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Everything posted by ProFishermanJones

  1. wow all these pictures make me hate living where i do! awesome pictures, those 1lbers and 2lbers sure are dandies.
  2. Damn great post, looks like a beauty over cast day out there for catching some BRUISERS. amazing pictures!
  3. great pictures!
  4. nice pictures man and nice species! those pieces of fish at the end look mighty tasty, makes me think when the last time i had fresh fish home fried was! and i can't remember! makes me look forward to some perch through the ice! thanks for posting
  5. I don't like to film in 1080P HD! fill up a memorie card in one hour of fishing, plus the upload times and file sizes get out of control! it is nice for controlled videos, but when I'm filming for a hook set its not good.
  6. your very right it works, lots of people think you need a big boat and all this big time tackle and all that nice stuff, i kinda like to show people that you don't need all that, you need some time and patience and a lot of water so you don't get dehydrated at the waters edge!
  7. Now here is todays PAIN! Well i was out fishing for about 8 + hours today, heck i don't even keep count any more and was there trowing my DAWG and i always i mean always figure 8, even when i can see a follow because i know where the fish are, its funny because people will be laughing or looking at me weird for figure 8ing from shore etc. so I'm going in for the figure 8 didn't see a follow or anything and..... BOOOM sorry for the bleeped out words but this is raw footage and i wish i could re do the audio or something but heck heres the video of my GETTING GREEDY AND TRYING TO GO FOR THE NET/TURN MY NETCAM ON, AND WHEN I LOOK BACK DOWN IM HOOKED IN A LOG! Lesson learned to never get greedy. Well check out this semi short video from today. and just a heads up obviously i in no way measured the fish! but for the sake of the video i called it 50+ inch on the figure 8, not trying to trick or fool anyone!
  8. headhunter - "It's like playing chess with a pigeon, no matter how good you are at chess, the pigeon is just going to knock over the pieces, poop on the board and strut around like it's victorious" never heard a better sig, if i ever get a boat i think i will put this on the side of it ! Thanks for chiming in LetsGoFishing - Thanks for your input. I made the mistake of lowing the audio levels while editing and forgetting to raise them after i was done, I find having the water proof door on works fine for audio especially if you have a good editing program to change sound levels and quality, i never use the non water proof doors because I'm always getting down and dirty, always putting my cameras underwater for releases and my net cam is always getting in the water or washed. i don't believe in the non water proof doors! its a safety thing! & as far as the high eye lens goes as said here it dosent change it. I only shoot with the HD Hero and done recommend the HD Hero 2. All my GoPros are wide lens and I'm glad they are, i only film in 720p a 60fps because its best for slowing it down, at 1080p at 30fps it takes up so much memorie and takes so long to upload and the 30fps really makes for choppy slow motions! Thanks Miro for your input. CityFisher - thanks man, and your damn right. i just hate when the good guys start hating, then its like a feeding frenzy so if i can prevent that any way possible i want to! thanks for the kind words again! RangerGuy - Fish more is a must! i have been out every single day for longer than i can remember! today was another 8 hour day! FishingFury - I really enjoy your website and blog by the way, and i hope you can get out there and get a Big GIRL! the boat is the way to go, no point in struggling from shore! MPS - thanks man and your right thats why i love the wide angle lens! looks like a 50 + pounder!!!! although in no way was it. i like to think i have the musky dialled in but i have yet to put together a real good pattern other than just get out there and don't stop until you get one lol. MistyRiver1 - thanks man and i tried my best of the release, i tried to make the best out of a bad situation! Terry - you are very right with the HD Hero 2, i do not like the HD Hero 2 and on my GOPro HD Hero i don't have the option! I'm just fine with how it looks! Smellybox - i would hate to think that! they slay up there on the bay, I know dadson puts a hurting on the fish! I've still been trying to get a nice blade fish this year(From shore) no one throws em down this way and Ive been trowing my blades HARD! with only one early fall fish around 40"
  9. sounds like a decent way to start the work day! glad you enjoyed it and your right my gauges where off the scale! much appreciated Jigger. couldn't have said it better myself and i agree 110& i believe i seen that thread actually where someone was commenting on your carpet and slime. like we both know, sometimes people just want to say what they are thinking even if its not in the best judge meant, some times people should just learn "it is what it is" and be nice. sooner than later no one will post pictures or videos. heck why would they if they get flamed every time. I'm got into it on here with some other members before for my video/pictures etc or w.e but i didn't glet it get to me and figured i would explain my self 100% everything that needs improvement etc and hope not to have any one sickened. Thanks for the kind words and glad i got to read your post! thanks for posting. I don't mind when people keep them to eat, they pay for there license they have the right to eat it. rather i see fit or not!! Thanks Harrison! i hope to get a few more big girls from shore this Fall! Thanks a lot man, means a lot. your very right, I'm really happy it was caught to shore! i see so many 50"s caught any more its out of this world! and your very right, if it was a 60 i would have been in trouble and would have risked way to much! I'm still shooting for that 50! I've been spending more time than anyone out on shore casting thats for sure, so i hope she's coming to me! Glad you enjoyed the video and thanks for posting! Its all I've been doing lately! i love it as well. no fish = still outside in the fresh air! thanks for the congrats Capthooked FishLogic, your very welcome, thanks for posting here, it was quite surprising but it just shows it can be done!
