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Everything posted by moxie

  1. These things happen because we allow them to. It never ceases to amaze me how we are led around by our noses and swallow everything corps and governments feed us and don't do anything about it. They change things to cut costs, sometimes at our own peril and we blindfully accept them. They funnel us into every facet of life like cattle and we just bow our heads and clop along in a row in total acceptance. I thought we lived in the first world? If the internet or the cable was down we'd be on the phone within seconds whining and demanding the world while threatening to unleash our fury on anyone who failed to rectify the problem but with things of real importance we just meow, moo and bah. Power of the masses I think not. More like the powerful stench of conformity.
  2. X2. Wanted to comment about it but it's glaringly obvious. No way a new male member would get as many views.
  3. Welcome to the board SB. Fished creeks and rivers east of the GTA a quarter century ago when tree canopied waters ran cold and the fish were plentiful and it still took me almost full fall and spring cycles to land my first Bow. Years afterwards it became a case of basically taking fish at will until moving to making tin rather than rubber soles the choice mode of transport over water. Enjoy the sport and the board as there are more than a few fin junkies here who possess a wealth of knowledge to answer questions and lead you in the right direction regardless your species of choice.
  4. Fair enough but take a minute to ponder this. Most of you here would assume, without even meeting me but taking my OFC track record into account that I'm a (Insert expletives here) and I'm good with that. Maybe the type of person that hears or sees someone in trouble and looks the other way. Selfish and self serving perhaps? Wouldn't hold the door open for his own mother? But I also might be that guy driving down a country road on a cold and stormy winters night that noticed your car in the ditch, with you in it and pulled over to pull your nearly frozen meat sac of a body to safety so you'd be able to share that harrowing experience to your grand kids some day. Just maybe. Just because the sign says "Beware of Dog" doesn't mean its dangerous. Thats just someone elses opinion. Just thought I'd let others know as well.
  5. The point of that exercise was? Wasn't once enough?
  6. X2. It does leave me with one question though. What the hell can we talk about and poke fun at without offending a single soul? Vanilla anyone?
  7. Look at the automotive market. Japanese vs Domestic. Just take a head count when walking through any parking lot. Thats a testament to superior quality. As far as Merc numbers on the water? There are still enough die hards who dont mind being fed an inferior product time and time again as well as those willing to save a few bucks now only to shell out more bucks down the road. Check retail and resale numbers.
  8. moxie

