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Skipper D

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Everything posted by Skipper D

  1. I was in the resto buiz at one time for my self for nine years HTHM , back then it was all enamals , never got to try base coat clear , i would realy like to some time but am not about to learn it on this project that am doing for my self , i just don't trust my self enough to get the clear right the way i'd like to see it ..... lol .
  2. time to get back out and take the swimming platform off .
  3. Heres a bit of before and and after , i spent the morning removing some of the pin stripping off the back of the boat and some of the hard ware and started the sanding .
  4. I picked up a few supplies yesterday to use while working on the boat , i got to share this simple tool i picked up with every one , My brother told me to buy one so i did , i picked it up at the top shop in Barrie , its the neatess thing and it works fast and easy plus dose'nt hurt the finished surface underneth , its for removing pin stripping and decals . I am going to be painting the boat and started the prep work this morning , check this tool out , its as easy as it looks , just click on the picture to see it better . lol
  5. I'd be tickled Dave if i could switch every thing over to Merc , not sure if i can but i'll be checking to see .
  6. Yes Simon , i have their number , gave them a call to see where they are located sio i can go have a look , still waiting to hear back from them .
  7. I don't think we'd have as much to say to one another on Saturday mornings if Yogi & Boo Boo and Rocky & Bullwickle were still on Tv ..... lol .
  8. Guess i am on the right trac with the polyurethane thing , never having worked with f/g that much , i was told to sand it with 400 and bought a case .
  9. Thats right TWOCODY and i did , first off its to bad it just could'nt be left alone with its jelcoat finish , but times taken its toll on it , i'd like to see it looking new again and in order to see that happen its paint it time . For as long as own it , the boat will always be trailered , never left in the water , so several places today suggested for that reason i use Polyurathaine , guess thats what i'll use unless some comes along with a better idea .
  10. I am about to start calling around this morning to find out whats the best paint to be putting on my f/g boat hull , am sure i will be educated after a few calls but thought i'd get some good answers here if i asked .... o' and whats another good thing to be putting on the boats wood trim , what ever we end up useing for a white paint on the boat i thought i'd like to use the same thing on the wood to keep it simple and easy to take care of for later , thanks in advance for all your tips .
  11. Am glad i stuck around on this one , thank you Marc for sharing what you have learned with those here who want to know more , your info here will greatly efect the way i think about the way i do my C&R from now on . Thank you again ......... Skipper .
  12. Hey ! is there room here for me to sit down and learn some thing from all this , or is this private stuff ...........
  13. Don't worry Brian , look close , he's wearing the pdf under his t-shirt and the tether over the windsheild with in my reach
  14. What do you say when a twelve year old says at bed time , do you want to go fishing in the morning grandpa . I woke him up at 6 this morning and asked him the question .... lol , it did'nt take long he was up dressed and out the door we went together for the first time . The fishing was'nt all that great to speak of , we only fished for perch and tryed to find the big ones all over the lake with no sucsess , I did keep enought small ones to make a meal for us all tonight so he'd know what its all about , I enjoyed teaching him what little i knew and had fun watching him enjoy him self , i think the high lite of the hole day for him was the school of minnows that came to greet us , they stuck close to the boat for the longest time while he tryed over and over to catch them with a pail . He asked me if i was going to share this with the people on OFC when we got home ... lol , he fell asleep on the sofa a little while ago after we turned the fish to fillets for his grandma to make and feed him for supper . first pic .... school of minnows around the boat , second pic .... Skippy jr showing me the way home .
  15. Always giveing to the benifit of doudt and to some thing that makes me think twice of a memory from my child hood and its ( all what if ) , remembering the story of Noah's Ark when the water started to rise and the people who were left out side of it cryed to be let in , i wonder could this happen again to us , and should we ignore what we hear being said around the world today more so then ever before . In all my adult life i've kept things to my self but being the humanatarian that i am known to be and wanting to share my thoughts with others who feel the same i can't help my self from time to time worry about the fate of man kind and how much longer we will be able to fish . Just think about what if for a second some time is all , like Davey Bouy made me do at the start of this one ....... lol
  16. If any one wants to know more , like i was told , check out the last few chapters of the bible . But no where in there will it say the date this is supposed to happen , we are not to know or be able to ever figure it out . It talks about what will be taking place around the world just before it dose happen , many people in the world right now beleive this events are starting to take place , but who realy knows ..... lol .
  17. a set of thease would make the job easyer ..... lol
  18. Not trying to steal the thread but heres a little pole job i had fun doing last month , thru it all i needed a 24 foot set of pallet forks ,,, which i made .., to lift a complete roof off and set it over on some poles ..... lol .
  19. The best advice i can offer would be , take off your pants and put on a skirt , up right the pole and grab the butt end firmly in both hands and toss up wards with all your might ........... thats how the Scots do it in Maxville ......... lol .
  20. One good guy out of Maxville Ont should be able to flip that in there all by him self . This is one good thread and like a few others i too find it hilarious , probably because i do this sort of thing for a living and find what is so easy for me to do with our equipment not so easy for others with nothing , its funny to see how we will make do when we have to , trust me if i were close i'd be more then happy to offer up my services for free just to make sure nobody gets hurt , I love this thread tho big time and i say thank you , have fun and becareful .
  21. Heres wishing you all the best ....................
  22. It will take sevrel burns before the primer paint is gone , i cut it with a 3/16 cutting wheel in the mini grinder , first a zip up one side , then welded the hinges on , then finished cutting the door out , it had about a gallon and a half of oil still in there , with past experience building thease for our self , for some reason they never light up while doing the door thing , but will every time i weld the stack on , must be a lot more sparks hapening when thats taking place and your tank was no differant . Well now we have anew incenorator for another five or six years , our by law calls for no open flame so way back when i started building thease things for our own use and as you can see ...... no open flame . Thank you Nick and when your burning barrel burns out we can make you one of thease , i have one more in stock waitting ......... lol , Thanks again .
  23. every one should have one .
  24. .............
  25. dats an incinerarator.................
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