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Everything posted by speedtroll

  1. Nice Rogers finally gets of their ASS I mean wallets. One 300 plus average hitter away from a world series appearance. what a starting line up now.
  2. Hello All Just wanted to share a good news story. I had my Calcutta 700 gears give out at Lakair this summer. Seeing as I bought it used and it is a few years old I figured I would be spending some coin on a new reel. A friend suggested i send it to Shimano and see what they say. I did and I got an email a couple days later saying that they replaced all the gears and upgraded the drag system for good measure. They did all that for $28 including shipping. I could not believe it. A brand new reel. Very sweet. Now i really know why all my reels are Shimano.
  3. Awesome fish. absolutely incredible catch. that was caught in 2008 I might add. This guy does the unselfish thing and let it go. Spawner or not it is there for someone else to catch. The replica that he had made looks 100 times better and will last far longer than that fish ever would mounted. Whether it was 60 inches or 59.5 inches, or whether it had a girth of 33 or 32.5 inches. Who the hell cares. Anyone who has actually caught a large fish like that (which 99% of the people posting here HAVE NOT) knows that when you catch a hog like that, you are more concerned about getting the big girl back in the water quickly and healthy. You are also so PUMPED and the fish is usually struggling, it is VERY hard to get measurements at all. Yet some people on this board can not just congratulate the guy for catching an amazing fish. They are not happy unless they rip the guy for not taking 20 different pics and getting 10 different measurements (to satisfy everyone else's curiosity), and end up killing this beast. UNBELIEVABLE! It is absolutely no wonder why many people don't post their catches here anymore. It's just not worth the aggravation. Very sad.
  4. has not set their status

  5. For me in order 1- Black Marlin 2- Great white 3- 150 plus Tarpon 4- Blue fin Tuna 5- Giant Sturgeon 6- many more sail fish 7- 50 lb + musky 8- golden trout 9- 7lb plus speckled trout 10- Giant grouper I don't ask for much.
  6. Its all good my friend. Thanks for asking. I am always kickin around. Aren't we kinda over due to get together for an Old Mill?
  7. Go where they are the BIGGEST Roy. you can never go wrong with that!
  8. Offer still open Brian?
  9. i agree with all the above but you absolutely have to have a couple Double Cowgirls and a couple depth raiders. all have their place
  10. Sweet Lew that 10 in sunfish Jake will go real well there. maybe a big double blade boutail
  11. Sweet bud good looking boat. i got the shotgun ready whenever you need an extra. ;-)
  12. Wow That is what we live for. very nice. thanks for sharing. Speed
  13. Hi Brian wait until the end of June. what in particular are you looking for? if you get the chance, reserve a table at Benjamins for Dinner. you wont regret it. have fun Speed
  14. Hello All Just wondering if anyone has fished the lake? I have and opportunity to stay at Camp Driftwood and wondering what the fishing is like and the accommodations. thanks Speed
  15. hello Ryan I would love to participate some how. i lost my Son Chris a couple years ago to Cancer. do you have a website with more info? where when etc...? thanks Rob aka Speedtroll
  16. what a shock! Not The Ministry have known about them for 15 years plus. Can't figure out why they denied it for so long. I guess its just like denying the spring bear hunt isn't needed here. Politicians?
  17. Thanks guys much appriciated. Speed
  18. Hi Bowslayer would really appreciate the help. thanks Rob
  19. Do you need a boat to fish it? Are there any maps of the lake? Where are some spots to take the kids that they will catch some fish? any tips? Thanks speed
  20. Joey I am truly sorry to hear this> My thoughts and prayers are with you. speed
  21. get the kicker it will add many years to the life of the motor. plus you can fine tuen speeds much better. especially for walleye. my buddy has a 2007 90hp merc and has had a lot of condensation in the oil from trolling.
  22. Wayne i know it won't help much right now but you have my deepest sympathy. it is one thing to watch it coming for years like my Chris but to have it happen that suddenly is hard to take. i will say a prayer for all of you. Speed.
  23. Very sweet my friend. one of these times i am going to get my a$$ down there and get out with you. speed
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