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Everything posted by huntervasili

  1. ... still goin at 9:47 if anyone is interested...
  2. Mike... it will be a really fuzzy pic unless you have the original unresized pic if you do i can host the image for you so you can post it...
  3. Nice... whats the max # of heads allowed by the US/CAN coast guard in there? might wanna give em a ring
  4. Awww... I wish I was allowed to do that....
  5. Make that two of us Rich... lol Nice steelie Fish finder i hope to get one myself one day..
  6. I know what you mean about the river man... didnt even see this post till after i made mine... but the weather sure was bad...bloody slush and ice i had the same problem...
  7. Maybe ill have a chance... i am trying to figure out whether to go duck hunting, goose hunting, back for steelies, or to the BOQ... i am leaning to the BOQ but have to see teh weather first...
  8. Sure is... you use the actual chat thing?
  9. Here are mine... My first half decent walleye A nice perch A couple Bass A nice cat Pike And my best.... I actually got some bigger than that little guy but he was my best small fish lol
  10. I got myself a bunch of new stuff all of its good ... i think Okuma Ultralight rod-Quantam ultralight reel---Sure pulled in lotsa big perch a couple nice bass and some little rainbows too Okuma-VSystem-20 Awsome reel and it even has a 5 yr warranty best drag system i have used to date... On an okuma- Guide select 6'6" spinning rod very good rod which hasent failed me yet... okuma-Nemesis Baitcaster- Brought in a few BOQ walleye with it too... nice reel okuma- Ignite 10-spinning- Going to use it for some ice fishign this year... Put it on a frabil light ice rod...(yet to use) 4 Wt rod and reel- finially got in some fly fishign with a new half decent rod and reel-sure makes casting alto easier... new tackle box which probably weighs like 30 lbs... had to fill it with new tackle too unfortunately Besides this stuff I got a bunch more hunting stuff too, including my beretta, which i hope to use more within the next while for hunting or at least a little trap shooting... Thats about it... I think besides the countless lures and fly tying materials (and vice) i bought... All i know is a new year is coming and I think i need more stuff cause you know mine is out of date ... lol yeah right the bank wont give me a big enough loan for the otehr stuff i want...
  11. Hey every one got back from a chilly day at the credit today... conditions werent so great... water visibility was not very great but that was only a problem if you could get your hook below the endless stream of Ice and slush flowing down... not a single bite but enjoyable none the less... might be better later in the weekend when all this snow and ice melts with the warmer weather... so GL to anyone goin out... had a heckofa time trying to keep the ice out of my guides too... anyone else have any luck steelheading? One unexpected problem i had though... I was there with my little brother (14) who likes fishing some.. but not particularily in the cold weather. and while he was drifting he got a snag which he tried to undo, when this guy who we had seen was walking (i guess to go back to his car) crosses the river no more than 5 feet in fron of him right where he had been fishing before he got the snag, just looked down at his snagged line and walked by... as you probably have realized by now the guy had disturbed this area in which my brother had been fishing, nearly guarunteeing no chance of fish because they would have been startled. I dont have a problem if the guy doesn't wann go out of his way to help but the least and most respectable thing he could have done was at least walk around... sokmetimes i just wonder how a fisherman could be such a prick... as well if you are on the OFC forums (which i doubt cause it seems to be a bunch of great people) I hope you are ashamed of yourself because my brother actually felt bad that someone could be that rude to a newcomer in the sport... I dont know about you guys but i know I dont wanna share a river with these____ fill in the blank... too bad people have to be that way but the good thing is there are many more good people than bad ones in this world... Tightlines everyone, Bill
  12. I got mine bout a week ago i got the temp form in october or september... I know that they send em out for the year after so if you apply in jan 2006 youll probably get it dec 2006 and same as if you apply in october, youll get it the same December... Either way i am happy i have mine
  13. I agree I am a hunter myself and no matter how big the ranch is if its high-fenced its not fair-chase game never done it and wont do it... either way, with those places the more $$ you have to spend the more inches youll get in the so called "buck of a Lifetime" Just my 2 cents, Bill
  14. Well one fly rod... fell of its wall display on one of the two semments where it was attached and the weight of the reel pulled the butt down while the tip was still on the stand... of course that was too much weight, and snap... one of my others was actually broken by my brother when he closed the door on the tip and well one foot less of rod. and thats all for now, the upside is its an excuse to buy a new one right?
  15. I m gonna hit the credit on friday I think so ill tell ya what i see... Maybe i will have some luck
  16. Thanks for the report nice pics to go along with em too... Glad to hear people are catching some nice fish...
  17. Hey everybit helps anyways so thanks... definately no need for apologies. Cant wait to get to the mountains though... I am tying up piles of flies so i can catch piles of fish Thanks to any future posters, Bill
  18. Hey everyone just taking a shot in here to see if anyone has fished in the carolinas... I have a good bit of info as of now for the areas but wanna confirm some of it. I havent really fished too much there, only 3 times before, and figure midges are going to be the best bet for winter hatches. Anyone have any recomendations for rivers in the area?...I know field and stream ranked several rivers in the top 100 trout waters... Thanks for any response, Bill
  19. Maybe i shoulda gone out... well theres always next weekend... I hope
  20. What river were you fishing?... if you dont mind me asking, and did you catch or buy the fish?? lol
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