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davey buoy

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Status Replies posted by davey buoy

  1. Amazing how fast they were able to clean out the snow in that stadium!

  2. Hot water tank gone again!!!!!!!!Why can't they make one that lasts for more than 4Years.Flooded again

    1. davey buoy

      davey buoy

      Input pipe leaking,going inside,repaired as well as glass safety vile.No air,blows.Changed and fixed,happy,happy lol.

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  3. Hot water tank gone again!!!!!!!!Why can't they make one that lasts for more than 4Years.Flooded again

    1. davey buoy

      davey buoy

      What's a water softener cost,give or take/ballpark?

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  4. Hot water tank gone again!!!!!!!!Why can't they make one that lasts for more than 4Years.Flooded again

    1. davey buoy

      davey buoy

      Rent the gas tank through Enbridge,4th one in 16 years.Will be a nice talk in the morning !!!

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  5. The sno treck 60 ice fishing sleigh an sale at CT for $47.5' long,nice deal.

  6. Guess I,ll find out how the added weight works out in the morning. Love this weather.

  7. survived a trip to the arctic circle then more north to the Penetang snow belt

  8. Officially created my own photography web-site...www.mjleung.com :D

  9. NASCAR IS IN TROUBLE. Final race,a new champion to be had, and the stands have many empty seats.?????

  10. It,s time to, Improvise, Adapt, Overcome. Yes the cold wet weather is here. Are we not CANADIANS?

  11. Are the Raptors for real this year? What a game in Boston.

  12. Are the Raptors for real this year? What a game in Boston.

  13. It's snowing in Grimsby :(

  14. Saturday looks like a BLAST & CAST day. :0)

  15. Time to piss on the fire and let out the hounds.Looking for work. 25 yrs exp. Cabinetmaker/finnish carpenter....Good times..

  16. Ready to play WICKED CHROMERS. Bring it.

  17. 23 Years today with my wife. And no,I don't need to ask if I can go fishing :)

  18. Locked,loaded and ready for some toon pickerel,bass and maybe a musky.;0)

  19. Spent a hour calling around for a hitch for the truck. Buddy says do you need wiring. I say no,it,s already there. He says,well then you have a hitch already. I go look. Sure as heck,there is one. Now thats a hidden hitch.LOL

  20. Bored in Quebec. Waiting for 5 days of night shift. Yuck.

  21. BillM is a weather man. He got it wrong damit. I even thought it was going to be a right off,so booked the dog for a visit to the vet,then a few hours at the doggie salon. DAM YOU BILL. LOL

    1. davey buoy

      davey buoy

      There still saying 90% till morning,70% Sat.60% Sun.The winds I would think will be the greater problem.Leaves everywhere.

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  22. so how the TRUCK are you ....

  23. Pretty sad time,fish finder,trolling motor,one battery out.Will have to finish up this weekend.Trib time!!!!!!

  24. Last day in the deep water of Simcoe on Sunday.Drop by and say hello if in the area !!

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