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BFSC Kevin

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Everything posted by BFSC Kevin

  1. as some may have read. i was very ticked off that i lost my spinner and xrap because of my stupidity of forgetting to bring some leaders well, when i woke up today, i couldn't stop thinking about it... sooooooo... i returned!! at 1 i met up with my gf and we headed off to the islands, saw some bass that didn't feel like eating, caught a 13 inch bullhead that put up a good first fight of the day... and we continued on our journey to find some pike.. finally time was up and we had to go. it was either we took this current ferry or wait and take the next, since we had a bit of time, we decided to stay for the next ferry.. good thing we did! i walked around and threw a aglia spinner around and i saw a follow! and BAM, it took it and ran... my curado was going nuts.. i yelled over to my gf who is sitting there bored, "i got something! its huge! go grab the camera!" and she returns shortly to assist me.. after a good few minutes fight and running into the weeds, i get her landed.. it was a beautiful 34inch PB pike (not bad i think, considering this is my first year going for pike). after the OFAH award, we have 36 inch for team 3.. WOOT! (i edited out my face.. made a funny face)
  2. although it may seem childish, but i'm not going to get over this!!! ahh... lost my baits($15), lost the fish(priceless), loss my hope(well not really.. i'll be back.. haha), but more importantly, the fish has the bait stuck in their mouths... who knows what will happen to the fish..
  3. some very nice sized fish there! atleast theres a bright side in fishing in the dark... no sunburns or tans! lol great job bly and cliff
  4. lol.. nice catch indeed!
  5. no leader.. im so mad... i shouldve brought some.. i only took one box today, thinking, "go light" so i totally forgot... oh well.. next time lesson learned.,
  6. holy crap shawn! that thing is massive.. congrats shawn and yay team 3!!!
  7. so today went over to centre island with a few friends for some fishing;. right off the bat, i got a huge fish, made a huge splash, was 30+inch pike for sure.. as i was reeling it and tried to get my lip grip from my back pack, it got off! i reel in my line and found out that it broke the bait and not the line.. was using a booyah spinner. second fish after 30 mins of casting was another pike 25inch+ using my clown xrap. i casted it a few times and saw it follow, so i casted it again and took it this time! great fish on! NOT! it inhaled it, broke my 20lb powerpro, i lost my xrap third fish lost was a massive bowfin, took the blade dancer but spat it out.. so pics for today kids sorry. nothing for team 3 either. although my friends caught a few nice 17" LM bass.
  8. those are some great fish there. congrats
  9. alarm went off at 3am got out of the house at 4:15am arrived and launched at 6am fished left at 5pm. i was hoping for maybe an accidental musky, but that didn't happened.. not much to show for the day but bass
  10. yeah, i agree on the gulp thing.. they begin to actually break down after about 1.5 year or 2 i think.. otherwise gulp are awesome baits.
  11. why dont you try toronto islands....
  12. not a bad fish still! man you're a troop.. going in a kayak in pretty high winds and knowing there was a cold front.. lol.. atleast you got a decent fish and some new fresh air..
  13. so, some may have known, i had some trouble last time when i went out and the motor wasn';tpumping gas. found out it was the tank problem. today i opened the tank and the line that draws the gas from the tank internally fell off! well more like erroded off or something. now it is lost in the sea of gas. luckily i have a spare merc tank! the one that broke off for me was a newer plastic quicksilver tank and the back up is a 70s metal tank, but i was surprised that when i opened the old one up, the line that draws the gas is made of aluminum? and this newer one was of only cheap plastic... i guess i'll be sticking to the spare/older one for now... or should i go find the replacement line for the "broken" tank? where abouts should i find that and what is it actually called...? i'm guessing i should just ask the local marina. and any guesses on the $$ for it.. \thanks
  14. sorry gerrit, dont know the area. but best of luck!!
  15. very respectable sized fish! but i'm assuming with it being so large and old.. it wouldn't taste too good? perhaps 12-14 inch would be ideal i assume?
  16. ahhhh.. it has really gone down hill eh.. how abouts the north side, on the main lake(pigeon)?
  17. where is this omemee pond? i hope its not the same i used to go to...
  18. awesome shawn! you mustve had a blast!
  19. here are a few more pics. i think i should cut off the extra that you see hanging over the bench.. looks odd cheers
  20. hey stoty, here http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=1634 and welcome aboard tinnman to team 3!
  21. i found the problem... it was because from www.blahblahblah [ /img] there was a space from the close bracket and the www. url
  22. i get this.... " THE FOLLOWING ERROR(S) WERE FOUND Sorry, dynamic pages in the tags are not allowed "
  23. i dont know why it is not letting me post using [ img] fnc
  24. so.... i just got this boat this year and after taking out a few times this year, i decided i really wanted a deck for it. so decided i should try to make one. looked around the house to see what i had, and i have most materials and tools. ended up spending $30 for the carpet and adhesive, $5 for the lock and the rest (plywood, screws, cooper pipe & aluminum supports, tools), i already had, so i'll consider them free. the boat seat and pedestal is a different story. extra $110 right there. here is the deficit and here is the beginning of the project, only used normal plywood, although probably should've went out to buy some marine grade one. i used the jigsaw to make the hole in the wood for the door, even cut out an extra 1/4 inch so the door would lay flat/uniform with the deck, but it ended up resting on top of the deck(if that makes sense to you), but atleast that way i dont need to put in extra support for the hatch for when i step on it and not fall through. the carpet installed onto the wood with the door not in place yet, just double checking if it fits snug. here with the door installed and all ready to be put into the boat after adding a few supports... so now i have a few tackle boxes under and my deep cycle battery. here it is, on the first voyage. however, i did not touch the boat itself, i had only installed the the deck ontop of the bench, didn't want to take out the foam, nor did i have the tools or knowledge to deal with rivetting/welding or whatever to needed. soon i'll post some pics of under the deck if anyone else wants to see to get an idea. the deck actually has more space then it appears, it is because of the angle the picture is taken at. hopefully this will give some people some ideas if they want to build one themselves. happy fishing!
  25. i'd say, monster musky is an understatement.. very nice fish!
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