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  1. sounds like a great trip. your boy will love it. and before you know it he, like mine, will be passing along the fishing pointers along to you.
  2. it's odd this yr, I'm doing all sorts of stuff on my own and the BBQ I'm going to is for my sports club get together?! who the heck coordinated that? as for lures "I" bought some replacements a week ago LOL. BTW yes I do have kids too
  3. I love Maui Jims, decent value. As discussed diff strokes for diff folks. For fishing those that won't spend the $ can get by, it's not a make or break kind of deal. But my son and I also shoot skeet and trap. We use the same glasses as for fishing but with diff col lenses for diff days and col. Would never trust cheapie stuff for that, ever. $ does buy you better clarity, quality and safety
  4. thanks for this Lew.
  5. nice big brisket, what size is you weber? Meat from end to end LOL. I got one too and love using it.
  6. drop shot has become my go to technique for many species in last 2 seasons.
  7. how the heck are we going to call you for the crappie honey spot?!?!?
  8. nothing like drool on the rod, along with pretzels and hot vettes. Best memories and better ones yet to come. OH and of course local syrup rules
  9. Yes def look into pinkbike for something used. Not sure how much you really want to actually ride the mtn bike as someone mentioned a hybrid might be better suited to you or even a used cross bike with some mild knobbies on them. YMMV as I stopped riding road just because of idiots out on the road that could care less able cyclists, but that's another story. If on the other hand you really wanted to get into trail riding such as Kelso or Hilton Falls, pinkbike will be your best bet.
  10. this site has Ontario covered with yak fishers. http://yakfisher.net/blog/ great bunch of guys
  11. I agree 100% best knot to use. If I'm lazy, dble surgeon works for me all the time as well.
  12. "took a journey" I suggest aikmans if you're out that way
  13. mine is 15 years, only ever changed plugs once and filter once. Oil twice. Starts on 2nd pull, no stabilizer, nadda. maybe not a lifetime but pretty close. I can only imagine if I followed regular maintenance. BTW my Honda snowblower is still humming along after 10 years LOL. Def do the plugs if you haven't
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