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Everything posted by moxie

  1. Can't be bothered. Wouldn't want to crush anyone elses self esteem. Blind is for life so its best just left that way.
  2. Proof positive the Toronto star is a rag. Bully to bully. People have been literally badgered to death for the way they look, where they're from and for past indescretions they can't take back. The Toronto star took it upon themselves, in the name of public interest to buy and then air a video, taken in private? What benefit would that have to the greater public? Why did the public need to see and hear that? They have dogged Rob ever since he decared his candidacy to become Mayor which he did in convincing fashion over the likes of illicit party drug boy Smitherman(another incompetent Lieberal). I could see the smirk on mikey cooks'(star editor & chief) face through the radio as I listened to his contrived reasoning for the airing of the video. Just another Red Rag posing as voice and conscience. And I'm referred to as one lacking credibility? Partisanship is alive and well and the sooner the left is eradicated the better we will all be. Except for those who have been eradicated of course.
  3. Separate issue? We demonize someone that gives of himself selflessly to a city he holds dear. All for a few indescretions while we let thieves, liars and cheats who think of nothing but retaining power and self serving themselves to our future skate with nary a whimper. Petty, lame, generalizations? Constant Leftist punishment and crushing pressure affects his job and hes fair game. Preimier two-moms and her buddy Dolton rip us a new one and lose the keys to the province and their off limits? I need to work on my credibility? GO ROB GO!!!!!!! You might want to read your signature and heed it's advice. I don't consider passive aggressive behavior a strength. GO ROB GO!!!!!!!!!!
  4. I'm defending his agenda and the unfortunate dilema I am faced with is the fact that I cannot seperate that from the man. The right thing for him to do is to take a step back, regroup and return to continue the task he was "Elected" to do but thats ultimately up to him. If we could somehow utilize Rob as a catalyst that sleeping dog Ontarians could rally around. It's al about the message for me, thats it! "Don't abuse the Taxpayer or we will Steamroll you. Each and every one of you that takes us for granted." Almost forgot..... GO ROB GO!!!!!!
  5. I don't know. Ask Kathleen Whine, McGumby and the rest of the crew who have saddled us and are riding us nose first into the dirt. Noticed she ain't said "boo" about Fordsy? . Why would we pick on her anyway? She and her cronies ain't done nuttin' wrong, have they Gomer? WOW!!!!! Only one connection to be made here folks. Stand up and be counted or else.
  6. Now lemme think bout that for a sec. The South of Bloor crowd, you know the ones with the useless liberal arts and political sciences degrees? They really take themselves way to seriously. Quite a few of them took up teaching and you see the damage its done to at least a generation? Should have locked them in a dark room with disco lights and lava lamps. The same rooms they spent countless hours smoking weed and dropping acid. Kidding? Don't think so.
  7. As a matter of fact it does. He hasn't done anything to affect the city. His opponents have chosen to ride the wave of dissent and their inability to let the man do his job has done more harm to the city. LOL!!! Looks like Rob had a change of heart. ITS A CBC CONSPIRACY I TELL YOU!!!! Fair enough. Take any 8 year sequence in your life and tell me you've never deviated from any path you were on. If that world works the way it should and Lissi does any time at all he will be taken care of as long as he doesn't drop a dime. I hope that the citizens of Toronto at least have the decency to thank him for making that city relevant again once he is done. The Left Flank has forever carped and moaned about Toronto not being a world class city. Rob has delivered the entitled little saps the "World Class" recognition they have sobbed for. And for Americans who choose to take shots at us up here? 1. They better look inward at their crippled and near death model of society and 2. Should we even care? Edited cause I keep forgetting to add.... GO ROB GO!!!!!!!!!
  8. Ever hear the one about Rob taking a kid living in Toronto housing to the grocery store, filling the cart with food, then walking him to his door only to help fill the fridge? Of course not, it isn't carnage or disrepute. Or how about how he saved a small fortune contracting out garbage while his predecessor David Mellon let the garbage and the smell associated with it pile up waiting for the citizens to plead for him to strike a union deal. Pssssst. The deal was sealed weeks prior to that mess. Or how about how he gave his time to coach and raise money for under privileged kids in the hopes of giving them another avenue out of their situation. How bout Ford Fest where his constituents, neighbors and even his detractors are invited year in and year out to celebrate community in the hopes of bridging the divides between them? Mistakes he has and will continue to make but I'd rather have a public figure who wears his heart on his sleeve instead of one who rolls up his sleeve in order to grant him/herself easier access into my pockets for his/her own gains and interests. GO ROB GO!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. Rob only weighs 110 lbs. If you unbutton his shirt you'l find the biggest set of nuts the world will ever see. My favorite bits: "We live in a Democracy...............", and "And on October 27th, 2014..............the voters........", (no prorogueing and appointments needed here thus far) . Heres hoping all the crap keeps bouncing off him and he lives to see Oct27, 2014. Keep throwing it in the sofisticated socialists faces champ. GO ROB GO!!!!!!!!
