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Skipper D

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Everything posted by Skipper D

  1. What can i say .lol. get her done and drive it but i'll bet its for show ???? Here was mine , only 625 hp tho , i delt it last summer after eight years to get a fishing boat.
  2. Nothing wrong with the job Brian , the stress come's from not having enought good things going on in the personel life after work and the time to do so . Becareful if your reaching 40 .Things are out of balance and need to be equalized if you get what i mean , i had the same burn out many years ago and had to take control . I did quit my job in 1990 .
  3. I use to live over that way Brian before we moved to Midhurst , pretty quit little place but booming in the back yards so to speak , the menonites are friendly and like to fish , lots of places you can drop into , just look for their signs posted out front of their drive ways and your welcomed in and free to spend , hit the waterloo market just off the conastoga if you can , you'lls injoy that for sure , the foods good there any where you go , can't tell ya much eles other then if you buy some thing from over that way it will last you a life time .
  4. I don't ever click on many links that are posted on the board including this one .... sorry..... But for what ails me from time to time , get a bottle of Brandy and take good amounts of it warmed up , as long as its burning down in there its killing germs , keep it burning til ya feel better . I think every family home should have a bottle of this in it instead of a lot of the over counter drugs .Sorry if i am off topic from not clicking on the link posted here .
  5. Thank you Brian , i think am to big to go in there . I find it hard to beleive how fast it happens when it starts , guess it wont be to much longer if we have this weather a bit longer . Thank you too Dave .
  6. Just checking to see if any knows of any boat launchs might be close to opening any where on Simcoe .
  7. I wounder Cliff if Radar knows how it works for us guys ........ lol , it wont be to much longer now .
  8. Well Dan i think it was around that time this morning i posted in the status box "good morning early birds" which was the time i was coming in to go to bed this morning , worked in the shop most of the night as its that time now for me to whip our equipment in to shape for the up coming construction season , kinda like get it done now so when the ice gets out my mornings will be free to hit the water . Your right it was warm out this morning at that time plus a full moon and for the "worms"....... there is a can on ice in the shop fridge ..... lol .
  9. For now this morning i just finished working the last five days straight running on six hours of sleep , two guys were unable to show up so their nine hours runs became and were added to mine each day , but while i have the chance here this morning for a bit to relax i though how much better this morning would be if it could be like how i started this thread "What if " . Gtr .... trust me they are out there at that ungodly hour and i can always come back to the dock later to pick you up ...lol . As many days as i can i try to be on the water that time of the morning if i can before i go to work each day , with most days in the summer not getting home til dark from work leave's no time for me to go fishing the evenings .
  10. I am the lucky one then my friend , to be able to sit here and ponder my thoughts for a bit , at least for now , wish it was that way for every one this morning .
  11. If it were 4:30 in the morning right now , warm out , and i had a can of worms , i'd grab the boat and go fishing for the rest of the day . What about you ?
  12. I'll have nothing to worry about right , your coming with me are'nt you Timex ?
  13. Hey thanks a lot for that RLFT , the bass thing is some thing all new for me to try this year , i picked up every thing i needed last fall to go get at them and never was able to make it out , as for the U.S. open thats out for me , i am a stay close to home boy for now . When the time comes for them on Simcoe i'll be there trying my best .
  14. Iam Bassitchin , looking forward to getting out and trying for thease babies , but all i have is the gear for fall fish'en and nothing for spring .
  15. Paul , i have the answer , mount a pole in the center of the bow of your boat , go get a use water slide for a pool and mount it to the pole and have it swing , now where ever you want to go will be easy , get it aimed right and just slide either into the pickup box or if you can leave the truck door open you can slide your self right in on the truck seat and your good to drive away other wise , if its one of those things where you have to keep getting in and out all the time , try hooking a bunji cord to the back of your pants and the other end to the pole , this well speed up your mounting and dismounting time in a big way , please let us know how it works ............ People the guy is looking for answer here , i am merly trying to help the old guy out
  16. Some thing for my OFC friends .......... i was just checking to see if i fit in here any where . Very nice to see Baptisums going on in familys still . She is a sweet heart Simon .
  17. Ok ........round two ......ding! ding! Its Berkley culps , out fishes all other baits........................................
  18. Being a man of the land my hole life and watching the tell tail signs i'am with you on this Cliff , i know i better get the perch boat ready sooner then later . Mother nature will give another huff and puff a time or two then it will be here , her storms will be short lived from here on in , buds are all ready on some trees .
  19. Ok BB very well done , and very well done for you too Sinclair , now i want yous back in your conners and i want yous to come out fighting Plastic s Plastics ... got it .............. just trying to help out the mods here ok ..........Ding Ding !
  20. I am just going to sit here till they move the clocks ahead to catch up with me .
  21. Thats Bass pro for ya ...........lol
  22. lol.............
  23. Every one here is nuts thinking you'll acheive those kinds of goals , i am going to be realistic this year unlike all of you and i am going to empty Simcoe
  24. I like to think guys they are afordable from this perspective , i bought a bag of Berkley Gulp minnows last june , used them for the season over and over and still have most of them , they are still keeping good in the glass jar i put them in leaveing them available to use again this season . For the minnows atleast i find them afordable .
  25. Was there a good crowd there Dave ?
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