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Everything posted by Headhunter

  1. Just a guess here, but, my 27lb l/c is about the same size as 30lb mono.... HH PS... I gotta do a pictorial of connecting l/c to a mono or floro leader... I've been using the super glue method for years and it works great... and no knotts and far easier to reel in throught the eyelets as well as the trolling reel.
  2. Thanks for posting the pics Will... that pike was so thick around the shoulders, the pic doesn't do it justice! Always a laugh when Will and I get together! WIsh I could get away again this weekend, but she who must be obeyed, has plans for me! HH
  3. Well Terry, we spoke to Lloyd a few times yesterday and he did better than anyone else we connected with at the launch, so I'm sure you guys will catch some eyes and maybe some goats as well! HH
  4. FishnSled and I managed to get out to Quinte yesterday. I was up at 3:30am and out the door by 4:00am. Stopped at the local Timmies only to finally put to rest my theory that Timmies does not hire the brightest people to work their over night shift... if you really wanna get a Timmies employee confused, set a thermos on the counter and tell them you want it to be double double... 15 minutes later and I'm on the road to "the Shwa" to meet FnS. Boat loaded and we are on our way. Arrived at Picton at about 6:45 and lines in the water by 7:00. We decided to try trolling Picton Bay, from the pump house out, hoping that some of the usual night bite fish were still around and perhaps hungry. We had reached close to the cement plant, when my rod went off. It felt like a good sized fish, it was not making runs, then resting, so I was pretty sure I had a Pickereye vs a water goat. I was running Dr Death, 180 behind the board on mono, 200 out from the boat... as I watch the line counter get close to 30ft, the fish is still down, not surfacing with its mouth open... hmm should be a good one I think. Nope, a flippin Pike... really wide at the shoulders and probably in the 36in range. Not the "wet sock" I was hoping for. We trolled from that point, past McFarlands, through the trench and into Adolphus, marking losts, but no takers. We turned around to head towards the cement plant and just west of the ferry, I've got another fish on. 5-6 lb Pickereye! We trolled until about 3:00pm and decided to call it a day. As usual, we laughed our you know what's off all day! It was a great day to be out, but I think it may still be a little early for the main group of fish... Water temps - Picton Bay - mid 40's Adolphus - low 50's Thanks again FnS... fun as usual. Talking to some folks at the launch, many were skunked, including someof the charter guys… it was a tough day… but I had a great time! RE pics... well I forgot my camera, but I wasn't too worried as FnS ALWAYS has a camera... well he did has his "new" one and apparently it is not worth batteries used to power it! Hopefully we got something to show you folks when FnS gets a chance to have a better look in the next while. HH
  5. Where are you staying Mike? HH
  6. You could easily mount a crossbow on the upper deck Will... the down side being how do I explain the half dead deer, thrashing around in my neighbours pool?! HH
  7. From the picture, it kinda looks like it's of the usedcondom variety. HH
  8. Congrats Big Cliff! Funny, but it seems that the deer are all around my house this year! A couple of Sunday's ago, I was in the kitchen making morning coffee and I looked out into my backyard, and there was a deer standing beside my pool, enjoying my wife's various flowers! I watched as it walked around the pool a couple of times, then slowly made it's way to the back fence, then back into the ravine behind my house. Now to some of you, this really isn't an uncommon occurance, but given that I live in Scarborough, it is a little unusual to say the least! HH
  9. Isn't that Lincoln right there in the video? I thought he was "pre-fishing" in the video! HH
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wyx6JDQCslE&feature=relmfu LMAO!!! HH
  11. Or, we could catch all the wet socks and leave you the sheepies... so you could "play lambs" all day! HH
  12. I certainly will, but it may take some time as I know they are talking to everyone I have passed along... Thanks again all! HH
  13. Thanks everyone for your suggestions. I have passed them along to my niece. They are looking at approximately 80 people at this point... Bernie, appreciate the offer, but I don't think you can accomodate 80... plus, I wouldn't get much "wedding stuff" done there as I would be out in the boat catching fish! Thanks again all... and thanks for the offer to cook BB! I would surely enjoy a wedding dinner of Crappie or Perch! HH
  14. Thanks guys, I am forwarding all suggestions to my niece... and she also sends along her thanks! HH
  15. Good question re numbers... I'll have to find that out! Thanks for your replies so far and if I may, please keep 'em coming! HH
  16. Hey folks, My niece is getting married next fall and is looking for a "resort" in the Muskokas or any other central Ontario spot, that could accommodate the service and their guests. She is open to considering everything. I thought I'd pick all your brains for suggestions as to where to book. I know she has contacted the major players/resorts. I would appreciate any advice suggestions you may have. Thanks in advance! HH
  17. Well, I am the O.P and frankly, I am quite surprised at how thin some of youse folk's skin really is... I had no intention to insult or belittle anyone in my original post. I was simply trying to get the roughly 1% of the posters here to maybe include a comma or period now and then. I'll be the first to point out that I am a horrific speller... but funny enough, I am an excellent proof reader of other peoples' work... go figure, so I guess I have a disability as well. Guys, this is not Shakespeare, it a fishing site... but, if you can't create a paragraph, can't use a comma or a period, then MAYBE you should consider using a spell/grammar check before you post, if you wish folks to read the post and continue your topic... that was my intent, however it seems some here have to break out their big spoon and still the pot... And funny enough, most who have taken at least some level of offense are not even the folks I was hinting at! Good grief! HH
  18. This is what I was trying, very badly btw, to get at... but when the post is impossible to understand, it will get ignored and that doesn't serve anyone well. HH PS... did I mention that GBW has problems with the truth??? Bah ha!
  19. Geoffy lies! It's been proven... just sayin... HH
  20. I new this would bee a grate way to spend Firday afternoon! HH
  21. At least I spelt police correctly!!! LMAO! HH
  22. I really don't want to get everyone's underwear in knots over this, but come on guys, can we not spend an extra 10 seconds before we post and check your spelling and or grammar? I don't want to nit pick, but of late I have seen some horrendous spelling and grammar from some folks posting and frankly, the impression it leaves on the reader is one of "huh"!? As a reader of your post, we can only equate who you are and what you are saying, based on what you type. If you type/spell badly, that is the impression we the reader will have of you, as a person. It is very simple to use "Word" to spell check, just cut and paste your post into Word and check it. Then, cut and paste your post back into OFC... tada, you're done! It aint pretty, but it is what it is! Thanks folks! HH
  23. You'd think that with an extra eye, that fish would have seen them coming! Nothing wrong with an extra eye, it means more bait for Perch through the ice! HH
  24. Nice shootin BB! But I gotta ask, did you guys drop something off the tailgate of the truck, cause the ducks are all lookin at what ever it was!!! HH Edit... I looked again it it appears as though you guys didn't share the muffin with the ducks!
  25. Awesome shot!!!!! HH
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