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Everything posted by huntervasili

  1. you shouldn't be bucktail, T-shirts, shorts, Sunglasses tans and farmers tans are all over rated
  2. The colours on the "Snapper" faded significantly. Definately not a porgy or a Black drum, I looked up both and its neither... A guy where we were fishing said it was a snapper, but he could'a been wrong. We ate some of the Redfish cooked "on a halfshell" tasted pretty good. Cant wait to be eating the rest. Surf fishing is fun... cant wait to get out and do it again
  3. Man all these moon pics and in almost all of them I can see your finger is cutting out part of the moon cause your covering the lens. Nice pics guys, I got to catch it on my way out of work but its neat to see the pics too
  4. Peripheral Vision, Duct Tape and thumb tacks 'round your bed Bernie? Yup they sure were fun to catch
  5. Sorry for your loss Rich, Something about a connection with a do that astounds me, Glad to hear you did the right thing though
  6. It is illegal to target any species out of season.
  7. Well I after waiting for a couple months the time rolled around for me to head on down to Florida on Friday evening. Our flight, Scheduled to leave left on time with all our luggage on board but unfortunately we got bumped. Ya gotta love air Canada and their Profit maximizing, satisfaction minimizing ways of overbooking flights. There were 10 of us overbooked and 4 made it on the plane, so our options? fly to Chicago where we may be able to get the Orlando flight or wait in Toronto and possibly get the Orlando Flight. We went to customer service where after about 2 hours of waiting we were finally put onto a flight where we got seat numbers. ohh yea for the flight 5 hours later. We end up arriving at about 1230 instead of the scheduled 730, where we were greeted by our luggage, behind a locked door that is. They only have representatives there from 9am-9pm because we all know how thats the only time when a person needs to get luggage... After about an hour I finally get the Manager on duty to find some keys and we get our gear and head out. First day way basically a write off as the guide was a no show... P/oed at pretty much everything now I knew it could only get better, which fortunately it did. We had a new guide booked for Sunday, we were gonna fish super skinny water for Reds. Really neat I will tell ya. saw hundreds of stingrays and all sorts of birds, and hooked into and landed a bunch of nice reds, on artificials and Cut bait. Also incidentally caught some pufferfish which have a really sharp beak on them and you would often bring in your plastic jerk bait which had clean chunks taken out of it or no tail whatsoever lol . Ok so now to some of the days pics. Enjoyed the day on the water Very nice weather all day with the wind picking up a little bit later on in the day. Monday also proved to be an awesome day on the water. Unfortunately I didn't bring the camera so we took the pictures when we got back. This is the days catch which was followed by about 20 oysters mmm: On the left is a bluefish on the right is a pompano Left Black Snapper, Right Saltwater Sheepshead Black Drum Some bait... he grabbed my bait and there were two of em when I was reeling it in, one fell off though. The last day we did some more surf fishing at a different beach with limited luck. I got a few smaller fish and a bunch of goby like creatures too, all were thrown back that day. Saw some neat stuff there including some sea turtles, a Sub leaving the port, and a pelican that wanted to eat our fish, he inched his way to within four feet of us using his peripheral vision to see what we were doing and to look discrete lol... All in all an enjoyable trip, loved the 25-35*C weather the whole time without a drop of rain. Hope all of you enjoyed reading the report! Bill
  8. Great report guys thanks for sharing... Too bad I couldn't make it, maybe next time. While you guys were in that nice cold weather I was nice and warm fishing the flats and the surf with 25-30C nice and warm down there, my necks a little burned but ohh well what can I say. A report is soon to come. Again thanks for taking the time looks like ya had a great time out there with a class act of a guy.
  9. thankfully I have yet to drop mine down a hole ice fishing but I have dropped it in the river and in a pond where I was wading, and I missed my pocket lol... Worked after I dried it out but got stuck on CarKit mode... short circuited it a few times and it worked, for another year, and I got an upgrade!
  10. Definitely some beauty fish. Looks like they're strappin on the pre-spawn feedbag eh
  11. It has to be practical and of high quality. If ya have this I don't care how fashionable it is
  12. Boudreaux been fish'n down by de bayou all day an he done run outta worms. He be bout reddy to leave when he seen a snake wit a big frog in his mouf. He knowed dat dem big bass fish like frogs, so he decides to steal dat froggie. Dat snake, he be a cotton moufed water moccasin, so Boudreaux had to be real careful or he'd get bit. He snuk up behine de snake and grabbed him roun de haid. Dat ole snake din't lak dat one bit. He squirmed and wrapped hisself roun Boudreaux's arm try'n to get hisself free. But Boudreaux, him, hada real good grip on his haid, yeh. Well, Boudreaux pried his mouf open and got de frog and puts it in his bait can. Now, Boudreaux knows dat he cain't let go dat snake or he's gonna bite him good, but he had a plan. He reach into de back pocket of his bib overhauls and pulls out a pint a Tennessee hillbilly moonshine likker. He pour some drops into de snakes mouf. Well, dat snake's eyeballs roll back in his haid and his body go limp. Wit dat, Boudreaux toss dat snake into de bayou, den he goes back to fish'n. A while later Boudreaux dun feel sumpin tappin' on his barefoot toe. He slowly look down and dere be dat cotton moufed water moccasin, wif two more frogs.
  13. some nice Gold ya got there... Thanks for sharing!
  14. Hey Welcome to the board Radnine! Someone can likely field your question
  15. Well I get or have recently been subscribed to: Outdoor Canada-good content and mostly Canadian, Mind you it includes hunting and fishing so you may or may not like it. I was on the fence too much stuff from Alberta and out west to satisfy all readers Ontario Out Of Doors- Really like this one, much more local stuff, which I like. Again both hunting and fishing and the occasional Quad article in there too North American Fisherman-Mostly US but some Canadian Content and content that can be used here too, I like this one as well, some good perks with the mag (field testing) Canadian Fly Fisher- Great fly fishing Mag, shows stuff from all around canada, plenty of local water is covered Have had others and lots of hunting ones too but those are the ones I would expect you would enjoy the most.
  16. Site looks pretty good, Great pics of the lures and layout seems to be user friendly... I am guessing your buy online feature will be coming soon? Only thing I was not a huge fan of was the scrolling... I like to click it and go not just hover over it to scroll up and down right or left IMHO
  17. Browns aren't even native in Fergus there I don't think... So there are two sides to that argument. and Glen, I think a problem with stockers would be a decrease in available food supply and structure for native fish, positives and negatives to both sides I guess
  18. Your not gonna catch too many fish if ya pee in your hole's Fishmaster... Thanks for the report
  19. In there now Corey, dang.. bet I timed out... All good now!
  20. Ok Bernie. Good luck tonight throwing around rocks.
  21. Well I will be waiting... any ideas of a topic? maybe bets on when GCD is going to start doing his topless, blinding reports.
  22. Great to hear Bernie... Glad they didn't get away
  23. Nice going Glen! Looks like your having a good time out on bama waters eh. Guess its only a matter of time till ya loose the shirt, I am savoring every moment till then
  24. Looks like ya had a good time on the ice there... Thanks for sharing the pics, some very nice fish indeed
  25. Welcome Mike, Enjoy the company...
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