  10. 5% boost? How can you not root for him? A politician who returns phone calls, imagine that!! Theres a list a mile long of things he has done for folks like you and I and not while looking for a photo op either. He seems to truly belive in what he can do for Toronto unlike the other holier than thou sofisticatos who only care what Toronto can go for them and their lives as career blood suckers. If I had to deal with the crowd in council I'd probably be banging needles at this point let alone burn a lil' rock. GO ROB GO!!!!!!!!!! Oh ya. Embarrassed over this and not about the enema the Lying Libs have given us for a decade? Get a life!!! GO ROB GO!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. He is as real as one could be. Not a socialistic putz like others that have preceded him. He has put Toronto and its councils self destructive nature on the world stage and shown how small time Toronto has been, currently is and forever will be. I hope he skates away on this one and makes it to the end of his term only to crush all opponents. Especially the most leftist, public teat sucker of them all, The Chow. Entertaining to say the least.
  12. Don't do it Mike!!!!!! The brutes are still a long ways out. Good luck just the same though.
  13. I understand these points but really? $300 Billion in debt in this province and we go after one of us? A guy who has taken risks and sacrificed god knows what to build himself a small empire and we pound on him. He's easier to pick on isn't he? Just sayin'
  14. Sure would be worth more than two cents if we took up the cause together. Don't you think?
  15. Sorry to hear Brian. Condolences to the family.
  16. Lets go easy on Chotchkie for a sec. As for Clarification I figured I'd encompass all angling and hunting as a whole because it isn't about one issue alone. The Chochster must also remember that his inability to digest more than one issue at a time seems to be an illness so many Ontarians share.The time to turn the other cheek has come and gone I posted in the hopes we start banding together and run the present government out of town and at the same time put anyone else that has an idea of obtaining power on notice. We number in the millions in this province alone so you can imagine the shock and awe if even 50,000 of us showd up on the lawns of Queens Park. Just give it some thought and imagine the change we could initiate as well as helping to end the corrupt culture that Governance under the Lie-berals has become. It ain't about one issue. They have left us an ugly Legacy and if we don't even attempt to change it we will have been as guilty as those who have caused it. Explain that to your kids and grand kids. Think about it and lets do something.
  17. So I did. Dear Mr Sousa, I contact you today amid concerns my fellow anglers and hunters have voiced on various forums and boards concerning the state of economic affairs in Ontario and in particular its fisheries. Many of us have noticed the incompetence with which your government(not ours)has conducted itself in various matters and would like to know why more isn't being done to protect a resource millions across this province have enjoyed for decades. From the lack of ethics displayed by some anglers due to the lack of enforcement ,education of anglers to the growing disappearance of public access to our waterways as well a growing number of issues it is becoming a disturbing trend and must be corrected to avoid the gutting of a passion many of us enjoy. I would like to propose that all moneys collected by the MNR along with a portion of taxes tied to any and all things related to angling and hunting (ie; fishing boats to hunting boots) be used solely to enhance and protect what we hold dear to us. Over the last 10 years we have watched your government pilfer Billions of our hard earned dollars in an effort to leave a lasting legacy to the citizens of this once great province but I'm afraid you and your government have failed to leave us with anything worth wanting. I am at least proud of the ever increasing negative sentiment Ontarians are displaying that is aimed at the way you have conducted business serving and protecting your own interest instead of theirs. It is only a matter of time before public pressure and not that of opposition parties recalls your government from its benches and hopefully cleans up the mess that has been created. I have already written my MP in the hopes of gaining some clarity pertaining to this matter and although I was taught "you attract more bees with honey", I'm afraid time for cordiality has passed and better left for matters of less importance. My plight may fall on deaf ears but if it gains any traction we might be able to get the desired response. After all, we do number in the millions. Yours Truly, And the usual Bull response. Mr. ....... On behalf of MPP Charles Sousa I would like to thank you for your e-mail. I have taken the liberty of forwarding a copy of this e-mail to both the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Natural Resources for their consideration. Kindest regards. Tyler Anderson Constituency Assistant Office of the Hon. Charles Sousa MPP, Mississauga South T: 905-274-8228 F: 905-274-8552 I'm gonna try to send one of these a week. It might just be high time we put our boots on their necks and made them feel the pressure cause as a collective we can initiate change and the time is now before Ontarions memories fail them once more . Or sit back and pretend its someone elses problem.
