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davey buoy

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Everything posted by davey buoy

  1. Great fish,those banks hold some big large mouth.
  2. And I'm in zone 17 Saturday,hopefully some nice pics to posts.Some cooler weather predicted!!:thumbsup_anim:Have a great day guys.
  3. A real :asshat:wasn't he?.lol.
  4. Not sure this year but for arguments sake we'll say 43mph.Do not know the ratio,what's 12mph between friends anyways,your questions are a little to technical for me,thanks for the tips thou!!!,I'll try a vented prop or a high five,see if I can get beyond the 43mph..Somethings are best to leave alone,if you get what I'm saying.
  5. A good ratio,lol.Been checked with a radar gun.Runs well.
  6. Well I'll be damned,never new there was that much difference,maybe have to change line down the road.
  7. Terry with the 21",took forever to get on plane,dropped to a 17,good,added the wings now on plane and close to 55mph.Top end hardly changed. I believe for the money,can't hurt IMO.
  8. I'm also a newbe and used white river,which I believe is a BPS line. Not sure what is best,but when I get a fish I'll pass it on.
  9. Dropped two sizes on the prop, and the tabs get my boat on plane in 10 seconds. Big boat,200hp i/o what a difference.
  10. I have fished with a fellow here who has one of these,he caught 9 if I remember and I caught none. I almost believe it's all in the reel:wallbash:.lol. Lots to learn yet with my aventa.
  11. Looks like you had another good day!!!!!Way to go:clapping:
  12. Always great pictures Mike,really enjoy them:clapping:
  13. That's what I have.Good, solid,well made but I paid the full price a year or so ago.
  14. Did the same on #69 a while back. Small village businesses lost everything with the highway traffic gone.
  15. That's sure one nice boat.Should really move along. can't wait to hear about the test run.
  16. Pretty neat color,heard about one a while back. I do think he should go back home,especially one that rare.
  17. Great information for sure!!!
  18. Not a problem,were all hear to learn!!
  19. Yes,dry" floats" and wet "sinks."
  20. It is a floating line and for the river for a while.No plans for the lake yet. Thanks. I did hear 10' seems to be the go to spot as far as changing from floating to sinking
  21. LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!:rofl2::rofl2:
  22. 9',that seems like a decent length?I think.
  23. I,m not sure if it' the same one,but thanks for the encouragement.
  24. River in my neck of the woods.
  25. What a upgrade Lew!!!,best of both worlds
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