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Everything posted by UglyBug

  1. Yeah hear yeah. Felt like being run over by a cow quote name='mercman' date='07 August 2012 - 06:57 PM' timestamp='1344383839' post='720893'] You better be careful ya silly young lad !!!! Considering you live in the middle of no where, you are a very lucky man. Now in the words of our Matriarch."Wait till i get you home"
  2. It's true what they say it really did happen in slow motion. I have a 60 degree incline up to the side of the house. I have cut it many times before this time the clutch slipped and sent me end over end. Did not think it could do that. Do know. Good thing I'm all right haven't got Paul in the will yet for all my fishin gear Time for a beer :blink:
  3. Many years ago I worked driving large fork lifts in wood mill. As part of the training we received we were drilled that If the lift rolled hang on tight and ride to the bottom. Today I rolled my 700 pound Deere 360 degrees down a large bank. Some how I remembered to duck down and hold on. The tractor got trashed but I only came out with a slight back twist., If I had of jumped I am sure the blades would have removed something important. Just a reminder how quick life can change. I am amazed that i came out relativly unhurt. Looking over my shoulder. I think I will go fishing know and reflect
  4. Actually it is the ethanol that's the problem. Even on the new motors ethanol kills the fuel hose thru out the motor so it has to be dealt with. A water separator will deal with water in the fuel that leads to performance issues but not the fact that ethanol is bad for the engine.
  5. I only use Bio-bore and Seafoam. I use the Seafoam all season long as I fill up,and the Bio-Bore last tank of the year. Works like a charm
  6. Kumo will be on my RangerTrail in the spring. Better load rating than most with D load as opposed to C load in most. What ever you choose make sure they use the hi pressure valve stems.
  7. Interesting, Maybe its just you.. I took my test 11 years ago and lost the card, the testing facility no longer existed but they were able to replace the card no problem. They looked me up in the other companies files. Soo I ordered 3 cards to be prepared, One in my wallet, One in the boat and one buried in the back yard.. :thumbsup_anim:
  8. I work right across the road from the one in Ottawa, it's a good place to buy nothing, poor service, poor selection and the prices are higher than most stuff at my local tackle shop. Not for me
  9. You are correct if you have the regualr style vests in the boat you are not required to wear them, however I have no idea why you wouldn't. just like seat belts. If you need them and your not wearing them its to late. I always buckle up and always wear mine.
  10. The gloves were for the fish not me. Pauls net was small and I could not get a clean hold of the fish to remove the hooks. I did not want to damage the fish by letting it flop around on the floor thus the gloves. So a saved fish is worth the ragging.
  11. I prefer the birds myself, took two off my boat. If you can affort the little extra go color display.
  12. Fluffy is that what they call if now Me too
  13. Me too!
  14. Hey your just jealous that you can't look this good..
  15. Let's just say we weren't Kansas any more Paul had trouble seeing the red line on the GPS give him a shout he will give you the area
  16. It was a fun day for sure thanks Mike. It's actually a different type of fishing than I usually do so, even tho the numbers were low it was some fun trying something new with my brother. As time goes on we can do one thing, drift apart or take up fishing together I choose fishing As a side note, if you only have PFD style life vests on board you MUST wear them to be legal. I carry both in my boat and leave it up to my partner to choose if they want them one when fishing, when I fish alone they are always on and clipped when main motor is running everyone vests up. A slow day fishing is better than a day at work... Who knows what week end will bring Cheers and enjoy yourselves on the water with those who mean something to you
  17. Lots of fish in the Mississippi lake. You can launch from the town ramp. Fish the weedy bays and you will load up on pike. like any lake around Ottawa lots of boat traffic. Also their are tons of lakes,within an hour . You could also launch and fish the big redeau from redeau ferry
  18. No worries here. I generally hate bugs so I guess they knew that.
  19. Well sorry but they do bite, you might not be sweet enough for them. I have been bite so I know. might not be common but they do
  20. Those buggers bite so be careful.
  21. Ok Paul, given this info your in the garage Friday night at my place
  22. I'm so hot i'm smokin yea!!!!
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