    Ice Tree

    Haunting. Nice pic.
  9. Some people will always find a way to be petulant. First world problems indeed.
  10. Typical and predictable responces. Guess its just the Canadian way. I wonder if that attitude changes when there is a choice to be made between heat and food. Brings back memories of when I toiled in a local slaughter house years back. They didn't put up much of a fight back then either. Lamb anyone?
  11. As much as most of you wish I would stay away its moments like these that keep bring me back into the frey. I just hope the whining doesn't stop here. The internet reaches every corner of the sphere we live on at the click of a mouse so get on that horse and ride it hard and aim your vitriol in the proper direction at every opportunity cause I'm gonna take a guess those involved aren't forum members.
  12. Really ehg? Thats what you came up with? Did you find that all on your own? You didn't injure yourself in the process did you? Oops!!! Break out the tissue and violins. Looks like someone's feeling have been hurt!!! And I'm the one told to grow up. Whats one of the new catch phrases...... It is what it is? Look at how everyone came to the defence of little ol K-frog to beat up on BIG bad Moxie. You're a lucky man Kfrog, or not. I'll go but you can keep the ball. I wouldn't want any of the Drip i've experienced here to follow me elsewhere. Quite a few soft spots here. Besides, I stole it from someone else before I made my way here. Shame how soft it is here.
  13. 1st paragraph; In the 14 years Rob has toiled at city hall, the majority of council made a mockery of him and the office he held as Mayor and did everything in their power to make his life difficult. 2nd paragraph; I apologize for using a metaphor. I had no idea it would be that difficult for you to decipher. 3rd paragraph; That would make you clueless. Now theres clarification. Nota Bene Kfrog. I was asked a question by N.A.W . Your response and interjection was neither asked for or needed. The next time you have a bone to pick with me I suggest you take a second, read your signature and choke on it. You dig?
  14. LOFL!!!!!! Priceless. "But Ford has gone way over the line" < That is simple. Nothing normal about the way politicians are behaving. They are eroding everything from rights and freedoms to the opportunity for us to earn a respectable living so keep hacking away and keep regurgitating everything you've heard. No matter what Rob has done the message must not be lost. Must be a bunch of lousy hunters here as is evident by the shots continually taken at easy targets.
  15. Fair enough N.A.W. Begin acting like every other politician would do it for me. I refuse to seperate the man from the message till we wake the F up and take these MOFOS to task once and for all at every level. I truly believe if one house falls others will follow. Simple enough?
  16. Looks like the real criminals in all of this have taken the reins back now that the Mayor has been neutered. Always hoping against hope the nearly 400,000 little guys that voted for him and more importantly his message 3+ years ago, march down there and make their own voices heard. Only they can clean up the unwashed stinkin up the old York barn. Criminal Blair included.
  17. You give yourself too much credit Rob. You don't understand a simple fact Rob and that is that as long as Rob isn't stealing from taxpayers pockets he will have the support of many as they will look past this . And in that answer Rob, you will find what Rob has done for the city . Its the message and not the man. Stop asking questions there Rob. Leave it to credible people whos occupation it is to do so, Rob. Concentrate your efforts on someone else. I have tired of your pointless barbs, Rob. It is Rob isn't it?
  18. Are these substantiated facts or just heresay? Don't you find it peculiar how the laws seem to be made up as they go along? The facts pertaining to a criminal case are off limits but anything to discredit the Mayor are of public interest? He is on trial without ever being arrested on any count. Why would the police not arrest him for the illegal drugs, drunk driving and the rest? Democracy is on trial here and it scares me to think how any of us could be treated like this for not living up to someones standards or practices. Pull it out of your Heinie Kfrog and smell something other than that leftist stench. Please!!! I'll give you back the milk and cookies and if you play nice I might even consider the Nap Mat. I promise.
  19. You and your kind would know. What breed of thinker that would be ? Or do you, in your infinite wisdom don't feel me and my kind would be able to decipher the unsubstantiated drivel that would escape your lips?. Caller in to a radio talk show said it best. "I'm of European descent and many a politician on that continent has had sex parties with hookers and party girls complete with booze and drugs as well as many other indiscretions and still managed to retain power. Why? Because the majority of the electorate were satisfied with the work they did. Those that are embarrassed about how they look as a consequence of the actions of others are beyond counselling. One of the funniest angles so far? City council wanting to petition an un-elected provincial leader to remove the democratically elected Toronto Mayor. BOO HOO!!!!!
  21. Right Left Just plain wrong. That's the same consideration Robs opponents afforded his supporters and that's the same moronic,socialistic thinking that will lead us to a different kind of self destruction I'm afraid. There is one inherent difference between Rob and those that would like to see him and others like him disappear. Rob might have a substance and/or alcohol abuse problem and with the proper support in place could deal with and possibly overcome it as I and many others hope. The rest of them have something that is far worse an impediment than anything Toronto's Mayor will have to deal with and that is "Entitlement". Its' a horrible affliction that the Un-Stupid have and up to this point there is no known cure for it. Just kindergarten kids whining and stomping their feet cause someone finally took their milk, cookies and nap mats away. GO ROB GO!!!!!!!!!
  22. Friend owns a 50 Yami and i believe the removal of a washer or some other Do-Hicky turned it into a 60? Stick with the usual suspects including the E-tecs. Owned a few Mercs and only liked one of them but not enough to keep it. Sorry Roy. hehehe.
  23. hehehe. Hey Dave!!!! Lets see the paper that says "Bye Bye Japan" !! A bad situation for sure but chicken little has cried wolf so many times before most tend to throw him in the alarmist pile.
  24. Sorry folks. Finally found the words I wanted to say. Regardless what Rob Ford has done. one must not forget the way, and with a special kind of hatred I might add, his opponents have hounded him for the better part of a decade. They hated him from the very beginning and behaved like angry dogs when an agenda that wasn't theirs threatened to take their personal chew toy(Toronto Governance) away. They have made a mockery of Rob Ford and the city of Toronto. Never been anything other than left and right. Walk a decade in his shoes. Hidden in all this is what lengths the Liberals and Socialists have gone to destroy a man with a differing point of view and his was simply to do the best for a city he loves. They might just succeed.
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