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About LesCulpJr

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    Powassan, Ontario
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  1. Nope definately different lake. than what they are talking about here. I know which you are referring to and yes the water is near black its so dark.
  2. Hi Bri. Just thought Id stop by For some reason I started getting email notifications when you post on certain threads here. lol.... Could be a dark bay out there but I think we might be talking about different lakes. On a good day you can see old saw logs on the bottom clear as day in about 15 fow. Algae blooms, pollen and particulate from waves and/or run off might be a factor too.:)
  3. Its same lake. Horn is a very clear oligotrophic lake. Lakes in the area have only been ice free for the last week or so. You could expect temps in the 45-55 range... I would check fishing regs as I know there are special conditions for lake trout but cant remember of the top of my head. Assuming you can target lakers many people long line for them this time of year (ice out) until the water warms... It might be getting a little late for that by the weekend but its worth a shot. Whitefish will be shallow as well and will some times smack a small minnow bait... Be safe if your in a yak. First long weekend of the year so lots of dummies trying out their boats for first time and the water is extremely cold. Have fun!
  4. We run Etecs and suzuki's. Etecs can be programmed or have a switch installed to take the idle down to 500 RPM from the factory 750 I know mercs have this function too but I am less familiar with it. Most Etec tiller models come standard with this option. These functions were made for trolling applications so yes you can use your big motor to troll but it still presents some issues with speed and like was already mentioned is due to your size of prop. So unless you are going to carry one prop for trolling and another for ripping down the lake you are kind of limited to the aftermarket aids that are out there to slow down your boat to a trolling speed for fish like walleye. Etec's programming actually tricks the big motor into thinking its a small one until about 1800 rpm. I have never had a problem trolling with one big or small. That said I use my electric and a couple big batteries for most trolling I do for 3 reasons. Speed, Environment and Money. You can still buy a large size electric and a couple big batteries for less than a small outboard and if taken care of get much usage out of them with out a drop of gas or oil and other than charging the batteries - no maintenance. Depends on your application I guess. A 9.9 hp 4 stroke "new" runs about 2400 before taxes. They can be very hard to come by used for the simple reason that everyone is looking for one! You can buy accessories or make your own linkage to tie it into your main motor for steering at a fraction of the cost. I don't think you'll notice any difference in boat control unless you buy a kicker too small for your boat. Suzuki is coming out with a 9.9 EFI next season which I am anxiously awaiting:) Les
  5. I start running stabilizer in my fuel the end of august "just in case" I don't use all the fuel up by the time I put the boat away . Gas now days is only good for about 60 days anyway. If your engine is fuel injected it may not stall out for you if you are using fogging oil. Just keep spraying until she starts to run a little rough and it starts to smoke. Check the gear oil for sure and replace if you detect water. If you keep your boat on a trailer when not in use you'll want to drain the block and winterize it soon as all it will take is one good frosty morning to freeze and break some thing. If you keep your boat in the water at a dock you'll be alright for a few weeks yet Manifolds go for about $1500 each and up and they aren't cheap to ship:) A new block will cost $5000 Don't wait too long! Like previously suggested there are a couple web sites and no doubt youtube videos to aid you if you want to do the work yourself. Having work done at a marina will be about $250 plus parts give or take. We use antifreeze after draining water from the block again "just in case". It really sucks getting your boat out the next spring to find you missed a drain plug somewhere! Especially if its someone else's boat! lol. It happens..... Its good to do all your maintenance in the fall that way when spring comes all you have to do pull out the boat, hook up the battery and go! Les
  6. I believe the Cabela's sells reconditioned units online if you are looking for a bargain. Any units Ive seen used are about the same price. Some electronics now days you are able to down load updates etc. so unless you are upgrading to a bigger screen or wanting to buy some new accessory you can't get with your existing setup there is not really a need to buy a new one.
  7. Should be a good show! I was out there the end of august for the first time in about 10 years. Odd because I really don't live that far away from it:) We saw a few dandies follow to the boat but weren't really there for them... Was a little alarmed at the numbers of small pike present over previous years though. Hopefully those big girls in the pics will clean a few of them up.
  8. I don't get around much on the forums anymore but when I do its nice to see you're still getting out and sharing your experiences. Great report as always Bunk
  9. Sorry for the confusing first post. Your pic and parts list is attached. This is a bit of an odd carb for an OMC.
  10. Sounds like carb is out of adjustment.( low speed jet ) If you are sure everything is clean Seat Low screw and then turn out 1.5 turns. Start motor. When it fires try to rev it. If it bogs and dies turn the low speed screw clockwise 1/8 -1/4 turn. Try to start it again and repeat until engine runs for you. Adjust screw in until it no longer bogs when you give it throttle. Now put motor in gear and fine tune.(muffs are no good for this run motor in a tank) Some omc carbs have small metered jets in the face of the carb which draw in air these are very small and may become plugged and have on occasion come loose and fallen out. This could be the case if you have tried everything and can't seem to get the carb set up. Though I don't see one in the pic. You may also want to check your roller /cam follower. The roller sometimes gets sticky and will not turn eventually a flat spot will develop on the back of it. This does not cause your flooding issue per se but effects the idle speed causing the motor to stall (motor won't troll for the fisherman) then most people start to monkey with the mixture screw to combat the issue. Les
  11. Sounds like a nice rig:) Like others have said just make sure you get the motor looked at. If the guy is a dealer he should have no problem printing you off a report from the engines computer which will show everything the motor has been subject to (overheating, coil or injector issues etc.) There can be issues there that the prev. owner did not even know about. A compression check is also always a must when buying anything with a used motor. Can be a god idea as well to see if the seller will offer some kind of limited warranty (i.e. cover some of the cost of any unforseen major repairs). FYI An engine diagnostic with compression check should cost no where near 300 bux . About 150 actually should you not require any fluids or parts
  12. You should also check out an Evinrude Etec or Suzuki tiller they both come with standard trim and RPM controls on the handle. Evinrude has the best warranty of any manufacturer. if you are only interest in merc or yam. Definately go with the yamaha...
  13. Beautiful fish:)
  14. Very good. You guys certainly have the personality for a show. I found it very entertaining:)
  15. I was checking them out at the boat show. very nice boat the price was nice too!
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