  10. Thanks man! sure was a pig. this year has been nothing but excellent for me! glad you like the net mount, i lost a fish today before of the net mount! got greedy and tried to get the cam on while i had a fish on. thanks EC1 i really appreciate the congrats! many thanks! Thanks mike! see you on the water! & best of luck on your next trip out Hahah i got a good laugh out of that! you never know what some people think! this counts, this dosent count! who knows! Thanks for the congrats! Thanks andrew! i really appreciate the kind words Thanks a lot rich, i can already notice my releases getting better and fast and I'm getting a handle on the fish better! really appreciate your insight and you are very right bashing is never ok, i can stand positive and negative criticism but some times the bashing is unnecessary, so i figured if i fully explained my self it would prevent that! thanks for the congrats and best of luck on your next time out! I don't know why i would get bashed sometimes either but it happens, i figure if i fully explain the situation etc it will prevent it! thanks ccmt! sure was the fish of a life time, I'm still smiling from it! Thanks lew, sure was a beautiful fish! one of the nicest I've caught as far as markings and girth. & you couldn't be more right, i don't let it stop me. i like sharing my luck with others especially on this forum! but many do not post because of people bashing and lack of respect. Thanks Live2Fish, GET OUT THERE ASAP, fishing for everything is only going to get BIGGER and better as fall progresses.! best of luck on your next time out man.
  11. this is pretty good! I got a kick out of the ^ "I've been in the ice hut at 5am still hammered from a few hours prior!"
  12. One of my best years yet, every year the knowledge seems to increase and my amount of tackle does as well, but it seems the fishing and size of fish/fish caught seem to increase as well! this year has been a "more than i can ask for year"
  13. Every Damn Day. HARD minimum of 5 hours usually upwards of 8+
  14. someone always does it seems. i just try to avoid it as much as possible. hahaha never have i ever heard of keyboard cowboys before but damn thats a good saying and i plan to use it in the near future! rofl im glad that is out of the way, & you couldn't be more right after i got home and loaded the pictures on my computer i see that guy Photo bombing my picture like it was nothing! Thanks a lot fisherpete, i need all the bonus points i can get! . hahaha now thats pretty good! i know it was a little over abundant but in the moment much needed! usually the audio on big fish for me is strictly garbage and mayhem with maybe one nice word! i always have to end up turing my speaks down watching fishing videos aswell, or my parents will think I'm up to no good!means a lot Cast-away. it was sure the fish of a life time for me! glad you enjoyed the video and more importantly the release
  15. Thanks a lot man i net cam is just something new i have been trying out, i have it perm mounted to my net it seems to work pretty good. Thanks a lot man, haha i got a kick out of that! very well said. i don't even want to think of how many hours morning and night i put in for this fish! but it was all worth it in the end. im glad you find nothing wrong here, but I'm trying to prevent to the best of my ability any one from finding something wrong here. because people will look and find stuff when there is nothing to be found! thanks and appreciate it buck tail, now all i need is to get a bother fall giant on a buck tail! appreciate it TopWater Strikes, I've never caught one on a top water but i plan to, and i plan to get the massive strike on video, bought my first top water not that long ago and hope to get my first top water muskie, i guess from what i hear its a early morning thing Thanks JCRG Thanks a lot of the congrats and i do tend to get a little excited when i can feel that kind of weight on the other end. & to answer your question if i wouldn't have posted my pre defence, then the comments made could have very well taken away from the post i would rather be on the same page as everyone else then have someone start flaming me! but like you said to each there own. i could show you where I've been flamed by people on here just not youtube, and partially from not fully explaining my self like i did here. Not to worried about that, there isn't any room to fish there anyways!
