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Everything posted by UglyBug

  1. Well good for you...I know him and not you so,I trust him.......
  2. In the imortal works of Conan the Barbarian " do you want to live forever" You guys are way to serious about this. Chill out guys.
  3. Got to remember its a smaller Ranger which is why they cal them lead sleds. The boats is only really rated to do about 62 to 65 so it's close. Yes trimmed all the way down. Friend of mine has a 521 that does 80 that's fast. Oh an nope don't jump to many boat wakes but I don't shy away from them if they creep up.
  4. Nice try But if I do replace it I will keep it as spare. It does have the PVS and plugs are at 3/4 so I might remove them and see.
  5. Those older Rangers where great boats and tuff as nails looks good
  6. Theres a bass pro in Vaughn been there seem to have good selection
  7. Thx for the offer already running Tempest 23p I am talking with Kawartha propellers and they may be able to loan me a 22 or 24 4 blade. Will see how that goes. Cheers
  8. Forgot to tell you all I'm switching out the prop so I should get another 5 MPH from her. YeeeeeeeeeeHaaaaaaaaa, Bring it on I say. You guys might like this. Its the same boat and motor I have and close to how I run it
  9. Thats why I have insurance and a good up to date GPS. Its also why I only open her up on a lake I really know. I have been fishing this lake for 19 years straight so I kinda have a good handle on it. Only once did I hit something and it was not with a bass boat but a tinner doing 20 kph. Its like anything, watch, listen, and learn. Talk to people who run the body of water and use common sense. "Oh wait common sense is not common any more. " I figure more people die on their way to work each day than boat accidents. So if I'm going to go, I want to be screaming down the lake in my boat doing somthing I love to do. Thanks for your concerns for my safety, and your opinions, they are all well received, But if you ask any fast boat driver, if they are honest they will all say getting there is alot of the fun. We like getting there faster than you slow pokes clogging the channels:sarcasm: ps: its been a slow day at the office so thanks everyone for keeping me amused...
  10. Well now that you mention it yes we did catch bass, was a tough day with the wind but hey it was fun. Besides even if it was just burning gas, it was mine to burn, and I was on the water with my Bro! Good times
  11. Ok to all you who are whining about bass boats going to fast and buzzing people. Let me set the record straight. I always goes as fast as i can because I can, If i wanted to do slower I would by a Princecraft (kiddin Paul) I always steer clear of other boats because I want to, and its the right thing to do, I always wear my PFD because you should, and oh yeah I always catch those fish because I'm good at it. What drives me out of my freakin mind is others who have no idea what they are doing. examples anchoring in the main channel, Failing to yield, fauilure to respect others,jet skis owners who think they own the lake( yes I was told that last time I was out fishing ) and finally those who try to say that going fast has no place in fishing. To you all I say How many of you go faster than allowed on the highway or maybe tailgate to close or talk on cell). I and most bass boat owners that I know are very capable drivers and would never want to kill themselves over fishing, let alone mess up those pretty boats. So as I am zooming by to reduce the wake, I will wave politely to ya"ll and be on my merry way. And yes the hole shot is something I am working on right now. I have been messing with the WOT and water pressure. Now its time to re-prop.. Also before you blow a gasket think before you type, it makes for a nicer day I think. Ps: Paul Rain suit will be shipped today
  12. Just remember fish that area in a H path Paul you will catch fish lol Paul will understand it
  13. Yeah was scary for me to Mike ...One Bro choose musky and walleye the other choose bass. not sure which one is better but i do know that the trash talk flows across both LOL. Paul mentioned he was going to set up another outing with yea, should be fun going walleye fishing for bass B
  14. oh thats easy..Was always told to respect my elders, so in this case I will say Paul. But really it's me but don't tell him that.
  15. Paul it was a blast having you and Barb up for opening day. Bass fishing and trash talk always go hand in hand so I will give you the one about the restaurant not opening until 5. But in the imortal,works of WKRP, as god is my witness I thought turkeys could fly, in this case it was open all night long . Just remember however I still caught the first fish and limited out first. So there Make sure you bring a spare set of underwear next week that Ranger of mine hits the 65 real easy and I always drive it like I stole it see yeah soon dad would be proud
  16. Do what ever you want i really don't give a rats backside. just goes to show you the level of care some people have....So go ahead and justify whatever..
  17. Taking a picture while common is NOT! Legal, the reg's say any OOS species MUST be returned immediately to the water, taking a picture is NOT immediately. I happen to know a CO who will ticket you. so let's all beclear. It is not legal..... Heres the section from the regulations "Fishing season opening and closing dates vary depending on the species and the area. It is illegal to attempt to catch fish for which the season is closed, even if you are going to release them. Fish accidentally caught during the closed season must be immediately released back into the water. Closed seasons protect fish at vulnerable times of the year, especially when they are spawning or protecting their young."
  18. I fish them all the time, I always use Owner 2\0 weedless wacky worm hooks.
  19. If your going to fish, hunt, drive or anything else that requires oil you better get used to these things happening. we have no one to blame but ourselves, so move on its just the way its is
  20. Bass Pro Shops 100MPH is best IMO Paul, won't be cheap but you can't put a price on happiness
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