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Everything posted by danbo

  1. Pittsburg rox!
  2. Why I luv my Kayak.. What I save on fuel!
  3. Where are the parents? Both are at work trying to keep a roof over their heads. Of course there's more single Moms these days too. Society is to blame for it. Violence is everywhere in the media..try to watch your nightly News on TV without shaking your head in sorrow.. These kids need "creative guidance" with sports,music,art,etc..but it costs time & money. Outcast kids usually seek others of the same for friendship & protection. Thus, gang mentality creeps in..usually with one or two Disturbed kids that become leaders of the pack. Until Society steps up, this stuff will just keep spreading........
  4. http://www.basspro.com/webapp/wcs/stores/s...HVIDEO_111_HIGH
  5. Here's another kind o' Beaver!
  6. Ha Ha, you said "Beaver!"
  7. Yo Hawk..that Rock Bass in yer avatar is hilarious!
  8. Go Leafs Go..
  9. Hair-rigs, the fish hooks itself!
  10. Anybody try salmon eggs yet? Should work.
  11. Nice fish. Full of eggs too. How big was the bait they coughed-up?
  12. They need a Golfing Instructor!
  13. Maybe try shorelines for pike?
  14. http://conservation-ontario.on.ca/
  15. http://www.mnr.gov.on.ca/en/STEL02_168294.html
  16. Most big rivers have good access for shore & wading ,if you don't have a boat. Trent - Severn dams & locks. Just make sure you know the Regulations & have a license. All Conservation Areas are easy to find too. Ontario Parks,etc..
  17. Yes it's very expensive to change it all. . Thanx TJ, for this great place to play!
  18. Atta boy,Hawk! I agree!!
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