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Everything posted by iankrzyzanowski

  1. Great stuff from Tim Allard as per his usual in all the articles he writes!!
  2. Plenty of good fishing opportunities in the Kingston area, youll find a way to get around!
  3. Ive never fish with Paul, but have heard many people say great things about him. Heck one day last year wed go 1/4 every drift, Pauls clients, 1 if not 2 clients were hooked up every drift.... He knows his stuff!
  4. An amazing slab for sure!
  5. My buddy has caught my anchor rope 3 times in a row Everytime he would set the hook and say "Ive got a big one here" As for myself, nothing exciting....
  6. Craziness.....
  7. Its gonan be a tough on everyone, no doubt about it.. Time to change habits i guess.....
  8. Great fishing indeed...
  9. Had a buddy out there last week in the wind storm, he said it was nutz out there! Tough going!
  10. Congrats on the enw boat Ricky Bobby, I almost have the same setup.... 2005 198SP with a 200hp Optimax single axle trailer. My only regret is not getting a kicker when I bought it as im trying to find one now. Everyone seems to have most things covered, but speaking of covers... Mine came with a factory snap down cover and I love it... Makes towing easier and you can also use the boat for storage if your going camping or on a long trip just pack the gear into the boat, cover her up and head out! Just an fyi if you want some gear, head over the Princecrafts website, they have some deals on clothing right now.
  11. Those are some great photos l2p!!! Beauty browns!
  12. Great job out there, thats a pile of fish to clean!
  13. Yepp went from $1.16 here to 1.21 in ottawa this morning... uggghhhhh
  14. Thats a beauty photo, cant wait for a morning like that in the boat this spring!
  15. I think Mercer is doing a great job, but how about KVD... moving back up to where he belongs..
  16. Those new st croix eyecon rods have been under my watchful eye.. interesting to see how they test on the water..
  17. thanks for sharing!
  18. Great looking boat!
  19. Those are some great walleyes for the Ottawa Area, great work!
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