  18. Funny but still a time consuming venture. Rather be fishing .
  19. Haven't caught a Brown in quite a while. Congrats on the pb Rich.
  20. Just like that other $4700 in fines Weekend Blitz a while back that cost many times more to pull off. Valiant effort but a complete joke if you ask me. Impossible to control cause there are more of us than there are of them. Simple math. Fired an email off to Charles Sousa (Liebel-erals) with a proposal for funding the MNR along with some choice words on how that corrupt band of theiving asses at the legislature he breaks bread with should be ashamed of themselves for how they have gutted Ontario and will have to pay the piper on the next go around simply considering the fact that as anglers and hunters we are Millions strong and span the demographic spectrum. Proposal? All monies collected from fiahing and hunting licences as well as a potion of tax tied to all things related to both sports be used solely for the MNR instead of a slush fund for bribes and gifts and other useless ventures they are well known for. Simple enough right? Their response? Same old song and thank you for voicing your concern dance. Can't wait to see to see if they burn in the same infernal hell the Federal Reds are mired in right now. Stay tuned.
  21. Apologies OI. Got it fingered out. Moxie=Technologically illiterate
  22. After weeks of juggling six day work weeks along with everything else I finally found some time to get out and chase some fish. Saturday was all but a bust due to the rain and only managed about 45 minutes on the water with nothing to show for it. Wake up Sunday morning with the intention of catching up on the fall clean up, my boy asks if I'm planning on hitting the water and after a little push I let him talk me into heading out. Hook up the tin and make the 5 minute trek to the local harbour. With light winds, clear skies and the sun beaming we were the only boat on the water so it was almost perfect, except for the front that made its way in the night before. The first hour was spent tossing a dropshot, cranks and jigs and even a few spoons looking for Smallies and/or Salmon which looked promising given the third cast of the dropshot managed to lift a Sammy that shook the hook. Fished up one side of the outer break wall to the pier head and back down the inner wall with nothing willing to accept our offerings. Shoot across once again to where the Sammy hit and found some sparse weed growth on a flat off the outer break wall when my sons' rod doubled over. After a short fight a Pike appeared, was netted and released. For the next hour we tangled with a wolf pack that saw 6 Pike caught, 3 spit hooks, one break-off and more than a few follows. No Smallies or Salmon netted on this day but an unexpected and welcomed surprise as the Break Wall spoke and we listened to every word. Thanks for your persistence son. Perfect day after all. First in the Wolf Pack to surrender Weighed in at 14.54 lbs lbs? Your guess is as good as mine.
  23. My apilogies Brian. I should have clarified my statement. What I should have mentioned that there are times that the eggs will spill out of a female with the simple action of picking her up. Thats when i harvest a bunch and when the eggs stop I turn her loose. If I have to massage her shes coming home with me.
  24. Sad but true. People see someone slitting salmon bellies and they want to crucify them but when someone pilfers their grandchildrens future they just throw their hands up and utter that statement? Gas plants, E-Health, Ornge, All day Kindergarten, Windmills, Solar Panels, Teachers contracts, OLG..................... Individually one would be buried in the crap they could throw at us to make our lives a living hell if one tried to take them on but could you imagine what 50-100,000 pissed off citizens could do if we marched to queens park throwing our fists in the air in anger? Hell we didn't even flinch when she was appointed by the same slimy, self serving prick she partnered in crime with to cause this Liberal Mess. I'd love to run into him in the street one day so I could give him a piece of my mind and lose my boot in his ass. Hope I find my magic lamp cause I think I have one wish left. I guess as long as we can take selfies of ourselves and updating our status as to how good a dump we just had or how many fish we caught were satisfied enough to maintain the status quo. "We"are indeed a sad bunch. We could initiate change but I highly doubt it.
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