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Everything posted by aniceguy

  1. haha steve what the heck are you doing with me as your avatar.........anyone who knows me will ay its a spitting image for me ....lol thanks for the chuckle mind sending it to me lol
  2. bill I put everyting in plastic containers....but the berkley alive, and gulp product..
  3. this thread got me thinking so I paid a visit to the winter resting grounds of the boat to check a chip I bought for the new unit, pulled the cover and emptied 1 side of the compartments...I think I need to sell some stuff, on the other side sits 2 plano boxes of tubes, 2 boxes of jigs a box of jerk baits and crank baits and a box of frogs, never mind the 2 boxes of hooks....and Im not even going to talk about the dozens and dozens of bags in the front compartment
  4. 20 cm of snow made it a no go jamie and I talked quite a bit on the bill of sale and some warranty insertions....the seller agreed on them we will go up this friday as per plan
  5. awsome pics......the fact your wearing a glove to tail them is even more impressive
  6. god those are some funny pictures. . . . . . . . . I ll add a few here too....... firstly the classic red neck hair cut ( hopefully no one here has one lol) relaxing in the backyard having a nice time rednecks at play God I dont really know even where to begin here on this one....... but looks like a fat version of me
  7. hirk is on the right direction and thats about 1/2 the stuff we can go through that day, ohhh I am bringing rabbit ears and tools to pull the plugs and lower unit drains. Dont worry while Im not a mrine mechanic I have been through a pile of personal boats and its more a matter of looking not for whats right but what looks wrong, Hirk is dead on if that power head looks as if the paint seal is broken your gettin dragged away lol ohh if we dont start the engine we also walk away, I would hate to see you get the screws on a boat inparticular a fine first boat that you have........now we need to get you to come to mississauga for some bass club meetings lol
  8. charles neighbor had the same problem with his landscaping business, he had a 10 hp self propelled snow blower his only solution was to add 3 additional feet to the ramp I remember him saying he tried everything possible and that was it...I ll ask him in the morning
  9. dang......I have been trying to get her email to show here exactly the next boat she should buy for ya come birthday time.....lol
  10. naw the waves needed to crack it IMO would have stuffed the bow way too many times and scared the pants off...dunno tritons dont crack so I just skip across them waves lmao
  11. of course if we could convert you to a true bass boat there is a nice green triton around to catch them green fish you ll find the ranger and triton guys jab a lot lmao
  12. the hull imo shouldnt have any stress crack issues....with a 115 I dont think it can go fast enough to pound hard enough a simple but hard look should tell if the hull was ever repaired, ( bright light looking for blemish or glass blending) but the engine is a whole diferent world..sure visually you can take a guess on the powerhead, looking at the plugs lower unit fluid etc, but lots of that can be masquaraded, compression test is the only choice, I would tell him thats your intent that you ll do the deal but on that condition and find a local marina up there to do it before any exchange of loot, if it fails its his bill it if passes its your bill to pay...IMO that should flush out his true intentions and here I agree with wayne if there is no fluid in the gear case or if it hasnt been fogged I would raise the flag
  13. no no no an 06 is not ok even though it might have max 250 hrs on it, a blown power head, an accident on a rock etc.. can happen the test wont cost more then a few hundred bucks and is well worth it......
  14. yes have him show you the lower unit fluid, granted he could have changed it and such, a simple compression test on the engine and the lower unit should tell you what you need, I dont know if that engine has a diagnostic port on it to connect, if it does that would answer every single question on it.. the engine isnt that old look at the power head if it looks like it hasnt over heated ( chipped paint or a different color ) then it more then likely is ok, pull the plugs look for fouling, but again lots of these things can be covered up and a compression test by a mech is the best bet and well worth the 150 or so it will cost. I would also ask who serviced it and go there and ask, also any reciepts on work done...I was lucky I bought my boat from a trustworthy person, and the marina that serviced it gave a thumbs up knowing the boat inside and out, but there are some that will sell crap that cosmetically looks ok a test tank or a run on muffs wont tell a darn thing other then it turns over and spits water
  15. sweet thanks Mike
  16. Paul I dont think if I recall works on yamaha engines though...or...did I miss that part
  17. more and more allisons showin up I guess..got intrigued with a convo I had at the boat show about bullet boats, did some serious reading and Im taking a run as soon as the snow brakes to see if I can take a peek and maybe do a deal on that 08 bullet for sale Stoty if I can give any advise its to get a bigger boat with a bigger engine....I love my boat its the best fishing purchase I have ever done, bought it from one heck of a great guy who maintained it to mint yet at 18.5 feet with a 150 and having been on a lot of 20 plus boats I wish I would have bought bigger and not be dealing with 2 footitis...
  18. hey Hirk are you the guy that has the allison with the 300 mariner?
  19. tie some roe up and we can give er a spin this week lol
  20. that was a really interesting read especially about your US roots...The various historicial societies in the US might be able to even trackl down more information re your family there too..
  21. I think delayed mortality on a fish that swims away is 3% for the palageic fish, muskies guys know full well how a cradled musky survives as opposed to one banging around in a net...as do bass guys when taking a smallie from deep water a simple fizz and many of them survive to see another day It is a huge misconception wallicio is right it needs to change
  22. flopping them on the carpet grabbing them in the gills you may as well open the ice box......pop the hook with the fish in the net in water the flip it and push the fish down it has a decent chance.....Fish are pretty plastic on how much they can tolerate and actually survive...generally many dont survive on ice in a cooler......
  23. The nature of Lake Ontario and the lack of phosphate being added, zebra mussels introduced and its clarity means a finite biomass within the lake, the lake simply doesn’t have the carrying capacity to handle the fish it did in the 80's. A stocking or as some want an over stocking program will only stunt or worse cause some form of a bait collapse... The lake needs to be managed via sustainable use parameters maximizing its fish production regardless if its CWFIP operations or OMNR , not as a put and take fishery because IMO it is moving away from that at a drastic rate, the provincial government needs to address the charter business by teaming it with the many other tourist opportunities that exist...It’s one of the reasons I’m a believer in the tournaments, as it shows just how dynamic the current lake population is…. If we could only have no kill tournaments………Remember unless we drop millions of metric tons of phosphate manage to bioengineer a kill for the zebra’s the lake is pretty close to its maximum and what was in the 80’s will never be again. Tony I ll argue that a quality fishery with larger fish will please almost every single anglers out there....I too miss the days of watching 100's of boats many charters off Bronte but like I said the charter industry needs a shot in the arm
  24. fish master helped everywhere imaginable over the years...I have been around the block....
  25. Sorry 90% of the fish in lake o are not US fish…Lake Ontario is not a put delay and take fishery for Rainbows ( on the Canadian side) in fact a great deal of the rainbows caught are natural fish……there is some discussion that the nooks are up to 40% natural fish…If you want I can give you about a million pages worth of stuff to support this sorta stuff……… Steelhead are bread and butter fish for the charter guys..personally I wish tourism Ontario would do something more to promote them and the services they offer......
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