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Everything posted by young_one

  1. Great report, good to hear your Ranger peform so well!
  2. Left home Wednesday evening, 2 night camping trip at Mohawk Bay Trailer Park. Early Thurseday, caught only 1 small walleye using CC shad. It became really windy around noon. Around 4ish afternoon, I found the honey hole! caught 6 more walleye, had to cull the smaller fish, left myself 4 chunky eaters. There were also pike and OOS largie caught, but they were all released. Wasn't even late/dark befor I was satisfied with my catch I will be back on Monday again!
  3. Nice report! All ways nice to hear people are catching from BoQ, a good looking stringer of nice eaters there.
  4. Very nice report! Love the dock picture. Every BoQ report on OFC has a flavor of its own, and I'm craving for my turn! I'll definitely be on the bay very soon.
  5. excellent report, i wish i went out last weekend. My itch for BOQ is getting worse! What did you catch most of your fish on?
  6. Excellent report, I wish I had the chance to go out today. Glad to hear the catching was good!
  7. Great to hear that you had a great outing! I wish I went out today, but the rain. What did you catch them on? Spinners?
  8. I just spooled 900 yards of 10lb Trilene XL on my Sealine 27 Linecounter Reel. I'll primarily use it for trolling. (worm spinner, crankbait) I recently purchsed the Percision Trolling Guide, and it has all the data in 10lb mono. I find Trilene XL, simple, easy, and economical. Where about are you fishing? I might bring my boat down to BOQ this weekend, Deseronto area.
  9. Great day, I actully pressed the snooze button 4 times befor waking up. Simply wasting my fishing time, what was I thinking. Not counting the little ones, landed 4 fish, and a BIG fish got away! It just kept on going down stream, eventually it hooked me up good on a log. Before I sleep, pictures! Start slow Few hrs later I'll try to improve the fish handle, so no mud next time. Its like glowing out of my hands Crazy fish! Going to bed now. If I wake up on Sunday, I'll go again. This opener day fishing is really tiring, can't even tie a Parlamor knot right now, my vision has becoming blurry, and I can't even feed the line through the hook eye!
  10. Thanks grt1, Its always great to get the response from the pro, like yourself, who make spinners as a business. Right after posting this Topic, I also went through the internet and many spinners seem to be tied with the Snell Knot, took me a while to learn it, but now I got it. Look just like the knot from pre-tied spinners. With the extra wrap on the shank, I'm sure it'll help nighcrawlers to stay on the hook. I'll definitely tie a few spinner with the leader length you suggested, I think it can make a big difference!
  11. Went to Bass Pro after dropping of the boat for maintance, and bought a few things for Walleye opener. Plan to tie a couple double hook spinners while I wait. QUESTION: Should I use a combanation of size 2 and 4 hooks or same size for front and back? Should the red hook be placed at the front? Which knot is the best for front? Back? Leader length? Befor, I use a Parlomar knot at the back, and a simple wrap at the front, but I find the Parlomar knot never keeps the hook perfectly strait. - couple Calorado blades - beads - size 2 and 4 hooks - PLine 15lb (never tried this, looks pretty good, had a smaller Diameter than Basspro fluor and teh New Trilene 100% fluor)
  12. Can't wait till the Trout Opener, such a hot day out there, I just took a picture of my stuff for Saturday. Am I ready? Am I missing anything? - Fenwick HMX 10'6 XL rod - Daiwa Regal Reel (8lb Trilene Sensation) - float - extra float rubber, swival, #12 hook, split shot - Krystal & Wooly Bugger - Montana Prince - pink and red worm - Salmon roe bag - 4lb leader - hemostat
  13. All geared up today, got some flies, small colourful worms, and etc. Can't wait till my first opener I wish to learn a lot from the shoulder to shoulder environment, perhaps I'll catch something if I get lucky.
  14. nice fish! Do they take the pink worm? haha kidding Love to get out for carp someday. Congrad on the catch!
  15. Haha the 'dirt talk'! Its actully not dirt, beacuse this fish was spawning, and eggs were squirting when I was taking the quick photo. Its actully scars from spawning. Are all the spawning fish beatup like this? or am I just lucky.
  16. Tomorrow's Gas Price, Today (Toronto, Ottawa, Montreal) Gas price for tomorrow, I guess there is abit of compare shopping. I've been monitoring for awhile, its really accurate! How does he know...
  17. The rod in the picture is a telescopic 14ft rod from China, its designed for still fishing for carp. While practicing drift with Sucker yesterday, I broke the tip accidentally. Just like everyone said about what to watch out for. The good: Long rod, Im allowed to use smaller lb test, and I can just “pitch” my float on each drifts, save the energy. (know what I’m talking about? Don’t know the proper term) Bad: telescopic rod is difficult to keep all the guides straight, especially with long rods. The guides are tiny, a lot of resistance when casting. It also had a terrible reel seat, my reel actully fell off when I was catching a lot of Suckers.
  18. I’ve been trying to fish for these beauties for the past 2 years, in the past, either wrong technique or miss the season. Sunday I broke the goose egg, and now IM HOOKED! Can’t wait till the opener. Went to a popular creek on Sunday. Around 9am with my last roe, I caught this beautiful spawning female. I can’t express how excited I was, this is my FIRST EVER Steelhead caught using the drift float technique. With the upcoming opener, I need to buy a new fishing rod. - long float fishing rod, preferably longer than 10 feet. - combo with a spinning reel - budget less than $120 - so far, I’ve only 2 options (Berkley Xseries 10’0 Med.Spin) (Fenwick HMX 10’6 Xtra Light) - your suggestions are highly valued! Thanks, your my first
  19. cabela's! I went there last year this time. Best tackle store I've ever been, but then again, i didnt go to any other tackle store at Michigan.
  20. Dilemma dilemma, My last exam is on Monday May 5, the opener is on May 3rd. Wow the opener is early this year. "To go or not to go, that is the question." Probably better plan to go during the week. YEAH! Im going fishing! (Sry, long winter)
  21. Rock Band! One of the best games for the New Generation game consol! As for the really hard song your son can't finish, try look up for video on YouTube. There are many crazy videos of people beating impossible songs. For beating them, a big factor is the timing of the "overdrive" technique! I'm sure him and his friend's will beat it in no time! B/w go to BestBuy and get the Guitar Hero 3 combo for yourself, that way you can join the fun with 4 people, one extra guitar being the bass. I actully convinced a couple mid-age adults to play with my friends. It a really interactive game, ENJOY.
  22. HOlY big fish!
  23. Is it called Tightline Tackle? Any idea when it opens on Friday? The one on Brock Road, right off Hwy 401.
  24. COD4 is honestly the best game, great pick! I recently start to play this game on Xbox 360, not sure if its the same network as PS3.
  25. Ohhhh Spring... nice report, beautiful place. I bet soon enough the bugs/mosquitos will get those shore fisherman a fun time.
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