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Everything posted by UglyBug

  1. What hair your bald
  2. It's about admitting we collectively have a problem in our group Enough said
  3. Sorry Craig but there not part of my group. I hang out with people who are clean, respectful of others, and would never participate in this type of behavior. Not sure what group you hang out with.
  4. I've always been partial to Princecraft boats had two and both were excellent. Lots of options out there don't rush research ask for some on water tests and then choose. But as someone said try to get the max rated on the boat if possible you won't regret it. Good hunting and let us know what you get.
  5. Your right, but he did say a HUGH number which does imply something close to that. Not defending ether way just saying
  6. With comments like those I suspect this post is going to get really interesting really fast.
  7. Nope, I do one thing at a time then move on to the next. What I leave behind me is perfection
  8. I am a BASS fisherman and PROUD of it...... People who destroy natural resources like this are a disgrace to all fisherman and should be jailed. However sadly people like this are to stupid to even try to talk to. You just can't fix stupid
  9. I had the same problem with my iPad, you need to make the changes from another none iPhone or iPad device. I switched over to my Windows laptop and worked perfectly.
  10. Wow that things giant, nice job
  11. I like your style
  12. Ok but what music goes with fish porn. Hum let me look to see what I can find when I left the water it was so hot that the coffee in my thermos tasted like ice tea. Wow. Oh forgot to mention when I go to my truck To load the boat some had parked their little car so close to me I could not make the turn to get around the parking barrier. So I went into the marina to ask, they told me they did not know who it belonged to but should not be there soo I had to drop my trailer and clear the way..... I always have a 10000 lb tow strap in the truck. Let's just say the car is not where they parked it.. don't mess with the Irish
  13. Well that was a fun morning, I figured I would try something different to beat he heat. So I launched the boat at 3 am this morning ran down he lake to a few of my honey holes and bam, I smoked them today. 10 fish landed 2 were giant small mouths which totally surprised me since I have never in 19 years fishing that spot caught them there. I also tried a few different combinations of my tried and true lure and discovered a new combo"! Which shall remain nameless fish shut down at 9, so I got some seat time in the Ranger. I have her dialed in perfectly now. Full tournament load and I was hitting 61.4 gps which is about all she will do. I also messed with he PVS plugs on he prop and shaved a whopping 5 seconds off the hole shot, went from 8' to 3 seconds every single time raised jack plate 1/8 inch, and WOT went to 5700 max rate is 5750 so the arse is out of her now., Oh and every single fish was released today, I usually keep them but decided to catch and release. Maybe that's why i did well today
  14. Nope real fast I will cover more woman, oops water that way
  15. I have been wearing my Columbia PFG shirts and pants. I figured I would go pant less but keep the shirt on
  16. Was getting the boat ready and cleaned out one compartment so I can get my Huge water container in. I cannot remember when the last time I went out in this type of heat. it's hot enough to run across this little guy but I will keep my fingers crosed enjoy your day Paul and be safe. Chat soon
  17. To those of you who plan to fish tomorrow don't forget your hot weather rules Lots and lots of water Your hat Sunscreen Sun glasses It's going to be 35 C so be careful everyone and enjoy your day
  18. I use the Columbia SPF guide shirts alot Not sure I would swim in them unless I had to
  19. Now that's a knife
  20. Really depends on the person. I personally use a leather man wave have tried lots of other knives but they just don't feel right to me, so it's a very personal choice.
  21. Should be an easy fix. I had a 30 Johnson a few years back that did the same thing, If i recall the linkage was binding against the housing when I put the cowling on.
  22. Worse than that, their bringing in the watered down US beer YUCK!
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