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BFSC Kevin

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Everything posted by BFSC Kevin

  1. You didn't miss much.
  2. Raycaster, I plan on making that cable for myself too. So far I've been only dunking the camera underwater blindly and hoping it caught some good footage. With the cable, it will enable me to stream through wifi what I am recording.
  3. Yes. I saw a 4" Finbore III at the sail in Vaughan last week.
  4. Yup, like Raf mentioned. The elite 7 can not be networked to the hds. The elite doesn't have the capability. Considering the retail price of both units is about $2000 including tax, seems like a decent deal. Is the hds a gen1 of gen2? That will affect the value..
  5. Thanks! Not including my cell phone for that opening shot, I used 5 cameras there. Lol
  6. Thanks all again for the positive feedback! Which bobbers? Thanks again! Its always great to hear. It was a mazda 3 hatchback
  7. You gotta do what you gotta do! LOL I'll get on that soon. I didn't keep any perch myself, it was the buddy that came along that took all the perch. I have seen/heard reports of there being grubs in them this ice season. YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO COME! told you to come!
  8. Thanks all for the kind words. The portable fish finder was a mod I did myself. This lowrance unit is from my boat but I use for ice fishing during the hard water times. I guess I could make a video of how I have it set up. I did bring a few cameras to shoot this. And it did take several hours to go through all the footage and edit it. Having a 6 man hut is pretty spacious but it is a bit heavier and cost more to heat up. I didn't check out St John myself, it was the guys I bumped into at Couch that told me that. Ice was at least 6" where I was.
  9. Hey gang, So for the first trip of 2015, I decided to hit up Lake Couch for some perch action. I bumped into a couple fellas at the lake access who were at Lake St. John earlier and stated the ice was still sketchy over there. After the quick chat, my buddy and I headed out and made our way to about 20 FOW and got into the fish right away. We got plenty of fish in the 10-12" range and kept a few for the dinner table. Enjoy.
  10. Some really really amazing shots and editing done. I'll get there one day.. LOL Also, is there an intern that sits there and counts all those casts? Lol
  11. Yes. I have heard of issues with the adapter plate. I don't think Clam always has the best quality but I am happy with this adapter plate. It functions well for me. Well when the ice season is over, you can convert the drill back to being a drill and do some handy work around the house. Some people have found issues with not being able to remove the piece from where the chuck should be. I used my 12" auger extension onto the allen wrench to help me get leverage. Another plus is, the drill setup weighs very little, under 10 pounds? Anyone can easily carry this setup with one hand.
  12. It certainly convinced MJL to upgrade Last year was my first season with this setup. I used it probably 10-15 days on the hardwater. Never once did I have an issue with the batteries. I did try to baby the batteries by removing it and placing it in my jacket or in the hut though. There were a couple of days where I wanted to test the durability to see how it would last in the cold, so I left it out in the elements ~ -15C and the one battery lasted me all day still. The battery that came with my drill was the XC4.0, which is supposed to be a very good battery. I purchased the Clam conversion kit drill plate. It is available for roughly $60-80 I think. I believe Brian there has his own home made adapter that is working happily for him. I do prefer this plate though because I have the leverage of both my hands to stabilize the whole thing while it drills downwards and all that torque is controlled by your two hands versus your wrist that is holding the drill. If you want to go that route of Brian's, Normark sells the drill adapter for about $10. But be careful with this one, it doesn't have that plate that Brian's does, which will catch the auger bit before it falls through the ice if it becomes removed from the chuck. I might have a video of me drilling a bunch of holes. I'll have to see later tonight. In 1-1.5ft of ice, with the FUEL drill and 6" auger, I recall it being over 25 holes. With the same drill, but 8" auger, I believe it was over 15 holes. Last year on simcoe, while constantly moving, looking for lakers and whities, one battery lasted me all day. Albeit I'm a walker and don't have a sled, so perhaps you machine guys will be running and gunning and punching 40+ holes??!?! But then 2 of those XC4.0 batteries can handle that. I'll try to view my videos tonight and see if I can confirm on the number of holes per drill/battery.
