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BFSC Kevin

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Everything posted by BFSC Kevin

  1. HEY HEY.. Gerrit, you're back already? I just stepped into my girlfriend's in Scaborough... Yeah.. Hearingfish, you don't want to head outt o merlands... no good.. peice of... but I had a good time meeting all the folks and putting the names to some faces! I'll post up a report soon once the pics get uploaded... kevin... errr shall i change it to wally kev now?? lol.. i'm going to try to hit the BOQ again a couple times before storing the boat.
  2. o wow.. SWEET deal on the mann's!!
  3. LOL.... well when i was young, i was taught pickerals... then eventually i noticed most people saying walleye, so i just conformed.. but its all good!
  4. they sure are pretty and pretty big!!! i was tempted to grab one myself.. well gerrit.. we'll see this weekend see if it'll work!
  5. hmm.. thanks for the tip! i was looking into getting a VHF.. but waiting till i found a deal on one... but 8' long antenna?!?!?! seems really long......
  6. Are you heading out too Lew?
  7. yikes.... i hope it wont be that bad... i would never go out like that.. yikes
  8. Oh, BTW.. We'll win the OFC tourney!! right Shawn?
  9. Hey Don, I'm thinking Shawn and I are probably going to be on the water by 7! We'll see, it's up to Shawn. Wayne, the pee issue has not yet been solved.. since i'm tagging along with Shawn, I didn't try fixing yet.. I will get to it next week.. something couldve got lodged in there or maybe i need to tow it down to the lakeshore to test it.. if its none of the above, i'll have to bring it in to get it checked... Still a few things to do to the boat, -install the rod holders -install the ram-mount/lowrance 25c -figure out the motor pee hole (was working fine 3 weeks ago when the previous owner showed me it running) -fix the honda 5hp oil cap(previous previous owner was appearently an ape, tighten the dam thing so hard that the placstic has harden into the shape, so i gotta replace it with a o-ring or something, or never tilt it up! lol) -stick on some extra reflectors on the trailer for extra safety -shift the boat forward a bit on the trailer to stick on the trasom saver onto the bunk roller. -change gas line alot of stuff still to do, but not too hard, only the peeing issue is what is concerning me the most... otherwise, if its all ready and set, i'll head back out again next weekend.. for some more eyes!! err pickerals..
  10. GOT IT! came in last friday.. i still have in the boxes though.. haven't installed it yet.. been just poking around with it... been preoccupied with school work and prepping other areas of the boat... it should be installed and ready for next week.. still 3-4 more good weeks of walleye atleast! then it'll be pack her up for the winter. Also grabbed a ram-mount for it.. probably will mount it something similar tothe way you have it, Lew.
  11. I guess a better example would be they have the Navionics GOLD sd xl9 great lakes and maritime chip for $199... even at bass pro it is $230 i think
  12. Hmm.. i was talking to two of the salesman and they were very nice to me...lucky me?
  13. im not too sure either.. but i'm just tagging along! i'll see you there Scott! check pm! kevin
  14. mann's for 6 or 7? great deal there!
  15. lol.. yeah.. no doubt.. i think i bought mine was bass pro for $26.. but then i needed 2 more for the upcoming boq meet.. but now looks like i don't need them.. maybe i'll go back and return it to save myself $18..
  16. oh wow.. super deal.. too bad i don't need a street pilot
  17. Well i stopped by there today at jarvis and lakeshore.. looks like they dropped their prices on everything in the store. whatever their prices are in the states are the now the new prices in canada.. so scotty powerlock rod holders were prices at 39.99 in canada, but now they are 33.99.. etc etc go take a look, maybe they'll have something you want/need
  18. ohh.. really.. so I could just tag along?
  19. 1- not enough experience/knowledge... maybe 2- boat is not long enough!!!!!! its 16.5 ft i believe.. hahaha 3- no insurance.. atleast not yet. 4- price of entering is not cheap.. but should be still fine 5- no partner!!
  20. booooo.,.. i cant even compete..
  21. errrrrrr.. probably wont be till thursday then i can tow it down.. or tomorrow, but then that'd be like 8 or 9 pm.. a bit late and dark..=/
  22. hmm.. i guess i gotta go down to the lake and try a bit then!
  23. you can just pull it off? thats something new.. gotta go do that now!
  24. dag nammit.. i had it run for almost a minute and afterwards, i even take off the cover to feel the temp of the block.. its pretty darn warm.. but not hot... i think i may need to get the impeller changed..
  25. hmm.. i dont see a thermostat then.. the hose goes straight to the block... and yes, roy, i have have a hose connected the muffs.. and yes the hose is turned on
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