  16. Well today i managed to land my new personal best muskie! and it sure was fun it measured 52 inches exactly! i wasent expecting to hit such a fish so it took me off guard and i figured i had a carp hooked in the back because with the amount of time I'm casting I'm always pulling up scales the size of toonies! lucky it was a muskie though and this fish stayed down and felt like a log/carp in the back as you can see in the video it bowed my rod like no other so I'm going through my video comments and see this lonely Lesley who decides to post this little gem. To get a few things straight, I though you guys had got a better net? in case you didn't know you guys dosent apply here, maybe my friend got a nice bigger net donated but no sir not me. I'm still stuck with this net, sure is it sub par to what most consider a muskie net? YES. but if it far better than what most anglers use to land / catch muskie with? YES. Trust me when i can get a bigger MUSKIE NET, i will. you don't need to worry about that. Plus i have a friend who has a "muskie net" and my basket is way bigger than his, much more effective for landing big fish. he was actually taking his basket off to replace it with one similar to mine.. If you post this on OFC your going to get ripped, Deservedly so. Well maybe so, but that dosent bother me or deter , i get a kick out of this video and thats all that matters. i know there are some smart people on here not all tom fooleries who just want to speak that Bull telling me to get a new net do this do that. i know there some people who know it is what it is and enjoy the report/video for what its worth. anyone with a a slight knowledge of muskie fishing can see that i need a newer net, YES. i just don't have the money to drop on a net at this time. or else would have one..( and i don't need comments like oh get a big net instead of a camera etc i got my cameras for xmas gifts) 1. Fish was caught using heavy line and wasn't aloud to fight very long and stress its self out even more, it was brought right in. 2. fish was landed carefully and not bashed around on the rocks, no hooks tangled in the net to rip its face off 3. the bulldog popped out and came unhooked in the net, so no unhooking which is less stress on the fish. 4. This was a personal best for me, i snapped two quick pictures on the camera phone and got a quick video of me holding it 5. if the fish appears to be out of the water to long when I'm holding it, its because i slowed the clips down 2x because it wasn't out of the water longer than it needed to be. 6. No up and down holds fish was supported the whole time on the belly or my knee 7. Most people will just nose dive fish back in at this location, ever fish I've seen caught here has been done so. I took the extra time to slow release it at the boat launch until she was good to go. 8. Slow release was successful and fish had its power back in no time in these cold water temps and swam away strong. after that long disclamier heres my report etc. So i was fishing in the morning got to my spot around 6:20am and started off by casting top waters with no action, then i threw on my orange tail bull dawg, orange seems to due wonders in muddy water. had a little fish about 40" give or take hit me and was quickly released, those small ones are buggers. the big Fish hit me just after 10:00am and it was my second of the day. Start with a short video, apologies for all the OMGs and bad language although it could have been worse, but i seem to get a little crazy when i feel something huge on the other end! & here is a picture of the bull dawg it damn near destroyed. some nasty teeth lucky i wasn't cut and gill plate scrape free! & this is the first time I've ever seen this, i heard someone say that using this kind of leader for muskie will slice through it like butter and that it is better to use a wire leader because it will bend before it breaks, well luckily i got this muskie in the net because once i looked at my rod after i released the fish my 130 lb leader was sliced in half! and had some pretty bad cuts and abrasions on it, this makes me think twice about what kind of leader I'm going to use from now on, heres a picture of my leader that was torn up and sliced in half. So let the ripping begin OFC have your best shot i love coming on here reading reports, reading about other peoples experiences and stories. not to mention the great fish and humour on here. I understand the bashing when it comes to muskie but don't get me wrong, I'm on the same page and want to do everything i can to prevent fish injury etc. I'm always talking with guys about how there light action rod isn't that good for muskie fishing and how just nose diving fish in from high up when they can hit the shore isn't good, I'm always re-enforcing the ethics that i was taught. i see a lot of guys with bass/walleye nets a lot smaller than mine using them to try to net fish and i will always run over and help them net there muskies with my "far sub par net" just to make sure it isn't injured any more than it has to be. i try my best and will keep doing so. thanks for reading my report and hope you enjoy the fish & exciting video as much as i did.
  17. Nice pictures, just in the lat 2 days I've seen hawks migrating, about 3000+ birds all in a straight line and a big ball as far as the eye could see, then i seen a single bald eagle and an osprey!
  18. nice small drop, that is a bruiser for sure! thanks for posting & i enjoyed the pics
  19. Nice fish, and there is no way to change anything for pictures, Best way is to use the mount that it came with the flat black piece of plastic set your go pro to it, set it on the ground set the picture mode to a picture every second and hold the fish up to it pretty damn close, you can get 30+ pictures of the fish in under a minute then you can pick and choose what you want and there will 100% be a decent picture once you take about 30 or more. gopro is a great still camera just gotta get to know how to use it + take lots of pictures one(set it to 1 every second) of them will turn out good
  20. nice pictures i enjoyed them, and looks like the Agawa Canyon rail tour was pretty nice!
  21. arnt these threads always a dandy to read.
  22. some nice fish, 4 over 50! thats awesome, great pictures and report! i need to get me some blazin walleye!!!
  23. great pictures! can't wait to get back up to that area
  24. look at the head on that muskie! nice fish and even better that you seen it strike and follow up. very nice report!
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