  13. Here are some videos... Milwaukee M18 fuel with 8" auger in 3 ft of ice Milwaukee M18 fuel with 8" auger in 2ft of ice in about 9 seconds Milwaukee M18 (not the fuel one) with 8" auger, struggling
  14. Depends on the drills, I had a 18v milwaukee that would cut with 6" no problem but when I switched to the 8", it would struggle alot. Then I switched to the the fuel brushless version and that one did the job no problem. I even have videos of both working if someone wants to see. The 8" with the fuel went through about 3ft of ice no problem.
  15. Hey gang. Well I usually try to make it out to BOQ atleast once every fall when the action heats up for those giant gold fish. Last year I was able to go out with a few buddies and we did quite well and I posted a video for that, last year. This year after hearing reports of the fishing from my buddy, young_one aka fischen aka Will. Frozenfire and I decided to head out for some of that action. We headed out on November 23rd while Will was there for a tournament that he insisted that we should have joined... We started our day at my place at about 3am and our day ended at about 5pm. I'll let the pictures and video speak for itself. Enjoy.
  16. I had a fat fishing and a quick fish. I sold the fat fish. Mine had an issue with the side wall always flexing in. It couldn't hold up jn the wind well. The way the hut is designed,it's too hard for the poles on the wall to hold up against stronger winds. With the shape of the quick fish, the poles have a stronger concave shape. Eskimo may have fixed this issue with the newer (2013+)? huts. Mine was from the first introductory year.. I love my Eskimo products though, I have the quick fish 3, quick fish 6 and quick flip 1...
  17. New boat every ten years sounds good to me.
  18. That's awesome Bernie. Good to hear you're doing well
  19. Terrova for me. It's better for all around fishing. But if you're focused more on just shallow water fishing and in tight covers, I'd get a cable steer like fortex. However I do a bit of everything so the Terrova fits the bill nicely. I had an absorbent amount of money or it was my career, I'd have both the fortex AND the Terrova
  20. Thank you all for the kind words. I just picked up on this video editing stuff and although it's taking up a lot of my spare time, it's very fun and rewarding to see the final result.
  21. It's slowly gaining momentum... very slowly. haha
  22. Well last month I had the opportunity to fish some new water and for a new species. I have never really targeted for carp before but this was a good chance for me to give it a go. Now bring on the chrome and Quinte gold!
  23. Wow. Very nice! Do you mind telling me the price you paid?
  24. I recently picked up a 2008 Jeep GC diesel. I've been using it as my daily driver, atleast 80kms a day. If I'm light on the foot, at about 110km/hr I can hit under 10 L/100km. Right now on the computer with mixed highway and city, mind you the highway is alot of rush hour traffic. I am getting 11.5 L/100km with a pretty heavy foot. I have driven to London a few times and I got just under 11L/100km on smooth highway with minimal traffic. However we did have a canoe on top and traveling north of 110km/hr Towing my boat (approx 2000-2500lb) I get between 12 to 15L/100km, depending if I go on local highways or the 401. On the 401 I would be going between 110-120km/hr and that would decrease my fuel mileage. I agree the optimum speed is between 80-100km/hr. So far I like it, my previous vehicle was a 2002 Acura MDX. But the MDX had way more interior space, more storage space and compartments, not sure if its a fair comparison. However the Jeep has more power and way better fuel economy. Some issues I've had with the Jeep GC and seems to be a common problem are: -N23 recall 4x4 lo lock, I've only done the temporary fix of unplugging the fuse. This is a huge issue that jeep haven't been able to adequately fix. I don't need this feature so much but it is very annoying to know that isn't there. -Sunroof. There are problems of the sunroof not being to stay flush with the roof. I have read issues and experienced issues of the sunroof caving in when going through a high pressure water car wash. NOT fun. -Windshield washer fluid hose/nozzle. My tubing has cracked and broke. I need to fix this asap. I believe it is from the high heat temperatures of the engine bay area that has caused the tubing to be fragile and brittle. I have read online that others have had to replace this part several times. -Lack of storage compartments -Creaking sound when opening and closing the doors, not really a biggie but I have sprayed it with grease multiple times Some things that I've really enjoyed about this vehicle: -High clearance -Fuel economy -Towing power - really hauls butt, I can barely notice a boat behind the truck when accelerating on the ramp onto the highway -Torque Overall, would I get it again? Yes.
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