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Everything posted by huntervasili

  1. The P3TA reps let go of the vine and fell after the OFAH guy said he would allowing the vine to himself... Nice joke thanks
  2. This is why we need capital punishment... j/k ... or am I ?
  3. I know... I wanted to see what happened to the guy too... I still dont get why he wasn't harnessed to the boat... I guess thats just a lesson though...
  4. I have caught some small fish on my fly rod with #22 hooks... too small for a pic anyway lol but you all have some Nice looking fish there... maybe all together they could make a meal for one
  5. Great Fish man... wish the ones I catch would grow up to be like that one....
  6. He could atleast compensate some for shot #3 if his rifle was off
  7. Man am i happy I am not him... why he wasnt harnessed is way beyond me but .... http://www.fieldandstream.com/fieldstream/...32302_1,00.html Ohh btw look at the other vids they are hilarious....
  8. Hey all... Heres a funny video I thought would be kinda funny to see... Can you get any worse? http://www.fieldandstream.com/fieldstream/...1532302,00.html
  9. As mentioned before fly shops usually carry barbless hooks but if you use pliers to punch em down it works too... you can also test by poking it into a cotton ball... if any cotton gets stuck by the barb file it down more or crush some more...
  10. Thanks for sharing that... Awesome tune ... Glad there is some sort of song I can relate to... Thanks again
  11. Thanks for the report... Love seeing these great pics... especially when i dont have a chance to go out...
  12. I signed it... http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/save_the_mnr_custom/ This link may bring you straight to the petition BTW hope it does... if not I will edit it. I urge you all to sign it, do it not only for yourself but future generations...
  13. wouldn't want to be swimming in his waters, or atleast not my dog anyway...
  14. Awesome report and great Quality pics too... Thanks for sharing the info too well appreciated...
  15. I have quite a few friend in there one who is a reservist at RMC... And lots of others who are reserve... if you have any q's you can PM me and I will try and ask them...
  16. LOL... I'm sure itll stop if it swipes at one of those....
  17. ... I enjoy the alone time though... Just being outdoors in the trees is better than anything in the city...
  18. Sure is festive... I feel alot more christmasy... that sould be a word... but I guess it would be festive...
  19. well maybe even a two day thing could be possible where those who can come only one day do and the other day the same... cause I doubt everyone who wants to go can make it on the same day... May be less people but much more convinient... Just a thought
  20. I use photobucket too... have lots of pics on there and no problems yet... is not yet full... I do it for another reason as well as it can be helpful to upload it on the net... it is not necessary though you can have it uploaded to the site from a hard drieve but photobucket automatically creates links which with if c+p on the site work perfect... as well photobucket also allows for resizing of pics in an easy step... thats why I use it ...
  21. Thanks for the post... might just have to tie a few of these guys up
  22. confused...lol dont get it or the fo all the hunters out there...
  23. Sounds fun... maybe I will have to find the time to make the venture there...
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