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davey buoy

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Everything posted by davey buoy

  1. Kinda makes me think I should of kept the 12' 10hp aluminum. She did three years at that event. Some years colder than others!! . Always a lot of fun.
  2. Yes,if you launch on the west side,you can paddle under the one bridge.Not sure if you can park on the east side.
  3. I'm surprised the areas I fish I haven't hooked into one yet! .
  4. If what FishnNAutographs says ,that's not so bad!
  5. Hard hit to the Jays yesterday,Jose Reyes out for a month anyways.Twisted his ankle while sliding into base. Not broken they say but a bad sprain at least.
  6. No way,this type of stuff is still going on "controlled",not by accident. I can't believe it!
  7. I would love to try Musky fishing.But personally over the last 5 years Pike is my Fav. Caught a couple close to 40",but it's to see the strike when it comes from nowhere side ways on the lure. But,bass,rock bass,blue gill,crappie,Lake Trout, catfish,salmon,steelhead,smelt Perch,and whatever I get next,keeps me enjoying the hunt!. I don't think I could just focus on one .JMO.!
  8. That's a great idea Wayne,I bring mine home and right in the garbage. As you said,it's at least heading in the right direction!
  9. Cliff,what a generous offer!!!
  10. And who said early yesterday evening,"what storm" lol. Only 45 mins from TO and yesterday morning icy and bad but nothing till last night. WTH!!!!
  11. I had a old 66 100(10hp) Keifiefer for years.That motor I sold 5 years ago. Having said that I believe it was the years when Merc was taking over ?,could be wrong. That small motor went through hell I must say and never let me down. One of those things now you wish you should of kept it for whenever.
  12. Makes you wonder ,but in all fairness Mercury has been around a lot longer. Somewhat the same as OMC is or once was.
  13. Watching Global news as I type,The main storm will be reaching Toronto about 9pm tonight and lasting well into tommorow. Freezing rain all night. Should be a nice trip to the big smoke at 5am in the morning.
  14. 6-1 for Detroit again in the 4th,Ithink this must be a repeat of yesterday. lol. I hope so!!!!
  15. Nice come back from a 6-1 deficit. Won 8-6 WTG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. Rain delay?,at least snow so far is not in there forcast I think.? 3:30 start weather permitting
  17. Thanks Nick,I'll keep that in mind!
  18. Wish I would of kept better track of my old net. It may also of been a 6'x6 as well. Just thinking that oversized fishing net for smelt may be my best bet for a night or two this season.
  19. Thanks Bill and Brian!!
  20. I'd like to think I'm in the same boat. Last 5 years or so,"what do you want to fish for"?,let's go .lol.
  21. Would be interesting to know/.
  22. Seemed to have lost my net and pole somewhere over the years. CT has a 6' pole with 3'bag,something like a oversized fish net. Anyone used one of these and how did they work?. They have these on for $26.99. Thanks .
  23. What was that????????? :wub:lol.!
  24. 1/4" keyway on the opposite side of a worn keyway,as well as a 7/8" impact socket reccessd and welded into a hub.The hub would have to be bored out to accept the socket flush.Than welded on the outside of the hub to keep in place.
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