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davey buoy

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Everything posted by davey buoy

  1. Looks like now Sunday will be my last ice fishing day ,who knows? lol.

  2. That's what I do as well!.
  3. I load my baitcasters with about 100 yards of braid.This will usually last me two seasons anyways.
  4. WTG Rick,looks like you had a good day as well!!!!! .That's it for me .Going to head back over to the dark side for the spring run lol.
  5. Yes,but even further out. Never seen the average size in a day to be that big.
  6. Had another good day out.Although no Whities or lakers. A couple of Herring and a lot of good size perch. Sorry for the quality of this picture,but left my camera in the sleigh for about 8 hours in the cold. Couldn't get the lens to clear up even after hour with the heat on in the hut.Checked it now and it's working ok. Ended up with about 50 total for the day.Even the MNR officer stopped by to visit
  7. I'm sure that will be the main menu,were in deep enough water so who knows.Just have to keep the Herring away lol.
  8. Not for awhile from what I seen this afternoon. I swung by yesterday,Waters high,I can wait!!!Still ice!
  9. Way to go Rick,Tomorrow looks a lot lighter than todays wind.That works for me .Thank goodness!!.
  10. At least you had some good activity! I think some bussiness operaters do not realize word of mouth is your best friend.!,You never know what may hit your line?.This will be my last ice weekend.Hope to report something of size.Tributary time next!!!!!!
  11. Your right,it's a team sport,why should there best players have a perfect condition to win a game on a 1 on 1.
  12. From what I've watched and read,there so close to each other that they will go for baits 1/2 the size of them or more.I've also seen some huge pike as well and I don't believe any bait is too big?Fish Pike known areas?I don't know.
  13. They say that two tone ice Wiliiams(gold/silver),works well.Stay at it I am Not really lol./sometimes.
  14. Like the good ole days!!!!!!I agree.
  15. Anyway,things don't get any easier tonight.
  16. My point exactly,prolong the game in the last few minutes if you can to at least get a point in overtime/shootout.Just doesn't seem right
  17. 1/2 to 1 lb sucker minnow this Sat,probably the last kick at the can!!!Maybe not?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. dhickey


      Good luck bud.. Im thinking next Tues/ wednsday for pike..And maby some nice perch(tabel fare)..


    3. misfish


      42? no pics?????

      I,ll bet theres a few hanging around HOOTERS.;0)

    4. davey buoy

      davey buoy

      Not my Pike B,was posted elsewhere.What a beast that was!

  18. Myself,I like the 2 points for the win,nothing for the loser.No matter how they decide it. JMO.
  19. It's working now.They grow fast,nice dog!!looks like he would be lots of fun!
  20. Cornering is different,I'd come out swinging lol.But to go out of her way to protect the little one was shocking.I would of thought because of there size,she would protect herself and the little one where she stands?.She was really aggressive in my mind especially in a house/city type area.
  21. Never new they possessed that type of anger.People need to be aware there not just cute animals.
  22. I think the man stayed well away by the sounds of it.
  23. Never under astimate the power of mom,The dog is alright!!!!! Little graphic,but all ends well.
  24. I'm sure one of the mods will be able to help you with that.
  25. These are my two others, Gordy the Blue Heeler,and Tonka the Doberdane(Doberman/Great Dane)
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