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davey buoy

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Everything posted by davey buoy

  1. Walking was brutal yesterday,maybe time for a smitty conversion.Sooner then later lol.

  2. Awesome job Terry,looks great!!!!!!!
  3. Wouldn't want to be a Leaf if they fall behind in the game with Edmonton.
  4. Leafs are sucking,looking like #11.Just brutal now
  5. I agree why the sacred part for some?I don't get it,It's a fish,no better than any other IMO.Fight good,get big,and so do Pike.I don't eat either ,just my personal preference.All fish have a place in our waters.As long as they are legal to catch,have fun.!!!!
  6. Agreed,loved his shows and his straight no nonsense this is the way it is attitude.
  7. Done,nice wally!!!!
  8. I hear you on that Jeremy,but in my pool Buffalo is the only one behind.If Leafs fall last that's a dozen doughnuts and a Party fully loaded Pizza from the person with the last placed team(me).That's a $60 bill where I come from lol. Things at work you get into lol.
  9. I'm still using a candle,may be time to upgrade lol.
  10. The Roku sure does not disappoint,Most of any series you can find.Agreed not cable/not the same,but years of entertainment at your fingertips if that is what you like .
  11. As mentioned,there burnt out now,maybe not the right term,but that kind of non stop pucks at you is not good.We were lucky to win any of them..That could not go on even as long as it did.You can't have a goalie win every game for you,a steal once in a while is really all you should ask for ?.
  12. Agreed to a point,trade Bernier he may be worth something still?if you can,Reimer has had has a rough go to say the least.Think he would be a awesome second/starter.Pick up a proven goalie and I believe we would have a great tandem.JMO of course.Great to hear all the arm chair critics making there pitch,myself included.To bad big changes have to be made once again.New Jersey Friday,ahhhhhhh,who knows
  13. I;m as big a fan,but we have to pull our heads out of the sand.This has been a landslide for far too long.
  14. Dion has to go,Phil,looks like he is arrogant and a downer I think.Get a #1 goalie,we do not have one now that is not burnt out and can steal us a game .Throw Dion and Phil out there,see what we can get.Throw in a couple others.This team needs a 3/4 player change.No heart ,no grit,no nothing.Glad your starting to see this finally Bill lol..I'm one of there biggest fans,even I have seen this for months going on the downward slide.Nonis goes,Shanny?,who is this mostly quite hardly heard from guy?.To early to tell,thinking he may not even be the answer?
  15. Sounds like you'll be doing well tomorrow.Good luck.Let us know how you did.
  16. Bruce ,just a small speed bump,this will be behind the two of you before you know it. All the best.
  17. Yes he does as well as re pitch or change pitch if you want.
  18. Smart Like that's going to happen
  19. Stopped at two CT's today,both said tent fans should be in by the end of march. .Just not in time lol.
  20. Buddy two Sat's ago,taking down his hut,his girlfriend left her rod in the holder to help pack up.,comes back in,red holder over ,brand new rod/reel combo gone right down the hole.$40 combo lasted a day lol. If you catch a fish in simcoe with a rod and reel attached,feel free to let me identify it lolol. .Things happen so fast !!!
  21. Seems to depend on what is needed..Love the local guys !
  22. You'll have to beat me first Rich lol.
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