "the bigger picture, I agree" and its not a values that I am trying to push here its common sense, we have to look at the big picture if you want to keep fishing in the future, tell me you want to see all the bait fish and smaller guys kept so you and your kids can not fish in the future, please tell me that and I see no further argument on my side

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well I am glad that you will not respond any more to this thread


and you read into my statement what you wanted it to mean then tell me it's Offensive


that guy fishing from shore , which this topic is about.....who know ..it may be the first time he has ever fished

or maybe he lost his job and is trying to get enough fish for a meal..who knows..

but it is not every persons 'job' to worry about every detail of the fisheries the very second he picks up a rod for the first time any more then it's you job to do every thing possible to protect the planet, so you son has a planet to live on

and by your answers you don't worry or think about the big picture of the world very much, ......but I offend you because I state, it's not every fishermans job to see the big picture about fishing..now that is offensive..that's twisted

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well I am glad that you will not respond any more to this thread

1) I did not say I would not respond I said I would not argue my point if "if you want to keep fishing in the future, tell me you want to see all the bait fish and smaller guys kept so you and your kids can not fish in the future, please tell me that and I see no further argument on my side"


** But here I go anyways lol **

If you read the above correctly, it means you no longer want to see fish in our lakes and streams in the future


and you read into my statement what you wanted it to mean then tell me it's Offensive

2) If I read into your post to much wich is possible I whole heartedly appologize


that guy fishing from shore , which this topic is about.....who know ..it may be the first time he has ever fished

or maybe he lost his job and is trying to get enough fish for a meal..who knows..

3) Maybe it is his first time fishing I would gladly explain to him let a few go so you can fish tommorow and catch a bigger guy :-), maybe he did lose his job I would then be glad to help him out with a few bucks if he needed or maybe even give him a few tips to catch some more "BECAUSE he needs to eat and can not afford food" if you dont ask and try to help a person out you will never know


but it is not every persons 'job' to worry about every detail of the fisheries the very second he picks up a rod for the first time any more then it's you job to do every thing possible to protect the planet, so you son has a planet to live on

and by your answers you don't worry or think about the big picture of the world very much, ......but I offend you because I state, it's not every fishermans job to see the big picture about fishing..now that is offensive..that's twisted

4) Even in my values I neither said nor beleive you should worry about every aspect of the fisheries or life itself you would go crazy but by helping out a bit, for example helping to keep a few more fish alive to spawn for later it will do us all good. It is for sure all our responsibilty to worry about the fish and the future of fishing.

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