Yeah buddy! It was awesome! Left the money in the bank and with my family, went 100% frugal when I started as a safety supervisor. Was a horrible two weeks but then I got a company credit card gas card and a vehicle and I was ballin lol.
The memories. What's for breakfast lunch and dinner??? Bread and bologna, 3 minute noodles, and entertainment was a newspaper.
It's funny to look back on. One thing I laugh at now, is scoring that tv. Well I couldn't hook it up, I had no money. One day I snagged a entertainment stand and plugged it in.
Turns out the cable wasn't turned off, and I had full HD hahahaha. Wasn't too funny at the time but Jesus. Looking at newspapers for 2 weeks got real old after about 10 minutes.
I would do so much extra work at that job with the intent of coming home exhausted so I could sleep. I didn't have blinds, and we'll summer up there is pretty much light 24/7.
It was like a weird form of torture camp I put myself in lol